Community News
Denture Maintenance is Important

Are your dentures not as comfortable as they were when you first got them? Maintaining regular checkups with your denturist is essential to keep your dentures in top shape. If your dentures become loose, they can cause irritation that can lead to sores and infection. When your dentures do not fit properly, they can chafe the gums, causing irritation. Tissue irritation can make your dentures so uncomfortable, it’s practically impossible to wear them because of the pain. Always practice good oral hygiene habits like removing your dentures every night and using a soft-bristled brush to brush your gums, tongue, cheeks, and the roof of your mouth.

Make Self-Care a Priority

Stress is a natural part of everyday life. But are you aware that stress is among the number one causes for all kinds of health concerns including sleep deprivation, changes in appetite, illness, anxiety, & depression? One of the greatest ways to combat these stress symptoms is to implement a self-care plan that is done regularly in your life. Self-care strategies are doing activities that you enjoy on a regular basis. Like when a flight attendant does the safety brief and asks you to put on your own oxygen mask first before helping others, it is important to ensure your own health and wellness is a priority.

Boost Your Immune System

Boosting your immune system helps keep viruses, such as the Corona Virus and other unwanted intruders, at bay. Negative emotions and feelings such as Fear, Stress, Anxieties, Pain, Guilt, Grief, and Anger lead to physical weakness in the body. In these threatening times, we all need to strengthen our immune system and heal our body. We can do so via emotional and mental balance and happiness which can be achieved with 3D-Healing. 3D-Healing, used since the 1970s by Olympic athletes, is absolutely non-invasive and suitable for all ages, purely positive, uplifting, and healing. Please call for a free, 15 min consultation.

Look After Your Heart

It is important to remember to take special care of your vital ticker, every day: *Go for a walk and get your heart rate going and enhance your circulation. *Ditch the processed bad fats and eat heart-healthy fats like monounsaturated (olive and avocado) and omega-3s (fish and walnuts). *Eat more colourful fruits and vegetables including extra-beneficial berries and greens, for their strong antioxidants. *Take more deep breaths and manage stress better. *Drink sufficient water and include beneficial teas such as green, white, hawthorn, ginger, and ginseng. *Be kind to yourself and your loved ones!

Communicating with Individuals with Hearing Loss

Communicating effectively with someone experiencing hearing loss can be a challenge. Here are five tips to help: *Understand their level of loss and the unique set of challenges they face *Find a quiet place; create the best conditions for them to understand you *Say it a different way; choose uncomplicated words so it’s easier for them to understand *Make eye contact; Eye contact allows someone to read your expression for context *Get their attention; make sure they know you’re speaking. If you or a family member are concerned about hearing loss, be sure to schedule a hearing test today!

Fear of Falls Causes Unsafe Behavior

When someone is fearful of falling, they start to avoid everyday activities by staying at home and doing less. This lack of activity leads to loss of strength, reduced muscle tone, and loss of coordination and balance. This physical deterioration increases the risk of falling and if a fall does occur, it further heightens the fear. Turn your fear of falling into positive actions; remain active, exercise regularly, use assistive devices such as walkers or grab bars and wear sensible shoes. Consider joining a group session designed especially to teach balance exercises for fall prevention.

Finding Joy

Everyone wants to be happy — but sometimes it can seem so out-of-reach! Happiness is not always an easy target. Maybe you are carrying around a sense of dissatisfaction, irritation, or disappointment that does not go away. Where does this come from? Is it how you are living now, or is it an old experience? Other people say “let it go” – but how do you do that?! How can you change the story? Counselling provides a safe, encouraging place to explore your options, including how to start connecting with what makes you feel satisfied and joyful.

Gambling Prevention Services

The BC Responsible & Problem Gambling Program offer Prevention Services including: • Education and information for students in grades 5 to 12 • Training for student leadership programs and peer helpers • Information sessions for parent groups, ESL classes, college and university classes, community groups, and treatment programs • Drama projects and awareness booths for older adult populations
• Training for community professionals • On-campus awareness initiatives for college and university students • Culturally relevant gambling awareness programs for Aboriginal, Asian, South Asian and other populations. We will work with your group to ensure messaging regarding responsible and/or problem gambling awareness meets your group’s needs.

When it’s Not Just Aging

While it’s true that some health conditions are more common with age, there are some symptoms that should be discussed with your doctor. 1. Memory loss – this can sometimes be the result of medications, vitamin deficiencies, and some disorders. 2. Vision problems – getting treatment early for certain vision problems like glaucoma can prevent serious damage. 3. Tooth loss – getting regular dental care can help seniors avoid tooth loss. 4. Depression – certain health conditions and medications can make depression symptoms worse, but this problem can be treated professionally. 5. Weakness – a good exercise program can help prevent loss of muscle mass.

Laser for Healing and Pain Relief

Lasers and LED’s are very successful at relieving pain. They produce intense beams of light at specific wavelengths that relieve symptoms of diagnosed neck or back pain, joint conditions, soft tissue injury, concussion symptoms and more. In addition, high-intensity single point lasers can release trigger points and treat acupuncture points. There is substantial clinical evidence published in peer-reviewed medical journals that Photobiomodulation (PBM Therapy) can stimulate repair of tissue, reduce inflammation and relieve pain in musculoskeletal disorders. These studies find that the median magnitude for pain relief using lasers is at least twice that of NSAIDS.

Maximize your Balance and Stability

Did you know that lack of stability and balance account for a large portion of foot and back pain issues? Today, wellness consumers want products to enhance their quality of life and are asking for natural, safe solutions for more energy, pain relief and enhanced mobility. VoxxLife socks and insoles with HPT optimize the user’s stability and balance at the nervous system level and provide relief from aches and pains with drug free proven technology. Voxx Human Performance Technology (HPT) is based on 45 Years of research in Neuromuscular Science, Chiropractic Neurology and Reflexology. Come see a balance demo at the 55+ Lifestyle Show on March 10 at the Pearkes Rec Centre, Victoria.