Community News
Essential Oil of the Month

Eucalyptus: 100% Pure Joy Naturals essential oil is a go-to remedy for colds and the flu. Eucalyptus essential oil can be used to calm a cough in several ways. A person may want to try: adding a few drops of eucalyptus oil to 1 ounce of carrier oil and rubbing the mixture onto the chest and throat or diluting eucalyptus oil in boiling water and inhaling the steam. It is also a wonderful treatment for sore muscles, a key ingredient in nontoxic household cleaners and much more. Botanical Name: Eucalyptus radiata. Plant Part: Woods and Leaves. Origin: Australia.

Community Spotlight: Robert Lee Martial Arts

At Robert Lee Martial Arts Centre, the professionally trained and highly qualified instructors provide a range of martial arts classes for all ages, incorporating the teaching of strong character, leadership, good citizenship, and good values into each class. Robert Lee will enable an individual to focus and concentrate on achieving worthwhile goals and greatly enhance their ability to meet life’s challenges with confidence and perseverance. Along with martial arts classes, they offer Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Fitness Kickboxing and Bootcamp fitness classes, specializing in getting results and reaching fitness goals.

Stay Fit & Healthy This Winter

Winter is upon us! This is not the time to hibernate and pack on extra weight or overindulge, it’s a time to stay focused and committed to taking care of our bodies during a harsh northern season. Now is the perfect time to start a challenging and effective exercise program that you can do all while in the warmth and comfort of your own home! Once you get in the groove of an effective exercise program at home, you’ll have the right tools and mindset to get (and stay) in peak shape over the cold winter months. After all, a ‘summer body’ is made in the winter!

No More Headaches

Stress. Poor circulation. Adrenal imbalance. Liver toxins. Sinus pressure. Eye strain. Hormonal imbalance. Cerebellar (brain) fatigue. What do these have in common? They can all cause headaches and migraines. When you find out what triggers the headaches, you can treat the cause, not just the symptoms. One of the most effective ways to do this is with computerized Biofeedback testing and Bioresonance treatment. If an area of the body that causes headaches/migraines is found to be deficient, Bioresonance can be used to stimulate the area to help it function properly. Remember. Treating the cause = no more headaches!

Smoking and Wearing Dentures?

We know that smoking can have a variety of negative effects on our health, but do you know how smoking can affect denture wearers or those with dental implants specifically? If you have dental implants and are also a smoker, your risk of dental implant failure increases. Smoking can also put you at greater risk for infection when having dental implants fitted. Healing time after any type of dental surgery is increased in smokers, since nicotine constricts your arteries and reduces blood flow to your gums. Finally, smoking can accelerate the bone loss that normally comes with losing your teeth.

Smart in Everything but Reading

When you have a bright child who doesn’t achieve to his or her potential we often affectionately call them underachievers, because we know they are capable of achieving so much more. Over the years, I have found that bright underachievers often have vision problems which make reading difficult. It may surprise you to learn that many of the children who have vision problems interfering with learning actually have 20/20 eyesight (with or without glasses). A Developmental Vision Evaluation is needed to determine if a vision problem is interfering with reading.

Healing with Reflexology

There are reflex points on your feet that relate to specific organs and glands in the body. Through the application of pressure on these reflexes using specific hand and finger techniques, reflexology therapy can relieve tension, improve blood circulation, and support the body’s efforts to function optimally. The benefits of reflexology include its ability to stimulate nerve function, increase energy, boost circulation, induce a deep state of relaxation and eliminate toxins from the body. Your feet will love the pampering and you may feel calm and a sense of well-being.

Benefits of a Ketogenic Diet

Many people are interested in reaping the benefits of a keto diet, whether for weight loss or other health goals. Some of the benefits you may see from following a keto diet include: 1. Reducing appetite – can help with weight loss. 2. Reducing harmful abdominal fat – can decrease the risk of conditions like heart disease and type 2 diabetes. 3. Increasing levels of good cholesterol – can lower the risk of heart disease. 4. Lowering blood pressure – can help prevent heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure. 5. Treating brain disorders – burning brain ketones can help treat epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s.

Acupuncture for Stronger Immunity

As we head into the flu season this year, we have both the flu and COVID-19 to contend with. With no COVID-19 vaccine yet available, we must do our best to follow COVID-19 guidelines and make the right choices to keep our immune system strong. Acupuncture has been shown to increase the number of T cells the body produces, which help to destroy harmful viruses in the body. Increased production of T cells and white blood cells results in a stronger immune system, which means you may have less severe symptoms and a quicker recovery if you do get sick.

Stay Limber and Pain Free

85% of our population will have an episode of disabling back pain at some point! Sedentary and sitting lifestyles are significant factors that reflect our busy lifestyles, commuting to work, driving kids around, sitting at a desk, etc. We’re meant to move; prolonged positions of any kind can be aggravating. Simple tips are to stretch in the morning before getting out of bed, use pillows between your knees while you sleep, get up and move at least once per hour. Both passive and active treatments are very important for back health such as physiotherapy, massage therapy, and exercise.

5 Tips for Eye Strain Relief

1. Get a comprehensive eye exam. Having routine exams is the most important thing you can do to prevent or treat eye strain problems. 2. Use proper lighting. Eye strain is often caused by harsh interior lighting. Many computer users find their eyes feel better if they can avoid working under overhead florescent tubing. Avoid blue light! 3. Minimize glare. If you wear glasses, purchase lenses with anti-reflective coating. 4. Create a soothing eye mask using tea bags. Tea bags contain tannins that can help constrict vessels, relieving puffy eyes from eye strain. 5. Use over-the-counter artificial tears if your eyes feel dry after reading, knitting, or concentrating for a long period of time.