Community News
One Goal at a Time

Start with one habit you would like to change and work your way through the list. Often when starting a health journey people look at the big picture and start with massive lists of habits to change. These lists are great, but the key is placing them in priority and working your way through them. Whether you are looking to begin an exercise program, change your eating habits, sleep better, or receive non-surgical fat reduction and inch loss treatments, I am here to help you work towards creating a healthier you. I’ll even help you manage those habit lists! –

To Love & Serve

We are living in great change, where our planet is evolving at a heightened pace and needs our help. Each of our souls have chosen to be here at this time. We can choose how we put our love into action. December 21st the darkest day of the year, a wonderful opportunity to plant seeds for what we desire. A time to reflect on our own lives and make the necessary changes to support humanity and our planet in loving ways. When we open our hearts in love, share our skills, talents and kindness, we give to others, and we serve. When we stay calm and loving with our children and parents, we actively build community full of love and gratitude.

Living With Dementia?

People living with dementia can feel isolated and unsure of where to go for support. You are not alone. The Alzheimer Society is here to help. Our offices across the province can provide you with the information, education and support. Plus, with our virtual and in-person programming, you can join our education sessions, Minds in Motion® program and support groups from wherever works best for you.
Contact us today to reach a reassuring ear by phone or get a quick response by email. Visit our website to find an office near you at

Men’s Health

Although November is a great yearly reminder to think about prostate, testicular and mental health, men should be focusing on their physical and mental well-being every month. It’s important for men to take charge of their own health. A good first step is to find out how well your body is functioning so you can target any areas that need assistance. One of the best ways to accomplish this is through nutritional testing and supplementation. If an area is found to be weak or underperforming, specific, natural formulations can be taken to boost and maximize your body’s ability to function optimally, so you can have a better quality of life every month.

The Many Benefits of Acupuncture

Acupuncture can be used to help with symptom relief from a variety of health conditions. Some examples include: 1) Musculoskeletal pain – acupuncture can help with all kinds of musculoskeletal pain, including spastic or painful muscle from trauma, as well as joint pain, sciatica, and tendonitis. 2) Hormone imbalance – acupuncture may decrease symptoms related to infertility, menstruation, and menopause by assisting with hormone balance restoration. 3) Mood disorders – acupuncture can be an effective way to cope with depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. 4) Sleep disorders – acupuncture can help with insomnia, snoring, and sleep apnea.

Get Your Mouth Checked!

An oral health exam is critical to the maintenance of your overall wellbeing. You should have your mouth checked at least once a year for prevention and treatment of any ailments. Even if you don’t have any live teeth, it’s important to make sure there are no signs of infections or early signs of cancer, growths, or cysts, and that your dentures are fitting you well. Leaving problems untreated usually leads to pain, periodontal disease, or tooth loss, and could make treatment more difficult, so it’s best to deal with problems early, or, if possible, prevent them.

Negotiating vs. Compromising

I used to believe that relationships were all about learning to compromise with each other to find a middle ground. When we compromise, we tend to give up our own needs for the betterment of staying connected to others. When we learn to negotiate, we zero in and distill those needs that are fully needed to be met by finding the bridge between ourselves and another. By giving ourselves permission to express and negotiate our deepest desires, we find a creative way where both people can get their core needs met, which then leads to less resentment and greater satisfaction without losing themselves in the relationship.

Winter Nutrition for Seniors

It’s important for seniors to eat well in the winter months, and some key foods to eat for optimum health include: 1) Citrus fruits – citrus fruits are high in vitamin C, helping to boost immunity. 2) Dark, leafy vegetables – broccoli, spinach, and chard provide many vitamins and antioxidants. 3) Root veggies – root vegetables are high in vitamins, minerals, and fibre. 4) Vitamin D – with less sunlight exposure during the winter, eat egg yolks, healthy grains, seafood, and fortified milk. 5) Good fats – flax seed, walnuts, and avocados are high in healthy omega 3 fatty acids.

Scents and Our Brain

Almost all information about smell is stored in the brain’s hypothalamus, a part of the limbic system, which seems to play an important role in controlling mood, memory, behaviour, emotions, heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, stress, and hormonal balance. When a person inhales a smell, a certain signal is sent to the brain, which then spreads throughout the body. Choosing specific scents can lower our stress levels, boost mood, and improve memory. For better concentration, for example, combine a few drops of rosemary, sweet orange, and basil essential oils in your diffuser to increase your focus and productivity.

Are You Iron Deficient?

Iron deficiency knows no boundaries – from women (it is estimated that up to 26% of reproductive aged women are iron deficient), to athletes, the elderly, and vegetarians – shortage of this mineral is widespread. Iron is an essential element for the body, and when it’s low, energy levels decrease. Other tell-tale symptoms include: weakness, pale skin, dark under-eye circles, brittle hair and nails, shortness of breath, and cold hands and feet. Think you may be deficient? Try a natural liquid iron supplement. It will help fight back against iron deficiency by promoting the formation of healthy red blood cells. Visit a LifeSmart clinic and talk to the Pharmacist about your options!

Join the Men’s Health Movement

When it comes to their health, too many men don’t talk, or don’t take action. Movember is the only global charity movement focused solely on men’s health. Movember fundraisers raises funds to deliver innovative, breakthrough research and support programs that enable men to live happier, healthier, and longer lives. During the month of November, men are challenged to grow a moustache, and men and women can be physically active and move or host a fundraising event. Millions have joined the movement to disrupt the status quo, raising $911M and funding over 1,250 projects focused on prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and suicide prevention. Learn more here: