Community News
Gambling Support – Fold Em Podcast

Do you gamble from time to time? Has the pandemic increased your feelings of loneliness and isolation? Do you listen to podcasts? Are you concerned about someone’s gambling behaviour, or possibly your own? You are not alone. Connect with others by tuning into the Fold Em podcast on your favourite app or check out and click “listen now”. You can listen in on how others have sought help to overcome problematic gambling behaviour. On the island, reach out Tracy Tsui for FREE, confidential support.

Communicating with Individuals with Hearing Loss

Communicating effectively with someone experiencing hearing loss can be a challenge. Here are some tips to help: *Find a quiet place – create the best conditions for them to understand you, *Understand level of loss – understand the unique set of challenges they face, *Say it a different way – choose uncomplicated words so it’s easier for them to understand, *Make eye contact – Eye contact allows someone to read your expression for context, * Get their attention – make sure they know you’re speaking. If you or a family member are concerned about hearing loss, be sure to schedule a hearing test today!

Does Getting Dental Implants Hurt?

The placement of dental implants causes only minor surgical discomfort because the jaw bones have few nerve endings, Bone grafting may have a little more discomfort associated with it. Many patients are able to work within a day of surgery. Any post-operative discomfort is controlled with prescription pain medication. Patients are placed on a soft diet and antibiotics for a few days and told to use an antiseptic mouth rinse several times daily. If sutures are necessary, they will be removed 7 to 14 days after the implants are placed. New techniques developed are always geared to improving patient comfort.

Shovelling Snow? Injury Prevention

In our area, winters usually mean rain, but there are days when we need to do some snow shovelling. With that comes an increased risk of sprains and strains. Prevent injuries by employing a few tips: *Do a 5 minute full body warm up before shovelling. *Scoop and push small amounts of snow. *Lift and move weight with your legs. *Engage core muscles to assist in stability, balance and limb movement. *Check your posture. As we tire our posture tends to fail. Take a break, sip hot cocoa and reset yourself. For instruction on effective posture and core awareness, ask your Physiotherapist!

Let’s Drive Our Brain

Driving is a privilege. RoadSafetyBC mandates every person at age 80, and every two years following, undergo a Driver Medical Examination Report. The report is the primary tool to assess conditions such as mental ability to drive. Anyone (19+) who needs their license reinstated due to a stroke, brain injury or other situation also requires this report. Cowichan Brain Injury Society offers a program, ‘Let’s Drive Our Brain’, for cognitive training. It has a brain workout to prepare for this test. Testing and training include verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, abstract, deductive, and inductive reasoning to evaluate logic skills. To learn more contact Tracey Nyhan.

Diabetes Foot Care

Foot care is an important part of managing your diabetes. High blood sugar levels associated with Diabetes causes potential damage to the nervous and circulatory systems. Wearing well-fitting shoes and quality socks are a key part of foot care. Use socks that will keep your feet warm and dry, as well as provide protection from foot injuries. Keeping your feet warm can help improve blood circulation and is beneficial to the health of the nerves in the feet. Look for socks that provide extra cushioning in the heel and bottom of the foot and are non-binding at the top.

Living with Tinnitus

Your hearing is vitally important as you navigate your relationships and the world around you. If you have trouble hearing or are dealing with tinnitus, it can make life more difficult. Tinnitus is characterized by a ringing or buzzing sound in the ears. Over 360,000 Canadians report suffering from chronic tinnitus, and almost half of those are severely affected. The use of a hearing aid to amplify sounds has proven effective in minimizing the distraction caused by tinnitus. If you or a family member are concerned about hearing loss or tinnitus, be sure to schedule a hearing test.

Connect with Loved Ones

Relationships are a key source of strength and help build resilience in these strenuous times. This Valentine’s Day, let’s not forget to remember our significant others… lovers… or those who have stood by us in the darkest times of this past year. Take time to reflect on how important your loved ones are to you, remembering to connect in meaningful ways. Reminding those who are special to you this Valentine’s day how much they mean to you with a call, a thank you, or a hug that lasts just a little longer than usual brings more love into the world

How to Write a Condolence Note

Finding the words to write a note of comfort to friends and family who have lost a loved one can be difficult. It does not need to be a lengthy message. Generally, a few heartfelt sentences are enough. Simply express your sympathy and let the recipients know that your thoughts are with them during this difficult time. Acknowledge the loss and refer to the deceased by name. Sharing a fond memory of the deceased is a wonderful addition to the message. End the note with a kind word, a hope, a wish or expression of sympathy

Importance of Social Activities

For many seniors, living alone may directly affect how often they engage in social activities. Social interactions often decrease as we age, which is why it is important to be involved in social activities as often as possible. The more active you are, the better you will feel in many ways both physically and mentally. If you are finding yourself lonely, while living on your own, you may want to connect with others by joining groups such as, volunteering with organizations including a local senior centre. Another solution is to consider moving to a seniors’ residence which is ideally suited to create many opportunities for social interaction and fun daily.

Online Gaming Player Health

What does player health on online gaming and gambling platforms look like? Playnow, BCLC’s online platform continues to offer player support via their Game Sense Advisor program, including an active chatbox staffed by one of your GSA’s. Players are encouraged to *Stick to their time and financial limits *Take physical breaks from the screens *Walk around and to do something else for a while *Remain sober while playing *Use App-blockers if needed. Feel free to reach out to our outreach team for support. This pandemic is taking a toll on us all. We’re always here to help!