Community News
Signs to Get Your Dentures Checked

When was the last time you saw your denturist? Your face, jaws and tissue change over the years; your dental prosthesis is made of stable and rigid material that will not adapt to these changes. Here are some signs that your dental prosthesis need to be checked. *Problems chewing certain foods, *Thinning lips, sagging mouth or change in facial features, *Prosthesis loose or falling out when speaking or laughing *Discoloration and odor. These changes happen gradually and you may not notice them happening. Your denturist is the most qualified person to tell you when your dentures need to be replaced.

Health Expo – Community Event

Wellnessnews Choices for Healthy Living™ is thrilled to present the 2nd Annual Wellnessnews Health Expo on September 28th, 2019 at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre in Nanaimo. It will be a day to explore various approaches to health, nutrition, fitness and overall wellbeing. The Expo is FREE. VIP tickets are available where you get your Wellnessnews or from any of the exhibitors. While not required to attend, tickets redeemed raise funds for Nanaimo Community Gardens Society. Check the Health Expo website for a list of over 100 exhibitors and 15+ health talks.

Go Organic – Your Skin will Love it!

Skin care products with certified organic ingredients and no fillers provide real nutritional benefits. Organic ingredients such as Coconut oil, Beeswax, Cocoa Butter and Essential Oils soothe, nourish, moisturize and promote smooth and soft skin. They will not cause long-term harm to your body. The synthetic ingredients found in non-organic products may, with long term use, damage your skin as your body tries to cope with these foreign substances. Certified organic ingredients are derived from plants. They are grown without the use of pesticides, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and other additives or chemicals. Love your body – go organic!

Finding Real Wealth

Famous football coach and cancer survivor “Chuck” Pagano is noted for saying: “If you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything.” The concept of “Real Wealth” should be an integration of wellness and health. Combining these two well-known and easily applied words creates a term that captures the soul of an approach to living that works for everyone. Looking at definitions of wellness from the World Health Organization, and good old Google, you’ll find the following themes: conscious effort, self-improvement, a focus on physical and mental health, and the achievement of a higher or improved state of being.

Stroke Recovery Tips

Recovery from stroke is hard work. It involves making an honest assessment and a constant reassessment of what needs to be worked on. Make an accurate list of your strengths and weaknesses. Activities that are hard, as opposed to activities that are easy, provide greater potential for improvement and recovery. If you eliminate difficulty, you may not progress toward recovery. Focus recovery on movements that are difficult rather than focusing on abilities that are near perfect. Don’t just recover to do things you enjoy; use what you enjoy to recover. Recovery begins at the end of your comfort zone.

Take It Outside

With the pleasant summer weather, we are all spending more time outdoors. There are many wonderful activities to do outside, including walking, hiking, jogging, biking, gardening, sports, playtime with kids or pets, “forest bathing”, picnics; all are great alternative to electronics! Important benefits of taking it outside include a mental health boost with elevated mood and joy and increased quality of life and personal satisfaction. Being active outside reduces fatigue and can help improve your memory. Other benefits include lower blood pressure and reduced risk of disease. So go outside, be safe, wear sunscreen and drink lots of water!

Ozone Treatment for Holistic Health

Ozone is made of three oxygen molecules, providing a natural boost of healing oxygen. Ozone improves cellular metabolism, as well as aids in the regeneration of damaged cells. The extra oxygen introduced to the cells helps repair cellular mitochondria, reducing pain and improving recovery in many different tissues. Ozone therapy can be safe and effective for treating various nerve disorders, tissue inflammation, joint flexibility and regeneration, tissue rejuvenation. Ozone enhances the immune system function by eliminating bacteria, virus, fungus and parasites. Ozone therapy is a minimally invasive procedure that delivers ozone to an injured site via injection or intravenously, stimulating healing from within the body on the cellular level.

Cleaning Dentures is Essential

As a denture wearer, your most important responsibility is to keep your dentures clean. Like natural teeth, dentures can also attract plaque, become stained, and collect food particles that can cause bad breath. The two best methods of cleaning dentures is soaking and brushing. If your dentures need more attention, be sure to visit your Denturist every six month to a year for a professional cleaning and polishing of your appliance.

Are You Having Fun?

As an older adult, you know that you need to stay active for optimal mental and physical health. But are you having FUN? Fun and joy are what make us feel truly alive, engaged, and connected to others. The world becomes more vibrant and inviting when we give ourselves permission to laugh and play. Every senior deserves to pursue enjoyable pastimes that make him or her lose track of time or feel like a goofy kid at heart. Plus, many of the best activities for senior citizens cost little or no money. Explore activities that spark the kid in you!

Make Social Interaction a Priority

Maintaining relationships and spending time with others is essential to our emotional and mental well-being. It can help prevent depression which affects 20 percent of the population over 70 years of age. Socializing also keeps the mind active; the improvements are greater when the person is involved in fun interests with other people. Plan regular get-togethers with friends, such as a weekly lunch date or coffee with another senior or loved one. Scheduling social interactions give us something to look forward to. For those who are truly adventurous you can enjoy new experiences and meet new people by signing up for travel tours, book clubs, and much more at your local community centre.

Protect your Hearing at Concerts

Do you enjoy going to concerts? Be sure to protect your hearing! If you leave a concert with temporary ringing in your ear, the damage can cause additional difficulties in the future. Protect your hearing at you next concert by, 1. Not standing too close to the speakers: 2 Taking breaks from the noise: 3 Giving your ears a break after exposure to loud music to give your ears a chance to rest and recover. Consider investing in a good pair of custom earplugs. Protect your hearing at every concert and you’ll continue to enjoy the music for many years to come!