Community News
Mom Will Love Luxurious Skincare

Mother’s Day comes only once a year, so show your mom (or the mother of your children) how grateful you are that she is in your life. Chocolates, flowers and brunch are conventional ways to celebrate the day.  This year – why not try something different? What mother would not love to receive something EXTRA SPECIAL – luxurious skincare products that hydrate, nourish and pamper her skin?  Look for natural, handcrafted skin products made with the purest organic essential oils, without harmful chemicals or allergens. That SPECIAL WOMAN in your life deserves them.

Feisty Ferdy Organic Skin Care,

Why Do Some People Mumble?

Hearing loss can set in gradually over many years.  Some sounds get quieter, while soft and high-pitched sounds like consonants can be harder to hear.  When someone talks, you don’t hear each word clearly and thus, they seem to ‘mumble’. It may also sound like people are talking too fast because the ears didn’t pick up every sound causing the brain to take longer to put the pieces together. Having a hearing aid tuned to your specific hearing loss will allow you to hear those soft sounds that you would otherwise miss, reducing the cognitive load and frustrations.

NexGen Hearing,

Spring Detox

Here are some tips for spring wellness: • Drink lemon or apple cider vinegar water first thing in morning. • Cut out processed sugar and junk food and limit gluten, dairy, and meat consumption. • Include fermented, probiotic-rich foods in your diet. • Drink at least 10 glasses of water and herbal teas such as dandelion, nettle ginger, turmeric, tulsi, and green every day. • Consider taking an occasional dose of aloe vera and/or milk thistle. • Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetable and maybe add in a daily greens powder like moringa or chlorella.

Tina Foster, RHN, Essential Remedies,

Does Culture Shape Gambling?

Throughout history, gambling has been a part of most cultures around the world. From the earliest playing with bone dice to the most sophisticated video lottery terminals, humans seem fascinated with gambling. Different cultures prefer different forms. Casinos are popular among Asian and Eastern European gamblers; Southern European and Arabic gamblers prefer card games; scratch lottery tickets are popular in North American and European countries. Mahjong, Baccarat and Poker are China’s games of preference. Regardless of your preference, help is available when gambling is no longer just for entertainment.

Karen Hlady, Gambling Awareness Program,

The Foreigner

A painfully shy Englishman takes a room at Betty Meeks’ Fishing Lodge. In order to avoid his pathological fear of social interactions, Charlie pretends that he can’t speak English. This new role as “foreigner” makes Charlie the unwitting confidante when he overhears more than he is meant to – with hilarious results! He  finds himself in predicaments that are sidesplittingly funny, but which also give us food for thought, as they remind us that our all-too-human foibles, follies, and frailties can make us endearing as well as initiate inspiring personal transformations. The Foreigner will be on our stage April 18 – May 9.

Chemainus Theatre Festival,

How to Deal With Tinnitus

Your hearing is vitally important as you navigate your relationships and the world around you. If you have trouble hearing or are dealing with tinnitus, it can make life more difficult. Tinnitus is characterized by a ringing or buzzing sound in the ears. Over 360,000 Canadians report suffering from chronic tinnitus, and almost half of those are severely affected. The use of a hearing aid to amplify sounds has proven effective in minimizing the distraction caused by tinnitus. If you or a family member are concerned about hearing loss or tinnitus, be sure to schedule a hearing test.

Drug Free Solution for Pain

Are you looking for a drug free solution for pain relief? Would you like to feel more balanced and stable when walking and increase your mobility? After years of research, VOXXLife has developed a technology (VOXX HPT) that triggers a very precise neuro response that helps the brain maximize its natural pain fighting mechanisms. The documented results and benefits from using products with the VOXX HPT pattern include enhanced pain relief and management, especially PDN pain, enhanced stability and balance, and improved mobility. Discover the technology of Voxx socks and insoles at the Oceanside Health & Wellness Fair on March 16 in Parksville.

Champions for Kids – Capital Campaign

The Clements Centre has begun a capital campaign called “Champions for Kids” to raise funds for a new 7 million dollar Sundrops Child and Family Development Centre in the Cowichan Valley. The population in the valley is growing and so is the demand for services for children’s early development. This is making it harder for families in the region to have access to a central resource for services like speech, physio and occupational therapy. A new and modern facility in the heart of the community will provide a local central “hub” to improved access to vital services by the over 700 families who require assistance for a child’s healthy development.

How to Prevent Digital Eyestrain

Digital eyestrain includes headaches, blurred vision, irritation, excessive tearing or dry eyes. As we spend more time using computers and hand-held devices, many of us find that our eyes are suffering. Having even small, uncorrected nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, presbyopia or eye-muscle alignments can affect how comfortably you can work on a computer screen or device. Certain anti-glare coatings help with discomfort by reducing transmission of harmful artificial blue light that is emitted by newer computer screens, devices, tablets and lighting. Use the 20-20-20 rule; every 20 minutes, take a break for 20 seconds and look at something at least 20 feet away.

Look After Your Heart

Your heart muscle works hard pumping your blood to deliver vital nutrients around your body and to feed your organs. Those of us with family history, or risk factors like obesity, circulatory disorders, high blood pressure and/or sugars, need to be extra aware and wary about our hearts. Take heart knowing that your risk can be reduced. Start by eating an anti-inflammatory whole foods diet. Exercise is essential so choose something you enjoy. Keep lean to reduce the “metabolic syndrome” risk factors. Talk to a professional about supplements such as coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), a potent antioxidant that has been linked to normal cardiac muscle functioning to support cardiovascular health.

Is Medical Cannabis an Option for Me?

Are you wondering if medical cannabis could help you with some of your ailments? What can it be used for and how do you use it? How do you access it? Bring your questions to the Medical Cannabis Conference for Older Adults in Nanaimo, March 23rd in support of the Nanaimo Family Life Association. Medical and industry professionals along with older users will be on hand to talk about how medical cannabis is used to treat chronic pain due to injury, arthritis, cancer, depression, anxiety and more. At this one-day workshop, you will learn what to ask your medical professional about access and usage.