Community News
Spiritual Medium & Life Coach

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a spiritual medium as your life coach? Hailey Coleman’s experience as a psychic/medium and her background in counselling allow her to provide clients with accurate and powerful guidance and readings. From speaking to passed loved ones and personal spirit guides, to providing clarity on client situations, to monthly mentorship services, Hailey is happy to share her gifts with the world. Mentorships include weekly readings, one-on-one coaching, life guidance, and access to resources and your personal spirit guides to get the answers you’re looking for and the results you desire!

What is Holistic Dentistry?

In holistic dentistry, the mouth is viewed as an integral part of the digestive tract, which is crucial to overall health. A holistic dentistry practitioner takes time to educate patients on key nutrients for systemic and emotional health, the importance of restful oxygenated sleep and proper digestion, and the dangers of infected teeth and gum inflammation. Specialized technology is used in holistic dentistry, such as PRF, ozone, lasers and CBCT imaging, to properly diagnose and manage disease. In addition, only biocompatible materials are used, as opposed to ‘tolerable’ ones such as BPA-free composites, zirconia, and no amalgam silver fillings.

Government Grant for Hip/Knee Replacements

With tax season upon us, it’s important to consider whether you are eligible for the disability credit. Those with a prolonged disability or a medical condition that cause restrictions in daily activities can qualify for a $2,500 yearly credit, as well as a $25,000 Lump Sum Refund. Whatever the medical condition that cause you difficulties with walking, dressing, preparing food, hearing, sight, speech, etc, we have assisted thousands of Canadians get this credit and can help you get the money you deserve. For the most reliable service in Canada and the lowest fee, call Brett Scott 204-453-5372

Dementia Support

While we all look forward to spending quality time with family and friends during the holiday season, the busyness can be overwhelming for many – and even more so for people with dementia and their care partners. You are not alone. The Alzheimer Society can lend a comforting ear and provide you with information, education and support to help you navigate through the difficult times ahead.
Contact the Alzheimer Society this holiday season to speak with someone who can help guide you through your next steps by visiting, emailing or calling 204-943-6622 or 1-800-378-6699.

Handling The Holidays

Whatever holiday you celebrate this season, even if you’re surrounded by family and friends, it can be stressful. Making sure that your body and mind can handle stress is the best gift that you can give yourself. One of the best ways to improve your overall health and stress-handling ability is through Bioenergetics. Bioenergetics uses computerized testing and treatment to effectively determine and treat any imbalance or weakness in the body that is preventing you from achieving both optimal stress management and improved health. This holiday season, make sure that stress isn’t an unwanted gift that you can’t give back.

Local Spotlight: Heart to Home Meals

Heart to Home Meals delivers delicious, nutritious meals right to your door. The company’s team of experts has developed a wide-ranging menu to suit many tastes, dietary needs, and lifestyles, including high-protein, low carbohydrates and/or saturated fat, low sodium, high fibre, vegetarian, and no added sugar options. Heart to Home Meals has a useful diet coding system to help you choose meals that are right for you. Meals also come in mini versions (for smaller appetites), hearty versions (for larger appetites), as well as minced or pureed options. It’s as easy as ordering online or by phone!

Avoid Holiday Denture Issues

For many, the holiday season is an exciting time filled with wonder, great food, and plenty of chatting and laughing. Those people obviously don’t have denture problems. Worrying about your dentures falling out while talking to loved ones or waiting anxiously for the meal to end because your gums are too sore and you can’t chew another bite certainly takes the magic out of the holiday season! If you find yourself with ill-fitting dentures, contact your denturist today to get some relief before holiday parties and gatherings begin. Then you can focus on enjoying yourself and not on problem dentures!

Get Relief with Acupuncture

Did you know that acupuncture may help relieve symptoms related to various health conditions? Some examples are: 1) Nausea – acupuncture has been shown to help with nausea related to chemotherapy treatment, motion sickness, morning sickness in pregnancy, or postoperative nausea. 2) Headaches and migraines – acupuncture can help people with chronic headaches rely less on medication and make fewer trips to the doctor. 3) Allergies – acupuncture may help to improve allergy symptoms such as rhinitis. 4) Pregnancy, labour, and postpartum health – acupuncture can help with pain, morning sickness, and mood disorders during and after pregnancy.

Prescriptions From Your Pharmacist

Did you know that your doctor is not the only healthcare professional who can provide you with a prescription? The list of minor ailments that pharmacists can prescribe medication for continues to grow, helping to ease busy clinic waiting rooms and provide you with a convenient and safe alternative. Whether you have a rash or skin infection, are interested in birth control, or are dealing with cold or flu symptoms, your pharmacist can discuss your options with you to find the best treatment. Talk to your pharmacist today to get timely prescriptions for you and your loved ones.

Taking Financial Planning Action

Is the talk of a recession and rise in interest rates causing you anxiety? Having a Personal Financial Action Plan (PFAP) will give you the confidence to weather the storms of the investment markets and focus on what’s important to you. A PFAP will help you review your overall financial status to determine areas you need to improve and steps to take to reach your goals. Arrange a time to review and discuss your plans so you can take control of your finances today and remove the worry going forward of reacting to what is going on in the media.

To Love & Serve

We are living in great change, where our planet is evolving at a heightened pace and needs our help. Each of our souls have chosen to be here at this time. We can choose how we put our love into action. December 21st the darkest day of the year, a wonderful opportunity to plant seeds for what we desire. A time to reflect on our own lives and make the necessary changes to support humanity and our planet in loving ways. When we open our hearts in love, share our skills, talents and kindness, we give to others, and we serve. When we stay calm and loving with our children and parents, we actively build community full of love and gratitude.