Community News
Acupuncture for Sport Injury

Most sports-related injuries occur when a particular part of the body is overused, which leads to a repetitive stress injury. This can lead to injuries such as runner’s knee or tennis elbow. Many athletes rely on acupuncture to treat their injuries and boost their performance – but also to prevent injuries from occurring in the first place. Acupuncture offers many benefits when it comes to pain management, recovery, and prevention, including: 1. Releasing tight muscles or activating muscles that aren’t firing properly. 2. Boosting healing and recovery of tendons and ligaments. 3. Relieving stress. 4. Improving the immune system. 5. Aiding with sleep. 6. Keeping the pain away. These are all great reasons to use acupuncture to keep you active.

Reflexology – More Than a Foot Rub!

Reflexology is a natural therapy that reduces pain, stress & tension in the body and improves circulation (cardiovascular & lymphatic) and elimination. There are reflexes in the feet which are connected to every part, organ and gland through a subtle energy that flows through channels in the body. When there is discomfort like stress, trauma, injury or illness, blockages develop in these channels and the flow of energy becomes disrupted. By applying pressure to these reflexes, signals are sent via the nervous system that release these blockages, relax the body and balance the natural functioning elsewhere in the body. It is a total ‘reboot and rebalance’!

Laser Treatments from Your Family Doctor!

Did you know that you can now receive private laser treatment services from your family doctor for a range of health concerns? The Fotona SP laser is an award-winning treatment that can help with conditions such as snoring and sleep apnea, hair removal, skin tightening, scar revision, toenail fungus, skin resurfacing, vascular lesions, and spider veins. The Fotona combines two complementary laser wavelengths that work in harmony to create thermal effects without damaging the skin’s surface. This allows for a range of non-contact, non-invasive procedures that offer greater patient comfort, reduced downtime, and quicker healing, not to mention long-lasting results. Offering free consultations.

Healthy Senior Living

3 Tips to Help a Loved One with Memory Loss Adjust to a New Community. Moving into a new living environment involves major change for your loved one. They may be surrounded by a whole lot of unfamiliarity during this time. In order to ensure a more gentle transition, here are a few helpful tips for creating a successful move.
1. Before move-In, attend events at the new community with your loved one
2. Make sure someone familiar is with them during the entire transition
3. Align moving time with your loved one’s best time of day
For more tips on transitioning seniors, health, and wellbeing, visit Brightwater Senior Living blog at

Healing Cell Signaling

The human body has between fifty and three hundred billion cells. Inside every cell, we have mitochondria (some cells have thousands). Mitochondria, when functioning properly, produce redox signaling molecules. Cell signaling carry life-sustaining messages to cells, and your cells respond to those messages, keeping you alive and healthy. As we age, cell signal weakens they can disrupt gene expression. But if you had a way to regulate gene activity with redox signaling molecules, cellular communication would remain strong. Our bodies heal on a cellular level, and the genetic instructions that dictate healthy body function don’t get through without redox signaling.

Achieving a Healthy Core

A healthy core needs two main things: strength and mobility. This is what makes it functional. A functional core will keep you upright and maintain proper posture, support you safely through your daily movements, and protect your organs. In addition, your risk of herniation (both disc and organ) will also decrease with a healthy core. Working on movement progressions (beginner, intermediate, and advanced), along with generally moving more than you are sedentary, is a great way to keep your core healthy. Talk to your chiropractor about ways you can safely strengthen and support your core and feel better!

Love Keeps You Healthy

Being in love not only gives you a bounce in your step, but it also has several proven health benefits. When you are in love, your brain produces a hormone called dopamine that contributes to feelings of elation, pleasure, optimism, energy, and a sense of well-being. Physical touch, such as hugging, releases a hormone called oxytocin, which lowers stress hormones. Studies have demonstrated that people releasing these hormones have stronger immune systems, lower blood pressure, greater resistance to colds and flus, and decreased stress and depression. Finding your life partner has more benefits than we once realized!

Smart in Everything but Reading?

Children who are considered bright underachievers often have vision problems that make reading difficult. Sometimes they’re described as auditory learners because they can remember things they’ve heard much faster and easier than anything they’ve read. A clear sign that a vision problem may be at the root of your child’s difficulties is poor performance on written or standardized tests. It may surprise you to learn that many children who have vision problems interfering with learning actually have 20/20 eyesight (with or without glasses). A Developmental Vision Evaluation is needed to determine if a vision problem is interfering with reading.

Aloe Vera for Your Immune System

Aloe Vera contains many things that can help to improve your health. Essential enzymes in Aloe Vera break down proteins that are converted into amino acids, which are used as fuel for cells in the body. Bradykinase in Aloe Vera stimulates the immune system and helps to kill infections. You will also find good levels of zinc in Aloe Vera, which is an essential micronutrient that helps regulate hormones and maintain immunity. While it is not a cure, Aloe Vera can reduce the occurrence of viral symptoms and complications and potentially slow the spread of infection.

Are You Always in ‘Fight or Flight’ Mode?

Massage therapy is undeniably effective at getting people tapped in to their parasympathetic nervous system, which is more commonly called ‘rest and digest’. Unfortunately, many spend most of their days in ‘fight or flight’! When the parasympathetic nervous system is in charge, blood pressure and heart rate lower, breathing is fuller, oxygen and blood make it deeper into the body, tissues repair themselves, organs do their jobs better, and overall, mental health is much more relaxed and content. It’s not hard to understand why being in ‘rest and digest’ is more conducive to recovery, management and being better prepared to handle what life throws at us!

Healing with Reflexology

There are reflex points on your feet that relate to specific organs and glands in the body. Through the application of pressure on these reflexes using specific hand and finger techniques, reflexology therapy can relieve tension, improve blood circulation and support the body’s efforts to function optimally. The benefits of reflexology include its ability to stimulate nerve function, increase energy, boost circulation, induce a deep state of relaxation and eliminate toxins from the body. Your feet will love the pampering and you may feel calm and a sense of well-being.