Community News
Alzheimer Support Programs

Even at the best of times, those living with dementia can be isolated, and right now, the challenges families face are heightened. You are not alone. The Alzheimer Society is here to help. We have locations across the province to provide you with information, education and support. We’ve pivoted to virtual programming so you can join our education sessions, Minds in Motion® program and support groups from the comfort of your own home. Contact us today to reach a reassuring ear by phone or get a quick response by email. Visit our website to find an office near you.

Young Living – For Men

After a workout, massage the Cool Azul™ Pain Relief Cream into your skin for relief of aches and pains. Your muscles will thank you for ditching the synthetic ingredients and you can continue crushing the weights, tearing up the fairway or hiking to your highest heights. When you’re done, treat your face to Shutran™ Shave Cream and stand out from the pack. It is full of hydrating ingredients and pure essential oils that’ll give you a close shave with a great fragrance. Lastly, for a great super-charge, grab some NingXia Zyng™ for a delicious splash of hydration.

Book Club: Digital Executor®

Unraveling the New Path for Estate Planning – Sharon Hartung. The world has gone digital and so have our estates. Digital assets may simply be electronic records, but they are the digital gateway to our entire lives. They are our memories, our money, and our records, making technology the new player at your estate planning table. Everyone needs a Will and in today’s age of digitization, estate plans must include our digital lives. If today’s executor is a digital executor, is your executor ready?

TMJ? Acupuncture Can Help!

TMJ can be caused by a combination of muscle tension (teeth grinding), anatomical problems, and injury. The symptoms include everything from headaches, neck/shoulder pain, and dizziness to pain whilst chewing or opening your mouth. Fortunately, for those suffering from TMJ, acupuncture is extremely helpful. A recent study of patients receiving acupuncture for TMJ indicated that 85% benefited with an average reduction in pain intensity of 75%. The primary reason acupuncture is preferred is because it seeks to resolve the origin of a condition. We treat the root cause – stress, muscle tension, system imbalances, as well as the pain in the jaw area, all in one treatment.

Spring Cleaning for a Healthy Home

Are you ready to tackle your spring cleaning with some plant-based products, ditch the conventional toxins and save money all at the same time? Your home is a sanctuary—a place where life unfolds with family, friends, and memories. Having the best for you and your family is about being surrounded by all things healthy and natural. Enjoy natural home solutions with safe, natural ingredients you know you can trust! Thieves products are safe for your pets or little ones. This incredible starter bundle is exclusively available to Young Living members; become a member today to get yours!

Exercise Protects Against Alzheimer’s

Physical activity is an integral part of living a healthier life – did you know it also promotes brain health? People who exercise regularly are less likely to develop serious health conditions that can lead to Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia. One of the best ways to stay active is finding opportunities to sneak in a few extra steps every day. While you’re moving, why not register for the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s? Help raise awareness for those living with dementia in Manitoba. Register today and participate by going for a walk, run or bike ride this May!

Diversity and Inclusion

This topic has become a focus for workplaces and the benefits are clear. Many companies have spent money on training their leaders on this topic, but they have not seen the changes in behaviour that they had hoped for. This is because although they may come away with a better understanding of the topic, there are no specific corrective actions for them to take. Coaching can be a powerful and effective tool to help leaders, managers and underrepresented employees come up with solutions to their challenges. Are you looking for a safe space to open for growth?

Importance of Safe Skincare

Skin is our body’s largest organ and our protective barrier and keeping it healthy is essential for our wellbeing. With conventional beauty products, we are exposed to numerous harmful ingredients, such as preservatives, fragrance (both synthetic and natural) and dyes. some of which can lead to skin reactions. On top of it, there have also been major concerns about side effects of long-term exposure to many of these ingredients. Natural skincare is a niche market was born out of consumers’ concerns for product safety. When properly formulated, natural products provide healthy, effective, safe and environmentally friendly solutions for your skin.

Importance of Counting your Marbles

I read an inspiring story by Maria Shriver who shared the importance of putting a marble in an empty jar for each day she lived a meaningful life. I did a rough calculation and estimated the time I might have left here on earth. It made me ponder how I wish to spend my days moving forward. What matters most. Who shall I spend it with and what shall I focus on? By the end of the day, I shall decide if I had a marble worthy day based on how I honored my heart and body not based on what I did. Looking at every day as a lifetime, an opportunity to get clear on what will allow my heart to be fulfilled, recognizing we have no real guarantee as to how much time we have left.

Allergy Season Is Back

Many people suffering from head pressure, itchy eyes, and a runny or stuffy nose this allergy season will find only temporary relief, or no relief at all, from over the counter remedies. Alternative approaches, such as nutritional supplementation and Biofeedback focus on more than just symptomatic relief. They enable the body’s ability to remove existing allergens imbedded in the sinus tissues, thereby minimizing the histamine and inflammatory reactions. This stops the over-production of mucus that the body makes to try and push the allergens out. Take a different approach this allergy season – treat the cause, not just the symptoms.

Financial Fitness

A relatively new financial offering, residential sale and leaseback (aka Sell ’n STAY) allows homeowners to leverage the equity they have built up in their home without having to leave it, since they can sell their home and lease it back. A couple of important things you should know about Sell ’n STAY include: 1) It involves fewer restrictions. Reverse mortgages often have age restrictions, while HELOC loans often have credit restrictions. Sell ’n STAY offers more flexibility. 2) It’s a good option for those who are more concerned with a stable place to live than with owning a home.