Community News
Reach Your Potential and Invest in Self Care

When you are on an airplane, the flight attendant always tells you to put on your mask before helping anyone else. Why? Because you are no good to anyone else if you aren’t well. The same goes for everyday life. If you want to reach your potential, invest in self-care. Here are two tips. 1) Schedule YOU time in your calendar as if it were an important meeting. Start with once a week and eventually, try for once a day. 2) Use that YOU time to do anything that helps YOU be well. Take a bath, read a book, watch a show, go for a walk, or, practice mindfulness.

Product Review: Anti-inflammatory Releaf

ACTIVE RELEAF strives to inspire active wellness through the use of Mother Nature’s remedies. Offering a variety of applications from topicals, to tinctures, capsules and soaps, ACTIVE RELEAF’s plant based products can help support the inflammatory related pain of sore muscles and stiff joints. For fastest relief, their topical relief stick utilizes broad spectrum, cannabinoid-rich hemp plant extract combined with the additional power of essential oils increasing the anti-inflammatory properties to help combat stubborn aches and discomfort. To support more chronic inflammatory response from within, look to their tinctures and capsules for ongoing support.

Hidden Concussions May Cause Vision Challenges

Approximately 85% of concussions go undiagnosed. The reason this happens is because you do not have to lose consciousness to have a concussion. However, repeated blows to the head can accumulate and cause just as much damage as a concussion. When a vision problem is causing or contributing to a problem with reading, balance or movement, the recovery process will move very slowly until the visual component is treated. The good news is that the majority of these vision problems are fully treatable. If you or a loved one is struggling with reading, schedule an appointment today.

Words To Live By

“Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresea, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.”-H. Jackson Brown Jr.

The Beauty of Aloe

The best beauty tools often come from nature! Using aloe vera as a skin care treatment has many benefits. It’s long been used to help relieve and heal sunburn by acting as a protective layer and replenishing moisture. Its antioxidant and nutritional properties are excellent for healing purposes. These attributes also make it a great everyday moisturizer, especially for those with oily skin. Men can use aloe vera after shaving to treat small cuts and soothe facial skin. Aloe vera’s ability to reduce inflammation is also useful to treat acne and signs of aging, as well as stretch marks.

Healthy Cake Batter Energy Bites

These fun energy bites the perfect snack for after school!
Ingredients: 1/2 c unsweetened shredded coconut, 1 c pitted dates, 1/4 c sunflower seeds, pinch sea salt, 2 tsp maple syrup, 1 scoop vanilla whey protein, 2-1/2 tbsp rainbow sprinkles.
Directions: Process coconut in food processor for 5 minutes, scraping down sides. Add dates, process until crumbly. Add sunflower seeds, sea salt, maple syrup and whey protein. Process until ball is formed.
Add in sprinkles and pulse to combine. Roll into 18 balls and store in airtight container in refrigerator for up to a week or freeze for longer storage. ENJOY!

The Power of Touch

There are approximately 5 million touch receptors in your skin and 3000 on the tip of your finger. Whenever we get touched or when we receive a massage, our body releases endorphins that are natural pain-killers. Massage not only helps us relax, but it also gives our immune system a boost! Receiving a 45-minute massage has been found to increase the number of white blood cells that help defend the body from disease. Do you suffer from sleep problems? 60 minutes of massage have the same effect on your body as 7 to 8 hours of good sleep. The antidote to a stressful day or health ailments could lie right at our fingertips.

Planning on Setting Fitness Goals?

As springtime approaches, many people have good intentions of improving their health & fitness. Goal setting can be a useful tool to help keep you accountable and increase the likelihood of meeting your goals. However, it’s important to set goals that focus on behaviours (such as walking for 20 minutes each day or including a serving of vegetables with each meal) rather than outcomes (such as losing 10 pounds or attaining a certain clothing size). This way you won’t be wasting your energy on factors outside of your control and actually be focusing on the things you can. Happy goal setting!

Wellness Tea of the Month

Irish Breakfast.
Our magnificent Irish Breakfast is a stout, robust blend of Kenya and Assam teas that have superb colour and are very full bodied. This low-calorie, refreshing tea is excellent in the early morning or afternoon and pairs well with milk and sweetener. It also contains minerals such as calcium, zinc and magnesium, which are especially great for antioxidant activity and oral hygiene. Research studies have linked black tea consumption with reduced stress, and reduced risk of cancer and heart disease. It also helps fight cell damage, increases immunity and energy, and improves your mood. A tea packed full of surprises!

Laser Treatment for Acne

Acne and acne scarring can affect one’s self-esteem and self-image, and most people who experience breakouts will notice some scarring. Luckily, there are treatments available that can help reduce acne breakouts, as well as the appearance of scarring. Laser treatment of acne reduces inflammation through photo-selective absorption and controlled heating. The laser safely destroys overactive sebaceous glands, accelerates the healing process, and stimulates collagen remodeling. This trifecta approach allows for significant acne transformations without risk, pain, or side-effects. The treatment is mostly used on the face, but can also be used on the upper torso, back, arms, and neck.

WELLness – Thank you, Live Life Alarms

My husband is in the early stages of Alzheimers. He continues to enjoy riding his bike and I used to get very worried as he would sometimes have difficulty finding his way home. Getting him a Live Life mobile alert was the best thing we have done as now I can readily find out quickly where he is. He recently went out cycling and was gone for some time so I called him on his alert pendant. Not only could I talk with him but the Mobile Alert sent me an automatic return text showing his exact location on Google Maps. This has given me so much confidence now and allows him to continue doing what he loves. Vicki Ogston.