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IQ and Nutrition

What if you could increase your child’s IQ with nutrition? Inhabitants of a tiny island off the coast of Japan have the highest IQ scores in the world and produce seven times as many geniuses as any other place in the world. Seniors living there don’t seem to struggle with cognitive decline either. The secret: DHA, an essential fatty acid found in fish, krill, squid and some algae. The brain is made mostly of fat, 60% of which is DHA. DHA is found in mother’s milk and has long been recognized as aiding IQ scores in children. Almost everyone nowadays is deficient in DHA. This may be one of the reasons for the increased rates of ADHD, learning disabilities and autism as well as increasing rates of Alzheimer’s disease and other age-related cognitive problems.

Commit to Yourself

Taking time for yourself is something most people do not do enough. In a busy world with work, school, family, and social life it is easy to get caught up in the rush. Taking time for yourself is essential for maintaining balance in your life. Participating in activities such as meditation, or yoga, allows you to slow your mind and your thoughts and be at peace in the moment, but it can also be achieved with a simple walk through nature and mindfully observing the beauty all around you. When you take the time to commit to yourself, to slow down and relax – to bring yourself back into balance, you will find that you are less stressed, and you’ll most likely sleep better too!

Nichole Guthrie,

What is a Primal Health Coach?

A Primal Health Coach is a certified professional that is committed to educating you on how you can assist your body in healing health issues (body and brain) through the consumption of foods that your genetic heritage expects. Sleep, stress and moving physically (through play or exercise) are also addressed, but those items don’t improve matters significantly without paying attention to what you eat. Food is not just calories. It’s information that talks to your DNA and tells it what to do. Once you have adopted your primal diet, then your health issues have the best chance of elimination. You become in control of your health and don’t have to rely on doctors and pharmaceuticals which typically slow disease progression or mask symptoms. Food is the best medicine. You can be in charge of your health … let a Primal Health Coach teach you how!

Tom White,

Pharmacy Budget

We know that the cost of prescriptions is often difficult to manage for patients. We want everyone to have access to good care and safe medication use – to accomplish this, a customized budget plan for clients. This allows you to remain on your medications and manage the expense throughout the year. Along with the budget, a visiting pharmacist will counsel you or your loved ones in the comfort of your own home on a regular basis. They will help you manage multiple or complex medications and collaborate with other members of your health care team to ensure your health needs are met. This gives you and your family peace of mind with the knowledge that this aspect of your life is taken care of and contributes to a positive quality of life. Better Health and Wellness can be achieved through medication management – call a visiting pharmacist to arrange a home visit.

Care at Home Pharmacy,

Stress Often Leads to Disease

Little bits of ‘acute’ stress are normal, sometimes even healthy. It’s CHRONIC STRESS that often leads to disease. Headaches, fatigue, depression, anxiety, to name a few, are the first signs of ongoing chronic stress. These symptoms wreak havoc on our bodies and when coupled with an unhealthy lifestyle, exposure to molds, heavy metals, food intolerances, inflammation, infections and parasites within your body, this mixture is why chronic stress is linked to diseases like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Get down to the underlying cause of your stress by having your stress hormones tested and by adopting these healthy lifestyle tips: 1. Practice some deep breathing techniques. 2. Get plenty of sleep. 3. Eat fish at least twice per week or take an Omega 3 supplement. 4. Drink water! Eight glasses a day. 5. Avoid junk food!

Stacie Rasmussen RNCP, Blossom Nutrition,

Clean Eating: Almond Date Energy Bites

1 cup Medjool Dates (de-pitted).

1 cup raw almonds.

1/4 cup unsweetened coconut or rolled oats.

1/4 cup raw cacao.

¼ tsp cinnamon. Pinch of sea salt.

1/2 tbsp vanilla. 1/2 tbsp maple syrup.

1 – 2 tbsp almond milk.

