Community News
Wellness Vacation – Explore the Mediterranean

A Mediterranean cruise can be an adventure back in time or a chance to appreciate the modern culture and lifestyle offered by this amazing region. Be inspired by architectural masterpieces and rustic ruins, and take in the stunning scenery, including breathtaking blue seas and sundrenched hillsides. Enjoy learning about the rich culture through sumptuous local food, great local wines, and maybe a story or two from local residents. Taking a cruise through this historic and exciting region gives you an opportunity to see all that it has to offer from a unique perspective, providing memories that will last a lifetime.

The Power of Touch

There are approximately 5 million touch receptors in your skin and 3000 on the tip of your finger. Whenever we get touched or when we receive a massage, our body releases endorphins that are natural pain- killers. Massage not only helps us relax, but it also gives our immune system a boost! Receiving a 45-minute massage has been found to increase the number of white blood cells that help defend the body from disease. Do you suffer from sleep problems? 60 minutes of massage have the same effect on your body as 7 to 8 hours of good sleep. The antidote to a stressful day or health ailments could lie right at our fingertips.

New in Your Community

NOW OPEN! Preserve is a little local shop on the corner of Portage and Maryland. We carry a variety of goods and groceries, ranging from handmade pottery and cheeseboards to artisanal cheese, coffee and more. Preserve is owned by flora & farmer and has a commercial kitchen behind the shop where all of flora & farmer’s delicious spreads, pickles and ferments are lovingly made. We focus on balanced flavours, and quality ingredients with sustainability and your health in mind. We source locally and organic or naturally grown whenever possible, and never use added preservatives.

Get Your Mouth Checked!

An oral health exam is critical to the maintenance of your overall wellbeing. You should have your mouth checked at least once a year for prevention and treatment of any ailments. Even if you don’t have any live teeth, it’s important to make sure there are no signs of infections or early signs of cancer, growths, or cysts, and that your dentures are fitting you well. Leaving problems untreated usually leads to pain, periodontal disease, or tooth loss, and could make treatment more difficult, so it’s best to deal with problems early, or, if possible, prevent them.

Words to Live By

“We do not have to become heroes overnight. Just a step at a time, meeting each thing that comes up, seeing it is not as dreadful as it appeared, discovering we have the strength to stare it down.” –Eleanor Roosevelt

New Year, New Opportunities

With all of the gatherings, parties, and festivities happening over the holidays, being single can feel frustrating when you’re surrounded by happy couples. But with a new year comes new opportunities to make a connection. Everyone is looking to start fresh with the coming of the new year, whether it be getting their health back on track, making a change in their career, or finding someone special to share their time with. Be open and optimistic when it comes to love in the new year, and consider working with a professional matchmaker to get the results you want.

9 Reasons to Try ASEA

ASEA, a perfectly balanced mixture of Redox Signaling Molecules, may be the single most significant health breakthrough of the twenty-first century. 1. The first and only source of balanced, stabilized Redox Signaling molecules outside the body. 2.Supports the vital activity of cellular communication. 3.Promotes enhanced immune function. 4. Protects against free radical damage. 5. Boosts efficiency of the body’s own antioxidants by up to 500%. 6. Provides superior support to athletes. 7. Supported by research and clinical results. 8. Completely native to the body. 9. Proven to be completely safe, with absolutely zero toxicity.

Tight-Sculpting at Your Doctors Office

Another simple walk in and out laser therapy, risk, pain and side-effect free, is a unique dual-wavelength, non-invasive laser treatment for sculpting and skin tightening on all body areas. The exclusive delivery modes are used in concert for hyperthermic adipocyte destruction and collagen remodeling with exceptional results. The most amazing fact here is that these results are scientifically impossible to attain with just exercise and diet, given that if successful you can only hope to shrink the fat cells. However, this laser therapy offers a method where permanent fat cell destruction is possible, not only helping you to lose fat, but also to keep it off.

Workplace Wellness

Creating a Resolution to Model.
Want to make your work a place where you can be healthy and productive? The best way to do that is to be an Ambassador of well-being yourself. All it takes is some passion, energy and action. Ask your boss if you can spend 5% of your week (only 30 mins!) to generate workplace health and productivity ideas. Some ideas to get you started include walking meetings, putting up posters by the elevator to encourage stair use, organizing a monthly healthy potluck, or dedicating a meeting room for mindfulness or meditation during the lunch hour.

Make a Resolution to Get Active

Individuals who are physically active have a lower risk of obtaining health conditions including cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity. Physical activity has been shown to improve mental health by having a positive impact on depression, anxiety, and stress. Kinesiologists are experts in the field of human movement, exercise prescription, fitness training and conditioning. A Kinesiologist uses evidence-based research to develop exercise programs for individuals looking to increase their physical activity levels. At our Henderson location we have a clinic (Innovative Therapy Solutions), with multiple certified Kinesiologists and physiotherapists who can guide and provide you with the tools to become healthier and more physically active.

Change Your Money Mindset

After the busy holiday season that often involves a lot of spending, you might find you need to work on your money mindset. This is often shaped by various attitudes, beliefs, and emotions that you connect to things like spending, saving, and investing. These can include: ‘Money is bad’, ‘more money solves all problems’, or ‘money is tied to worthiness’. Take time to review your money mindset by asking yourself without self-judgment: 1) What do you believe about having/saving money? and 2) What do you believe about spending money? Compassionately exploring our beliefs and emotions about money can help us have a healthier relationship with money.