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Fitness Goals for Better Health

Fitness On The Go Personal Training provides customized in-home fitness and personal training to help clients reach their fitness goals. The company strives to make fitness easy and accessible to everyone by bringing an individualized exercise program and a qualified personal trainer to you! All necessary fitness equipment such as exercise mats, swiss balls, medicine balls, elastics, etc. is brought right to your door. All you need to provide is about 6 feet by 6 feet of floor space and a solid 50-55 minutes of your time to work towards your personal fitness goals and better overall health.

Drink Aloe for Weight Loss

Aloe Vera’s weight loss properties are becoming better known. This plant stands above the rest of nature’s products as a detoxifying agent that helps the body remove waste. This is largely due to one of its components called ‘aloin’, which taken in appropriate doses can help us achieve its beneficial cleansing properties. The Aloe plant also helps us burn fat by improving our metabolism and the production of fatty acids, which is undoubtedly a big help in the fight to rid our bodies of excess fat. Aloe promotes intestinal function and better allows us to eliminate toxins from the body.

Laser Treatment for Snoring?

NightLase is a leading-edge laser procedure using energy to stimulate the tissues of the airway causing a tightening effect which helps keep your airway open, thus improving your daily sleep. Simply put, research has shown that NightLase® reduces snoring and provides an effective, non-invasive way to lessen the effects of sleep apnea WITHOUT requiring a device to be worn during sleep. This laser therapy involves no chemical treatment, and no anesthesia. It is a gentle and easy way for you and your loved ones to regain a good night’s rest.

The Dangers of Stress

Stress causes or contributes to 85% of all your illnesses. Stress leads to heart attacks, diabetes, high blood pressure, headaches, cancer, depression – basically anything. Today, more than any other time in history, we live in a stressful environment. Once stressed, you enter into survival mode and your body produces cortisol for the fight or flight, and your metabolism and body functions change to preserve energy. Stress also makes it difficult to think clearly, as you become focused on the problem and not on the solution, which causes a revolving thought pattern. How healthy would we be if we could just learn to control stress or eliminate it altogether?

4 Tips for Better Heart Health

1. Get good sleep. Adults who experience good-quality sleep typically have healthier arteries than those who don’t sleep as soundly.
2. Adopt healthy eating habits. Cut back on salt, limit alcohol to no more than one to two drinks a day, and nourish your body with fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein.
3. Slash bad fats. Cut down on saturated fats, which are mainly found in meat and full-fat dairy products. You should totally ban trans-fats from your diet, which are found in processed foods.
4. Get checked for diabetes. Over time, high blood sugar damages arteries and makes heart disease more likely.

What’s Keto All About?

You have more than likely heard about Keto, Ketones, or the Ketogenic Diet. Ketosis is a metabolic state that causes your body to switch from using glucose (sugar) as its primary source of fuel to running on ketones (fat). A ketogenic diet (consuming high fat, moderate protein, and low carbohydrates), fasting for extended periods, or simply consuming exogenous ketones can improve mental clarity, sleep, energy, fat loss, appetite control, mood, immune function, blood sugar, metabolic function, and exercise recovery. Talk to a health provider with keto diet experience if you have any questions about the lifestyle and its benefits.

Wellness Tea of the Month

IMMUNE BOOSTER Rooibos Tea. Our Immune booster rooibos tea is packed full of vitamin C and infection-fighting properties. Enjoy this antioxidant-rich tea blend of delicious orange fruit and peels combined with the anti-microbial properties of rosemary. We design this blend with three simple ingredients that will protect your body from oxidative damage and inflammation. Rooibos tea is free from caffeine, which may make it a good option for pregnant people, children, and those who are sensitive to caffeine. Makes for a healthy and healing quarantine companion.

Tame the Squirrel Essential Oil Blend

It’s true: Natural oils are revered for their calming, relaxing properties, but diffusing essential oils can also come in handy when you need to stay alert and focused. Certain oils are actually able to stimulate the brain almost immediately, resulting in better focus—and sometimes a little mood boost, too. Our “Tame the Squirrel” essential oil blend includes a power combination of Frankincense, Cedarwood, Melissa, Lemon, Lavender, Sandalwood. Try it in a diffuser on you desk at work, or while your kids are doing homework.

Clean Eating: Keto Pancakes

2 scoops Innotech Nutrition chocolate NaturePro grass fed whey protein. 1 cup almond flour. ¼ cup coconut flour. 3 tablespoon monk fruit. 1tsp baking powder. 5 eggs. 1/3 cup almond milk. ¼ cup avocado oil. 1 1/2tsp vanilla extract. Whisk all ingredients together in a bowl until smooth. If too thick, add a little more milk. Preheat an oiled pan on the stove over medium heat. Ladle some of the batter into the hot pan and form into circles. Cook for 1-2 minutes until bubbles start to form. Flip and cook another 1-2 minutes. Enjoy.

Product Review:

LiveLife GPS Mobile Alarm. The LiveLife 4GX Mobile Alarm allows seniors to maintain their independence and remain active, while also keeping them safe. The stylish waterproof pendant uses the same cellular phone technology as a mobile phone, without any over-complicated features. Up to six emergency contacts can be stored in the device, which uses the best available 4GX/4G mobile network to notify all emergency contacts, with the push of a button, if a senior loved one is in need of help. A built-in GPS tracker allows for easy location, and the device also has a hands-free speaker-phone mode for both incoming and outgoing communication.