1. Place dates in food processor and pulse until it forms a ball. Break up the date ball with a spatula and add almonds, raw cacao, coconut and salt. 2. Process for 3-4 minutes 3. Add vanilla, almond milk and maple syrup 4. Process until mixture forms a ball. Add more almond milk if the mixture is not forming. 5. Roll mixture into balls and dip in shredded coconut if desired 6. Can be stored in an airtight container or frozen.

Stacie Rasmussen RNCP, Blossom Nutrition,

Considering Dentures?

The first priority when considering dentures is to ensure that your mouth is healthy. Make sure you see a dentist first. Only a dentist is specially qualified to check for signs of oral cancer and other conditions of concern in the mouth. People are surprised to learn that a dentist is the most affordable denture option. A well made denture is virtually undetectable to the untrained eye. More advanced options to replace missing teeth include fixed bridges and implants. Only a dentist can prepare natural teeth for a fixed bridge. Only a dentist can place dental implants. Any dentures supported by or attached to implants should be made by a dentist. “Life is more fun when you have a beautiful smile.”

Dr. George Cadigan, Exclusively Dentures,

Help is Available

Professionals can help! If you have a mental health concern, deciding to take that first step toward reaching out to a professional can seem daunting and scary. However taking that first step can open the door to feeling better. Who do you go to if you have a mental health concern? Your doctor can be a great professional to turn to. They may even refer you to other professionals to ensure you get the care you need. There are many different types of professionals that can help us. For example, counsellors can help you work on relationship issues, past life events and many other topics. Financial planners can help you save money or reduce debt. Reaching out to a professional doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you, it means you’ve recognized a need for change and want someone to help you through it.

Canadian Mental Health Association,

Book Club: Financial Fitness by Chris Brady and Orrin Woodward

The Offense, Defense, and Playing Field of Personal Finance. Just as with becoming physically or mentally fit, becoming financially fit requires two things: knowing what to do and taking the necessary action to do it. Regardless of your current financial situation, you can learn to prosper, conserve, and multiply the fruits of your labor through a basic understanding of the principles behind the Offense, Defense, and Playing Field of personal finance. And this book brings all of these fundamentals together in one convenient location so you can quickly and easily become the master of your money and the kind of person who can prosper in any economy!

Submitted by Thomas Johnson, Cascade Financial Group

Considering Dentures?

The first priority in having new dentures made is to ensure that your gums are healthy and that there are no signs of problems throughout your mouth. Having dentures made on inflamed or infected gums is only going to make matters worse. You should also be examined periodically for any signs of oral cancer. For this screening it is important that you see a dentist. If you need partial dentures then the health of the remaining natural teeth is critical. Any cavities need to be addressed before new dentures are made. Your teeth need to be cleaned and their supporting gums and bone need to be healthy and viable. Dentists train for many years to be able to recognize and treat all problems with your mouth. If necessary they will refer you to board certified specialists. These are dentists who have taken extra years of training over and above their dental degree.

Dr. George Cadigan, Exclusively Dentures

Running the Right Way

It happens too often: Runner begins training program, a twinge settles in. Runner stretches, takes painkillers, and keeps training. A few runs later, runner is on the couch, ice pack strapped on. Interchange knee pain, plantar fasciitis, ITB pain, etc. Now what to do about it? 3 simple changes can go a long way. 1 Buy proper footwear: checking length, width, toe box and arch support. Pavement vs. trail running should be considered. 2 A strong body is key to pain prevention. Strong muscles guard against impact, improve form and create a consistent running gait. Muscular balance ensures that one muscle group isn’t straining and working harder to make up for weak stabilizers. Talk to a professional for exercises tailored for runners. 3 Many beginners start out by doing too much, too fast, too soon. Joining a running class/club teaches proper scheduling, heart rate monitoring, hydration and nutrition. Happy Running and good luck Marathoners!

Stacey Bulat BKin-AT CAT(C) Certified Athletic Therapist, Vital Life