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Healthy Gut = Heathy Life

Did you know that there is a direct connection between the immune system and nutrition? The intestinal tract is the main route of contact with the external environment and is a pathway that contains microbiomes that aids digestion as well as the absorption of nutrients. This makes it critical for us to consume a balanced diet with the right nutrients while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Make sure you consume an adequate amount of protein such a fish and lean meats. It’s also important to maintain a daily intake of vitamins and phytonutrients, especially Vitamin C. Increase your intake of probiotics and omega-3 fatty acids as they enhance the functions of immune cells.

Treat Your Jaw Pain

Clenching and grinding your teeth, whether during the day or at night, is the most common cause of jaw pain. Over time, the heightened muscle activity can lead to trigger points within the chewing muscles that may cause pain, soreness, limited mouth opening, and even headaches. Physiotherapy can provide effective treatment for temporomandibular dysfunction. Your therapist may use a combination of manual therapy, intra-oral massage, dry needling, and home exercises to decrease muscle tone and encourage relaxation. Try to avoid the forward head posture, common when in front of a computer, as it negatively affects the biomechanics of the jaw.

With a New Year Comes New Energy

A new year brings new energy and possibility. Releasing the old that no longer works, makes room for the new. A story comes to mind about a monk who goes out on the lake to meditate in his boat. He cherishes his solitude and quiet. While deep in meditation, eyes closed he feels a sudden smash. He flies into a rage and begins to blame. How could anybody be so insensitive and careless. When he opened his eyes, he saw the boat was empty and had drifted off from shore. It was then he realized all feelings and reactions came from within. The “boats and people” are just who we project them on. This freed him to own and choose his thoughts and ways of being.

Cannabis for Arthritis Pain

Did you know that cannabis is gaining popularity as a treatment for arthritis? Cannabis can be used to ease pain and reduce swelling related to arthritis. It can also be a far less harmful and less addictive way to treat those suffering from chronic pain associated with arthritis. This can be done without getting “stoned” or feeling “high”. Products that are CBD-based (cannabidiol) can help manage pain and relieve symptoms without any “high”, while THC-based products (tetrahydrocannabinol) can cause a more intoxicated feeling. Some products offer a balance of both CBD and THC for another effective option for pain relief.

Make a Resolution to Get Active

Individuals who are physically active have a lower risk of obtaining health conditions including cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity. Physical activity has been shown to improve mental health by having a positive impact on depression, anxiety, and stress. Kinesiologists are experts in the field of human movement, exercise prescription, fitness training and conditioning. A Kinesiologist uses evidence-based research to develop exercise programs for individuals looking to increase their physical activity levels. At our Henderson location we have a clinic (Innovative Therapy Solutions), with multiple certified Kinesiologists and physiotherapists who can guide and provide you with the tools to become healthier and more physically active.

Practice Makes Perfect

When adjusting to new dentures you may notice minor differences in your speech. Lisping or whistling is not unusual. It may take a week or two to adjust, but natural speech will return with practice. Speaking in front of a mirror and reading aloud are excellent exercises to speed up progress. Swallowing before speaking will help to secure the denture in place. Staying hydrated is important as you may experience a dry mouth, which can inhibit proper suction and your denture may drop when speaking. If the problem is chronic, your denturist may be able to make other recommendations.

Fight Colds & Flus & Viruses

Your immune system needs a strong thymus and spleen to produce antibodies and specialized white blood cells that help prevent disease. Do you know how yours are functioning? Nutritional testing is a great way to find out if there is a weakness or imbalance in these immune organs. If a weakness or imbalance is identified, specific nutrient formulations designed to naturally support and strengthen the thymus, spleen and immune system can be taken. This will help you to better fight against influenza, rhinovirus (common cold), pneumonia, and COVID. Remember the old saying, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Words to Live By

There are greater things to be achieved in every New Year, and each and everyone must prepare themselves to be great, not by words of the mouth, but by a lot of sacrifices. – Michael Bassey Johnson

Stress Handling With Biofeedback

Everyday we have an estimated 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts running through our minds. Considering that our minds can only handle 7-10 bits of information at a time, no wonder we start to feel overwhelmed, especially at this time of the year. Unmanaged stress contributes to many health issues such as lowered immunity, headaches, exhaustion, insomnia, chronic pain, and depression, to name a few. Alternative approaches such as Biofeedback testing and treatment are very effective in handling stress. It detects imbalances, or weaknesses, in the stress handling areas of the body, and in turn, stimulates the affected areas to help the mind and body process and handle stress better.

Smart in Everything but Reading

When you have a bright child who doesn’t achieve to his or her potential we often affectionately call them underachievers, because we know they are capable of achieving so much more. Over the years, I have found that bright underachievers often have vision problems which make reading difficult. It may surprise you to learn that many of the children who have vision problems interfering with learning actually have 20/20 eyesight (with or without glasses). A Developmental Vision Evaluation is needed to determine if a vision problem is interfering with reading.