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A Soulful Mexican Yoga Retreat. Experience a transformative retreat at Copal Retreat’s ocean-front villa in the Riviera Maya, featuring panoramic Caribbean views from the rooftop studio. Deepen your yoga practice amidst stunning cenotes and ocean breezes. Included: a health and wellness-focused welcoming ceremony, accommodations, meals for any dietary restrictions, 2 daily yoga or meditation sessions, one-hour therapeutic massage, bikes, paddleboards, snorkelling gear, travel assistance, and several excursions.

Hearing Aids & Summer

As temperatures rise, it’s important to understand how to take care of your hearing aids. Beware of Heat! Avoid putting your hearing aids in places that attract heat quickly – like the glove compartment or console in your car. Stay Away from Moisture! Remember to take your hearing aids out before swimming or if you’re caught in the rain. Keep ‘em Clean! Warm, humid weather creates a breeding ground for germs and bacteria. You can use a soft, damp cloth to wipe away dirt and debris from your hearing aids. Follow these simple tips and get outside to enjoy the warm weather.

Summer Safety Tips

Follow these tips to stay healthy and well this summer: *Stay Hydrated: Drink 8 or more glasses of water per day. *Know the Side Effects of Medications: side effects may include drowsiness or sun sensitivity. * Stay Cool: Use A/C, stay indoors, and go swimming. * Wear light, loose-fitting clothing. Wear breathable clothing and light colours that reflect the sun. * Have Emergency Contacts: Have a list of people to call in case of an emergency. * Know the Weather Forecast: Plan your days according to the weather. We wish you a happy and safe summer.

Drink Up to Stay Hydrated

Summer is here and so is the heat! At this time of year, dehydration can become a serious health issue for anyone and especially seniors. Many seniors are chronically dehydrated so hot weather is especially dangerous. Dehydration can result in symptoms such as confusion, sluggishness, fainting or worse. It is extremely important to drink plenty of water and eat foods with a high water content such as cucumbers and watermelon. If you find water boring, add juices or cut-up fruit to your glass for a refreshing summer drink. Have fun, stay safe and drink up this summer!

Heat Exhaustion & Heat Stroke

Heat exhaustion can occur if the body loses an excess amount of fluid through sweating and does not have it replenished. As your body becomes dehydrated, it begins to overheat and you may start to feel faint, dizzy, and lightheaded. If left untreated, heat exhaustion may progress to heat stroke, a life-threatening condition. At this stage, your temperature rises to a dangerous level and you may no longer sweat due to extreme dehydration. A person suffering from heat stroke may be in a state of confusion and disorientation. If you suspect someone is experiencing a heat stroke, press their Lifeline Personal Help button or call 911, get them out of the heat, and apply cold compresses on the body to lower body temperature quickly.

Laughter is the Best Medicine

Why did the dad get a new grill for Father’s Day? Because he’s the master of turning up the heat and flipping jokes like burgers—always sizzling with humor!

Walking for Wellness

As we age, once-easy exercises can become challenging due to changes in mobility, past injuries, or fear of injury. Walking is an excellent choice for seniors, providing various benefits from short store strolls to leisurely park outings. It *enhances mobility, *aids weight management, *boosts mental well-being, *supports heart health, *maintains strength, *fosters social engagement, and *reduces pain. Incorporating walking into daily life is a lifestyle choice that promotes healthy aging. For those concerned about walking alone, a medical alert system offers reassurance, ensuring help is available at the push of a button. Start your walking journey today for a healthier body, mind, and spirit.

Prevent Trips and Falls

When you think of weather-related trips or falls, you’re likely imagining a time when it’s cold and icy outside, but summer can be just as risky. When on unfamiliar terrain, seniors should still take caution. Outdoor rugs, pool decks, sandy shores, and even uneven patio flooring can quickly become a safety hazard. Our tips for summer safety for seniors to avoid unnecessary slips and falls include: *Keep areas well-lit and clean. *Wear comfortable, well-fitting, non-slip footwear. *Make sure glasses and walking devices are in top shape.

Aging Well Expo – June 19, 2024

The Volunteer Cowichan Aging Well Expo which will take place in the Cowichan Community Centre in Duncan on Wednesday, June 19, 2024 from 10 am – 3 pm. The Expo is open to the public with FREE admission. Whether you are an older adult, a young adult, a caregiver, or someone interested in learning more about the healthy aging resources available in the community, you are encouraged you to attend this exciting event. The Expo features presentations, door prizes and 35+ vendors, with information about health, financial, legal, and physical-care services and products available in the Cowichan Valley. See you there!

Connections Matter on Father’s Day

Father’s Day offers a poignant reminder of the vital role mental health plays in the lives of our aging parents. For seniors residing in independent living homes, the benefits extend beyond physical care. These communities foster crucial social interactions that can stave off the loneliness and depression often faced by those living alone. Friendships formed in these environments provide emotional support, joy, and a sense of belonging. Celebrating Father’s Day in such a setting underscores the importance of a strong support network. By prioritizing companionship and mental well-being, we honour our fathers not just with gifts but with the invaluable gift of connection.

Importance of Career on Mental Health

Career development can support positive mental health by helping you find meaning and passion in what you do. Social identity, routine, work, and income help form a positive self-perception. Life changes and unforeseen events will happen, bringing new opportunities. Support is available to aid in career planning, job search skills, identifying and overcoming employment barriers, resume and cover letter development, interview skills, as well as creating and refining action plans. With the increase in businesses closing their doors, the need for employment assistance may be more essential than ever. If you need help, reach out; practitioners at Juvenation Wellness are available to assist.