Community News
Benefits of In-Home Pet Sitting

If work or travel keep you away from your pets, you’ve likely considered various pet-care options, from boarding your pets at a boarding facility or animal hospital, to securing the services of a professional pet sitter. More and more pet owners are using the services of professional pet sitters to take advantage of the benefits in-home pet care provides:
• Diet and exercise routines are uninterrupted.
• Pets are happier and experience less stress at home.
• Travel trauma for both owner and pet is eliminated.
• Pet’s exposure to illness is minimized.
• Untrained or unwilling friends/family/neighbors need not be called.
• Your home will be taken care of (plants watered, mail taken in, etc.)
Lisa Tustin, Professional Pet Services,

Lose Weight & Still Enjoy Wine!

Research suggests people who follow a Mediterranean diet lose 52% more weight than the standard low-fat diet because it isn’t just a fad or limited list of foods. It’s a lifestyle based on a balanced approach to your meals, which focuses on produce, healthy fats, whole grains, legumes, fish, and even some red wine. Committing to losing weight for three months using the Mediterranean diet as a base, along with three booster products and three lifestyle changes, guarantees results. And there is no meal skipping! Look and feel great for all of your holiday parties and events!
Valdine – Modere,

Where Is Love?

You’ve decided enough is enough. You have plenty going for yourself and you want to share your life with someone special but where on earth are you going to find them? Times have changed. We live in an electronic world but computers don’t have hearts and you don’t know if the person behind the screen is authentic. You have asked your friends and coworkers if they know anyone right for you and you have been insulted by who they have suggested! A matchmaker specializes in finding love for people who are looking for one special partner. An effective matchmaker meets with all potential clients in person and determines who the right person is for them. A criminal record check should be conducted on each client. When choosing a matchmaker it is important that you work with a service that has been in business for quite some time and has many success stories. Lianne Tregobov, Camelot Introductions, Camelot

Natural Product Review: pureWash Pro

Are you still using detergent to wash your clothes? There’s a healthier, safer, and smarter way to do laundry. The secret is activated oxygen. PureWash Pro transforms ordinary water into a powerful cleaning agent by adding dissolved oxygen, giving you clean clothes while killing up to 99.9% of pathogens, mold, and bacteria. Used by hotels and hospitals for years, this amazing and affordable cleaning and disinfecting technology is now available for home use. Get your clothes clean without the need for soap or bleach, using only cold water. The oxidizing technology helps relax fabrics, so your clothes stay wrinkle-free without using fabric softener. Ideal for anyone with skin sensitivities, this is a product that everyone should use. Protect the environment, your clothes, and your washer. PureWash Pro pays for itself in months, saving you hundreds of dollars on hot water costs and laundry products. See the PureWash Pro at Aviva Natural Health Solutions,

Colours of Life

Colours of clothing reflect our mood and mindset. They also affect the way people react to and interact with us. When shopping for Adaptive Clothing for a relative, try to remember what colours and patterns they leaned towards while they were active. You can also make the choice that will complement their personality at their present stage of life. Pastels and soft hues provide comfort and soothe the soul, and are especially beneficial for agitated and confused individuals. Expressive tones of burgundies, royal blues, oranges, and other bright shades stimulate the mind and promote social behaviour. Whatever shade you pick, choose with care for your loved one.
Adaptive Clothing,

Alkalizing Your Body

Having an overly acidic diet can lead to a weakened immune system. Here are six ways to alkalize your body! 1. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water every day to keep your body systems regulated. For an extra boost in alkalinity – add lemon! 2. Trade coffee for green tea. 3. Use stevia, coconut sugar, or small amounts of honey in place of sugar. 4. Eat more greens. 5. Exercise to create more oxygen and qi flow in the body, and to avoid stagnation. 6. Reduce stress by meditating, practicing deep breathing, doing yoga, and getting plenty of sleep.
Care At Home Pharmacy,

Considering a Pet Sitter?

Planning a winter vacation? Arranging for pet care while you’re away can feel like an overwhelming decision. It’s important to look for caregivers who will not only provide for basic needs like food and water, but also companionship, reassurance, and playtime while you’re away. If you can find someone to come to your home, your pet gets to stay in his familiar surroundings, which is less stressful than taking him to a new location. You and your pet should feel comfortable about the care arrangements, so you can enjoy your vacation without worry! Lisa Tustin, Professional Pet Services

Product Review: A.Vogel Echinaforce

Developed by the Nature Doctor, Dr. Vogel, Echinaforce is organically grown, standardized, and clinically proven. Echinaforce is made from the tincture of fresh Echinacea purpurea herb and root. Only fresh, organic herbs are used, with all herbs processed within 24 hours of harvesting. Using only fresh herbs helps ensure that a high level of active ingredients is preserved. Echinaforce helps the body fight the virus and therefore helps you feel better, quicker. Available in both fresh herb tincture and tincture tablet format, Echinaforce is easy to take at any time.
Nutrition Plus,

Selective Hearing or Something More?

Think you’d notice if you have impaired hearing? Think again.
Those with hearing loss are often the last ones to recognize it. Unless the impairment occurs through sudden physical or medical-related trauma, hearing loss generally occurs slowly over time. This gradual change presents itself as people mumbling, unclear voices, or difficulty hearing through background noise. Friends and family are usually the first to notice when they aren’t being heard, or when they are consistently asked to repeat themselves. You may be tempted to brush it off as selective hearing. But if those close to you have said they suspect you have a hearing loss, it’s time to get your hearing checked.
Enhanced Hearing Centres,

Mindful Holiday Eating

It’s not the shortbread or chocolates that’ll get you. It’s what you THINK about the shortbread and chocolates that’ll do it every year. It’s the extreme all or nothing thinking, the good food/bad food mindset. Mindful eating is the middle ground. Less food provides more joy and satisfaction. The questions to ask yourself this season before eating and drinking are: 1. Am I hungry? 2. How hungry am I? 3. What do I REALLY want? 4. How much will satisfy my hunger/craving, while leaving me feeling peaceful? 5. How do I want to feel in my body after I’m done eating? Lisa Kehler, Off Your Plate Nutrition,