Community News
Medication Review

Taking your medication properly is one of the most effective ways to manage chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol. Up to 25% of Canadians are admitted to the hospital annually because they don’t take their medications as prescribed. Schedule a Medication Review with your Pharmacist to discuss how to take your medications and for how long, understand if your medications are working properly, manage potential side effects and help you stay on track. Get the most from your medications with a Medication Review.

Helpful Technology for Dementia

There are many helpful technology solutions available for a variety of uses that can make life easier for dementia patients and their loved ones. Dementia-friendly technology can include things like smart watches that can’t be removed easily and that have GPS, which can make finding a dementia patient who has wandered off much easier. SmartSole Inserts for shoes can also help with tracking using GPS. Special digital clocks that show the time, day, and time of day can be helpful for those who lose track of time. For seniors with smartphones, a medication reminder app helps keep them on track.

Get Your Mouth Checked!

An oral health exam is critical to the maintenance of your overall wellbeing. You should have your mouth checked at least once a year for prevention and treatment of any ailments. Even if you don’t have any live teeth, it’s important to make sure there are no signs of infections or early signs of cancer, growths, or cysts, and that your dentures are fitting you well. Leaving problems untreated usually leads to pain, periodontal disease, or tooth loss, and could make treatment more difficult, so it’s best to deal with problems early, or, if possible, prevent them.

Keeping Cold and Flu Bugs at Bay

We know to get rest, eat a healthy diet, and exercise to keep our immune system functioning at its optimum level. Life however, gets busy and the next thing we know, we’re under the weather with a cold or flu bug. For these moments a little help to fight those bugs can provide much welcome relief. Invest in a high-quality cold-pressed oregano oil combined with black seed oil. Look for this synergistic blend with vitamins A & D added to give the immune system the best tools to beat the bugs and jumpstart your immune system!

Water is Essential for Life

We require sufficient amounts of water to maintain our health and vitality. However, to derive the greatest benefits from the water we consume, we should drink “the purest water possible.” Distilled water is the purest form of water available and contains no solids, minerals, or trace elements, has no taste, no bacteria or other contaminants. Less pure water cannot be used by the body as effectively as distilled water because it contains solids, inorganic minerals, bacteria, toxins, and debris that reduce the water’s ability to perform at a peak level. The purer the water, the more our bodies benefit.

Alternative Help for Preventing Miscarriages

How can Traditional Chinese Medicine help with the prevention of a miscarriage? Within fertility research, acupuncture demonstrates beneficial hormonal responses with decreased miscarriage rates, raising the possibility that acupuncture may promote specific beneficial effects in early pregnancy. The combination of proper diet, meditation, and acupuncture helps promote circulation to the uterus, support healthy egg maturation, and ensure a healthy uterine lining, thereby enhancing your chances to sustain a healthy pregnancy. In addition, acupuncture assists the body in managing stress better and reduces anxiety, which can also help create a healthy environment for pregnancy.

FALL for Someone Special

The leaves changing colour and the crispness in the air can only mean one thing. It’s fall! Those carefree summer days of soaking up the sun turn to days that are meant for curling up with that special someone and getting cozy indoors. It’s a great time to look for love if you’re single, as the distractions that often come with summer activities have come and gone. Instead, fall is the time to focus on finding a connection. Most people, however, are unsure where to find love. Reach out to a professional Matchmaker. With a long cold winter ahead, you will be thankful that you did.

Insure Your Vacation Investment

If you haven’t booked your dream winter vacation yet, there’s still time! There are many all-inclusive resorts and Caribbean cruises that offer great value for a trip that will make wonderful memories for you and your family. And don’t forget about travel insurance to cover you for any risk of having to cancel or reschedule your trip. Think of your vacation as an investment. All investments should have some form of insurance protection! If something unexpected comes up that prevents you from being able to travel at the scheduled time, the right travel insurance will come to the rescue.

The Healthy Book Club

The Good Living Guide to Medicinal Tea. 50 Ways to Brew the Cure for What Ails You. by Jennifer Browne. Tea has medicinal properties that are widely underused in North America. Common herbs, spices, fruits, and barks have been scientifically proven to help relieve pain, menopause symptoms, high blood pressure, insomnia, stress, and digestive angst. When taken preventatively, certain herbs in tea can help fight off cancer cells, heart disease, and even Alzheimer’s disease and fibromyalgia. Learn about what these various natural ingredients are capable of and how they work.

Serrapeptase – The Little Miracle Enzyme!

Proven to be a safe and effective natural alternative to NSAIDs (drugs like aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen), Serrapeptase breaks down long protein chains into amino acids that the body needs. It helps to reduce pain and swelling associated with osteoarthritis, joint pain, carpel tunnel syndrome, and post-operative swelling. It even thins out mucous which in turn eases chronic sinusitis. Serrapeptase should be in a delayed release or enteric-coated capsule taken on an empty stomach. This allows the Serrapeptase to pass through the stomach to the small intestine, where the enzyme is then released.

Need Cosmetic Dentures?

Teeth have three main functions: chewing food, lip support, and speech. The loss of your teeth can have negative effects on your self-confidence and your overall quality of life. Since your teeth provide structure and support to your cheeks, tooth loss can result in the sagging of your face. It is essential that your missing teeth are replaced as soon as possible. A new set of cosmetic dentures can instantly improve your appearance and remove facial flaws. Age is inevitable, but cosmetic dentures can help brighten your smile and make you feel young again!