Community News
Get Relief From Your Allergies

Spring is finally here, and that means seasonal allergies will be on the rise. Seasonal allergies develop when the immune system overreacts to something in the environment, like mold spores or pollen. For people struggling with seasonal allergies, this is a difficult time of the year. Luckily, in the past few years, pharmacists have been granted the ability to prescribe a number of over-the-counter and prescription products to minimize the severity of your symptoms. Talk to a pharmacist today to learn about non-drug, and prescription products to help combat your seasonal allergies. Spring is meant to be enjoyed, so don’t let allergies bring you down.

Words to Live By

“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.” -John Wooden

Words to Live By

“Life begets life. Energy creates energy. It is by spending oneself that one becomes rich.” – Sarah Bernhardt

Suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Waking up with numbness and tingling in your hands and fingers? You may have carpal tunnel syndrome – a condition that occurs when the median nerve is compressed or pinched as it travels through the carpal tunnel of the wrist. This is caused by swelling of the tendons running adjacent to the nerve, often caused by repetitive hand use. Treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome may involve activity changes – particularly with the hands, nighttime splinting to reduce pressure off the nerve, or surgical intervention. Talk to your doctor or healthcare practitioner to see what’s right for you!

Patient Means Being a Partner

Patient safety is everyone’s responsibility, including patients themselves! Getting involved improves your care. This is why MIPS offers free patient safety presentations to the public, providing information, resources, and tools that people can use to learn how to: 1) engage with their healthcare team 2) ask questions 3) be informed 4) take part in decision-making, and 5) advocate for themselves & others. If you are looking for valuable education for your community group or organization, and are interested in booking a virtual presentation, visit for more details.

The Miracle of Everyday Loving

Try shutting your eyes after reading this editorial and think of a person in your life who loved you with their whole heart and made an impact and difference in your life. Now keep that warm feeling alive inside your heart and let it radiate through your whole body creating a chamber of compassion and love. Allow any doubt, worry or negativity to melt and dissolve in that chamber. When we start each morning bathing ourselves knowing I am loved, desired and worthy, it increases our energy vibration out into the world. When we choose to love ourselves and others it transforms our world one person at a time.

Are You Activating Your Best?

You have everything inside of you to make your life work. But parts of you are buried beneath years of distress, distraction, and dysfunction. Your soul has the scar tissue to prove it!
A perfect way to get started is with a life inventory. You need clarity. Know what to keep, and what to release. When you align your clarity – with your purpose – you activate your best.
I co-created the Life Mapping Process. It precisely maps your next actions to fulfilling purpose. Start with the life inventory assessment – the world is waiting for you.

Keep Your Joints Happy

Many of us have an old injury, or joint that tends to stiffen up with a change in weather. With an increase in barometric pressure or humidity, especially in these nasty cold spells we’ve been experiencing, our joints get cold and cranky just like the rest of us. These changes cause the “synovial fluid” in our joints to increase in viscosity, causing inflammation. A few easy ways to keep our joints happy is with extra layers of warmth. For examples: Wearing Long John’s, a knee or elbow sleeve, tensor bandage or even putting your clothes in the dryer before putting them on. Stay warm out there!

Benefits of Prenatal Massage

Prenatal massage is therapeutic bodywork that focuses on the special needs of the mother-to-be as her body goes through the dramatic changes of pregnancy. Did you know that you can safely get a massage any time during pregnancy? That’s right- anytime! From the moment you conceive until the moment you give birth. Prenatal massage is helpful for many reasons including:
-Better Sleep -Reduce Stress and Tension -Relieve anxiety and depression -Manage Low back pain
-Reduce symptoms of sciatica or hip pain -Reduce muscle cramps and carpal tunnel symptoms -Reduce Swelling -Help prepare you physically and mentally for labour -And much more!

Kickboxing Benefits for Women

Kickboxing is one of the best cardiovascular and muscle conditioning activities for women of all ages, offering many health benefits. Some benefits include: 1) Toning your whole body. Kickboxing helps engage all of the muscle groups in your body, and helps strengthen your core. 2) Burning fat and calories fast. Kickboxing can burn about 500 calories in 30 minutes and help burn belly fat. 3) Helping with stress relief. Kickboxing can release endorphins and help you release stress. 4) Teaching self-defense moves. You can learn how to protect yourself. 5) Boosting confidence. You’ll feel a sense of pride and accomplishment.

How Is Your Cardiovascular Health?

Did you know that you can have cardiovascular disease without experiencing any symptoms? Many people are not diagnosed until the condition worsens to the point where they have angina, stroke, or heart failure: that’s why it is important to start taking steps towards a healthy heart and arteries today. A good screening test for early signs of disease is Digital Pulsewave Analysis (DPA). This Health Canada approved, non-invasive method will show you how your cardiovascular system is working. This information can then be used to devise a specific program to improve your cardiovascular health before symptoms occur.