Community News
Tune-Up for Your Body

Everyone routinely takes their car in for service, but when was the last time that you did the same for your body? The Clean9 Program will help you to look and feel better by eliminating stored toxins from your body, allowing you to feel lighter and more energized as you take control of your appetite and see your body begin to change. This proven cleansing system will put you in the best position to attain optimal health, cleanse your body, and build a slimmer, leaner you. What are you waiting for?

Financial Fitness Workshops

If you’re interested in improving your financial fitness, check out these FREE workshops! 1) Increasing Cash Flow & Debt Management (foundation for the other workshops): Practical ways to increase your cash flow and eliminate debt faster. 2) Building a Strong Financial Foundation & Proper Protection: Protect your family now, and build a legacy. 3) Building Wealth & Asset Accumulation: Simple formulas for building wealth, and various financial instruments. 4) Retirement & Education Planning: Prepare for retirement or post-secondary education. 5) Estate Preservation & Wealth Transfer: Preserve and transfer as much wealth as possible. Contact me today to register!

Health Book Club:

The Art of Choosing You. By Robin Chant. Where does this judgment lead us? It leads us to the polarity of right and wrong, of good and bad. We are in constant battle in our minds as we focus on this polarity. Would you like to let that habit go and choose allowance instead? What does it feel like to connect to you? How do you know if you are connected to your soul? Is it time to find out?

Words to Live By

Christmas magic is silent. You don’t hear it — you feel it. You know it. You believe it. ~ Kevin Alan Milne

Finding the Courage Needed

There are 6 types of courage required to navigate a pandemic. Physical courage helps us keep strength, balance and resilience. Social courage gives us the ability to be yourself unapologetically when tough decisions need to be made. Emotional courage welcomes the permission needed to feel all our emotions without guilt or shame, learning from our experiences. Intellectual courage strengthens our back bone to do the right thing even when uncomfortable or unprecedented. Spiritual courage allows us to live with purpose and meaning with a compassionate heart with one’s self and others.

Essential Oil of the Month

Eucalyptus: 100% Pure Joy Naturals essential oil is a go-to remedy for colds and the flu. Eucalyptus essential oil can be used to calm a cough in several ways. A person may want to try: adding a few drops of eucalyptus oil to 1 ounce of carrier oil and rubbing the mixture onto the chest and throat or diluting eucalyptus oil in boiling water and inhaling the steam. It is also a wonderful treatment for sore muscles, a key ingredient in nontoxic household cleaners and much more. Botanical Name: Eucalyptus radiata. Plant Part: Woods and Leaves. Origin: Australia.

Benefits of a Ketogenic Diet

Many people are interested in reaping the benefits of a keto diet, whether for weight loss or other health goals. Some of the benefits you may see from following a keto diet include: 1. Reducing appetite – can help with weight loss. 2. Reducing harmful abdominal fat – can decrease the risk of conditions like heart disease and type 2 diabetes. 3. Increasing levels of good cholesterol – can lower the risk of heart disease. 4. Lowering blood pressure – can help prevent heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure. 5. Treating brain disorders – burning brain ketones can help treat epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s.

No More Headaches

Stress. Poor circulation. Adrenal imbalance. Liver toxins. Sinus pressure. Eye strain. Hormonal imbalance. Cerebellar (brain) fatigue. What do these have in common? They can all cause headaches and migraines. When you find out what triggers the headaches, you can treat the cause, not just the symptoms. One of the most effective ways to do this is with computerized Biofeedback testing and Bioresonance treatment. If an area of the body that causes headaches/migraines is found to be deficient, Bioresonance can be used to stimulate the area to help it function properly. Remember. Treating the cause = no more headaches!

Acupuncture for Stronger Immunity

As we head into the flu season this year, we have both the flu and COVID-19 to contend with. With no COVID-19 vaccine yet available, we must do our best to follow COVID-19 guidelines and make the right choices to keep our immune system strong. Acupuncture has been shown to increase the number of T cells the body produces, which help to destroy harmful viruses in the body. Increased production of T cells and white blood cells results in a stronger immune system, which means you may have less severe symptoms and a quicker recovery if you do get sick.

Product Review: SOLBRÜ Restore

Solbrü Restore is a sophisticated, modern elixir, made in Winnipeg with a blend of balancing herbs and functional mushrooms, inspired by ancient herbal remedies for detox and liver support. It’s a delicious alcohol-free, small-batch infusion that can be enjoyed as a shot, on the rocks, in an alcohol-free cocktail, mixed with nut or oat milk, or juice. These functional mushrooms and herbs contain phytonutrients that can decrease the effects of stress and support liver function, digestion, and immunity, all in a great-tasting elixir that includes notes of ginger, orange, apricot, and spices. 2 new flavours coming soon!