Community News
Your Child’s Feelings are Valid

When our kids are small and trying to manage emotions, they throw tantrums, throw things, have meltdowns, they scream and they whine. Because they can’t express what they are feeling, this is their way of communicating with us. Society tells us we should punish them for this. We teach and train them not to show their emotions. Don’t whine. Don’t complain. Your feelings are wrong. Be quiet. Eventually they stop expressing their emotions to us. Then when they turn into teenagers, we expect them to feel safe talking to us. We expect them to know that NOW it’s okay. They are subconsciously wired to think the opposite because this is what they grew up learning. Give your child permission to feel. Let them know their feelings are valid and that you care, no matter how small. Make sure they know that they are heard.

Support for Families in BC

The Family Support Institute of BC (FSI) is a provincial not for profit society committed to supporting families who have a family member with a disability. FSI is unique in Canada and the only grassroots family-to-family organization with a broad volunteer base. FSI supports and services are free to any family. Some of their services include a Resource Parent/Resource Family member peer support program, free webinars, parent/family “meet ups” on Zoom, and downloadable online resources. Check out their website or Facebook page to learn more!

Coming this Fall

New South End location for Adult Day Programs

Circle of Security – Parenting Series
Parenting group at Sundrops
• Understand your child’s behaviours by learning to read their emotional needs
• Support your child’s ability to successfully manage emotions
• Enhance the development of your child’s self esteem
• Honor your innate wisdom and desire for your child to be secure
Contact to add your name to the email list

Early Signs of Dementia

Some forgetfulness is a normal part of growing older, but it’s important to be aware of memory changes as they can be a sign of a serious problem. Along with memory changes, sudden changes to your loved one’s personality, such as paranoia and aggression, are often early signs of Dementia. For some, another early sign of dementia is having changes in vision. Your loved one may have trouble reading or seeing the differences in color. Other changes may include problems with speech and writing, poor judgment, having trouble with finances, withdrawal from social activities, and carelessness. Early diagnosis can assist you in getting help for your loved one.

Summer Supplements!

As you are enjoying the summer, keep these things in mind. Trace minerals are important for metabolic and brain functions. These are lost through activities and sweating in the heat so add vital electrolyte to your water! They are available in liquid form and from sea or Himalayan salts. Protect your skin from sun damage and dryness. Use Hyaluronic acid or aloe vera internally and/or topical for dryness and burns. Biotin provides help for brittle nails and hair. All the supplements to help you stay safe and happy are available at our store. Be extra well and have fun!!

Golden Gamers

“Golden Gamers” is a recent term used to describe seniors who play video games. Some play to pass the time, some play to connect with their grandkids and some play competitively. There’s nothing wrong with playing video games, online or on a console. Just like gambling, some seniors may be vulnerable to the addictive qualities that the gamblification of gaming offers. This includes paying to open loot boxes for premium items, skins, coins, extended time, etc. No different than slot machines, some games can entice vulnerable seniors to spend beyond their means. For more information, contact

Career Decision Making

In the decision making stage of the career exploration process, it’s time to take all the accumulated information and analyze how each career works with your life priorities. While looking at how each career matches up with aspects such as your life values, interests and skills, it is important to understand that; *There is more than one great career per person. *A career may not always fill every want or desire. *Some elements and goals will need addition activities to feel complete. *It’s ok to feel uncertain and emotional. Be sure to make decision based on knowledge rather than assumption.

Using Headphones Safely

According to the World Health Organization, more than one billion 12 to 35-year-olds, risk irreversible hearing loss from exposure to loud sounds such as music played on their smartphone. To prevent noise-induced hearing loss and related conditions such as tinnitus – commonly experienced as a ringing sound inside the ear – monitor how loud, and for how long, you listen to music. Sound is measured in units called decibels or dBA. Music through headphones at maximum volume measure 94-110 dBA. Sounds at or above 85 dBA can cause hearing loss. Test your hearing today at NexGen Hearing!

Island Ford Superstore Matching Donations

Sundrops afterschool program now has a new 24 passenger bus equipped with TWO wheelchair lifts to transport kids to and from community activities. Variety, the Children’s Charity has covered half the cost and Clements Centre has announced a fundraiser “Kick-Start” the Bus to raise the other 50%. Our friends at Island Ford Superstore are generously matching community donations up to $10,000. You can help to Kick Start the Bus with this incredible opportunity to double your donation and double your impact! Every dollar you donate will directly touch the life of a child by providing barrier-free access to community activities.

Fear of Falls Causes Unsafe Behavior

Someone who is fearful of falls, may start to avoid everyday activities by staying home and doing less. This lack of activity leads to the loss of strength, reduced muscle tone, and loss of coordination and balance. This deterioration of your physical being increases the risk of falling and, when a fall does occur, the fear is further heightened. Turn your fear of falling into positive actions: remain active, exercise regularly, use assistive devices such as walkers or grab bars, wear sensible shoes and consider participating in a group session with others who are anxious about falling.

Online Health and Wellness Resource

Wellnessnews Choices for Healthy Living® invites you to check out the Wellness Hub, your online Health and Wellness resource for Vancouver Island. The Wellness Hub features hundreds of local business and practitioners offering services and products. In addition, there are hundreds of health tips and articles on a variety of topics. It is easy to search, access and share information. There are currently a few events listed and we are hoping that soon it will be filled with local community event. While you are checking out the Wellness Hub, don’t forget to enter the Summer Adventure Contest. The draw date is July 31, 2021.