Community News
Holidays After a Loved One has Passed

The first holiday season after losing a loved one can be a very difficult time. It is important to acknowledge that things are going to be different and the holidays will never be the same as they once were. But they needn’t be endured alone. Hold your memories of loved ones close and connect with other people during these cold winter days. There will be opportunities to make the holidays meaningful; be open to the change and accept it for what it is – a new opportunity to create stronger family bonds and traditions.

Online Gambling Support

When the weather grows cooler, rainier, and drearier, we tend to retreat into our homes and apartments. The coronavirus seems to be gaining ground as we have now been hit with the second wave of Covid-19. As Christmas, Hanukkah and other seasonal holidays grow closer, online gambling becomes an attractive companion for the internet-savvy. When people gamble out of boredom, loneliness, or the desire to make money, the risks of gambling beyond their financial or temporal boundaries increase. If you or someone you love is struggling, please go to directly. A Gambling Outreach Support worker will contact you within 24 hours.

Choosing a Mental Health Practitioner

Mental health practitioners in BC range in knowledge, expertise and experience. When seeking assistance, this range of ability can make it difficult to understand a practitioner’s level of competence. This is why regulation of this profession is so important. To better protect the public, a proposal has been put forward to BC government to form a regulatory body of Counselling Therapists. This is similar to how other provinces have done it. Meanwhile, when looking for assistance, it is important to research the mental health professionals. Discuss their level of education, experience, certifications/registrations and to what associations and/or colleges they belong.

Winter Falls

‘Tis the season for freezing temperatures and slippery conditions that can lead to falls, falls that can result in serious injuries. In addition to obvious hazardous environmental conditions, the winter months bring with them unique characteristics and combinations of conditions that contribute to a higher risk of falling. Hypothermia, vitamin D deficiencies, and bringing winter risks indoors is among them. Work to help prevent winter falls by wearing foot wear that provides a good grip, dressing warmly – try layering your clothes, talk to your doctor about vitamin D supplements, and clean up any puddles from any weather you’ve tracked inside your home.

Gift Ideas for Someone Special

Give the gift of wellbeing to your loved ones this Christmas. *Unique diffusers for rooms and the car with essential oils humidify and purify the air you breathe. Depending on the essential oils used, can provide a variety of health benefits including detoxification, respiratory, calming/sleep, and mood-boosting. *Local Raw Honey and Beeswax Candles that are non-toxic to burn *Himalayan Salt Lamps in various shapes and sizes * Clean Incense, Chocolates, Body lotions and so much more!! Come in and find that certain something special. We are always happy to help. Have a safe and happy winter season.

I Would Love Voxx Socks for Christmas

Our father hated soft packages at Christmas time. We were not that fond of them either because they were usually socks. Socks are ranked number 2 on the list of things we DO NOT want to find under the tree. Today, anyone who works on their feet all day, the hiker and skier out in nature or the senior working hard to maintain their mobility would be thrilled to receive a pair of Voxx socks. Their benefits include enhanced pain relief and management, especially PDN pain, enhanced postural stability and balance, improved mobility and higher energy levels. Dad loved Voxx socks and wore them 24 hours per day.

Holiday Greetings

Our community came together in 2020; we stayed home when asked and wore masks because we cared about each other. At 7 pm, we stood and banged pots along with our neighbours. We kept in touch through the computer screen and found ways to reach out to those shut-in. Supporting our local businesses became paramount. With no Expos in the near future, our new WellnessHUB connects our community with health and wellness resources. We are thankful that we were able to print this newsletter throughout 2020 and will continue to do so in 2021. We wish everyone Health, Hope and Love this Holiday Season.

Are You at Risk for Shingles?

If you have had chickenpox, you can contract shingles. Shingles cause a painful rash with fluid filled blisters that lasts a few weeks. However the pain sometimes persists for months or even years. The virus that causes chickenpox stays in your body and can reactivate at any time during your life. If you think you have shingles, consult a doctor immediately. Rapid treatment, especially within the first three days of getting the rash, can reduce the duration and severity of the illness. Vaccination is recommended for everyone, age 50 and over. Speak to your pharmacist for SHINGRIX vaccine today.

Does Your Spouse Need a Hearing Test?

If your loved one is repeatedly asking others to repeat themselves, it is an indicator that they may be experiencing some form of hearing loss. Lovingly explain to your spouse that it is becoming increasingly frustrating having to repeat yourself as frequently as you are. Propose that for one-week, you will track the number of times you need to repeat yourself. Discuss the results, and gently encourage them to get a hearing assessment, even if it is just to get a baseline of their hearing. Call today to arrange for a hearing test.

The Gift of Gratitude & Reflection

As we move into the darkest and shortest day of the year on December 21st, we enter a month of reflection and appreciation for what we have and who we have in our lives. Creating a gratitude list, sending notes of thanks and appreciation, taking inventory of the significant moments of our past year in review. Taking the time to reflect, sets the stage and allows us to better figure out where we want to put our energy and move towards the new year to come.

Health and the Aging Brain

A mystery of Alzheimer’s is why some people develop the disease while others don’t. This makes finding a cure extremely difficult. Studies show that some of the risks factors of possibly developing the disease include; a history of past concussions, untreated food allergies, high blood glucose levels, neurotoxins and ingesting food grown with pesticides like glyphosate. What can you do to lower the risk? Nourish the brain with the right minerals, fats, vitamins and surround yourself with the right people. It’s vital to get out into nature and exercise! Your Brain will love you for this in its elder years.