Community News
Renewing your Prescriptions

At the Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy, we offer FOUR Ways to renew your Medication, saving you time and ensuring that you never miss a dose. Our Medicine Shoppe Mobile App is simple, fast, and efficient for regular medication renewals. *Online Renewals – Ideal for long-term drug therapies and regular medication. Renew your medication, set automatic renewals and create reminders. *Medication Synchronization – Synchronize all multiple prescriptions at once. We will contact you once your prescriptions are due to renew. *Phone – call us to renew your prescription. We also offer curbside pick-up and home delivery, making access to your prescriptions easier than ever.

Shoulder Pain Relief

To eliminate the pain of frozen shoulder or rotator cuff injuries and to regenerate the joint, especially with osteo-arthritic elements; acupuncture and Prolozone injection therapy are my treatment protocols. Hypoxia or the inadequacy of cellular oxygen reaching the body’s tissues causes degeneration in the ligaments. Prolozone is excellent for all forms of musculo-skeletal and joint pain including chronic neck & back pain, rotator cuff injuries, degenerative, arthritic hips, knees, degenerated discs, shoulder and elbow pain. Because in many cases Prolozone actually corrects the pathology of the disorder, there is a 75% chance for the chronic pain sufferer to becoming permanently pain free.

Protect Against Hearing Loss

Are you protecting yourself from hearing loss? There are “Three Pillars” of hearing loss prevention. #1: Proactive Health Management – Diabetes and high blood pressure if not appropriately managed, may pose a risk to your hearing health. #2: Smart Buying Decisions -Products such as lawn mowers, leaf blowers and hair dryers can generate dangerous noise levels. #3: Protection from Noise -Protecting your hearing from noise is one of the easiest things you can do, and it doesn’t have to cost a lot. Inexpensive foam earplugs provide adequate protection in many noisy situations. These steps can go a long way to maintaining the quality of your hearing.

Local Health and Wellness Resource

The internet is full of information. Did you know that there are two billion websites online? No wonder it can be difficult to find what you are looking for. We can help. The Wellness Hub powered by WellnessNews Choices for Healthy Living® is the go-to source for local health and wellness information on Central Vancouver Island. Find local business and health care practitioners, read health tips and find out what is happening in the community. Check us out online at

Why Wear Compression Socks?

How much do you move during the day? If you spend a lot of time sitting, your calf muscles that usually help pump blood through your veins do very little. This can cause swelling and blood to pool in the lower legs. Standing all day can have the same effect. Walking is a great exercise to help the calf muscles do their job. Socks with compression squeeze your legs to move blood up your leg whether you are sitting or standing. Voxx Knee Highs offer gentle compression, are comfortable to wear and have HPT to help with pain, balance and stability.

Benefits of Retirement Home Living

There are many reasons why moving into a retirement residence can be a positive change. With plenty of healthy lifestyle options such as fitness clubs, putting greens, theatre rooms, spas, and bowling alleys, retirement residences can help maintain not just physical health, but also mental and emotional health, since there are plenty of opportunities for companionship and socializing. Large one-bedroom and two-bedroom private suites often allow some familiar home furnishings for additional comfort and customization. Residents have their independence and privacy but can also access personal support and health care when needed. All our properties have adapted and are safely living together and supporting one another’s health and good spirits.

Gambling During Covid 19

Covid 19 has shaken us, disrupted our routines, and as per public health order closures, rendered our favourite casinos and gaming centres inaccessible. As a result, some players may have altered their gambling habits by migrating to online platforms. This shift in play may heighten risk factors such as isolation, unchecked substance use, lack of in-person connections as well as the use of credit to gamble. The Responsible & Problem Gambling Program remains committed to serving the people of BC 24/7. Our support services include outreach, education and counselling services, are FREE of charge, and available by phone, text, web chat, or in person.

Get Your Flu Shot This Year!

Doctors are telling their patients that if you don’t normally get a flu shot, get one this year. The flu often takes an enormous toll on the health-care system. Hospitals and health-care facilities could become overwhelmed if they need to treat both flu and COVID-19 patients. People with higher risk of flu related complications include *People over 65 and children under 5 *Pregnant women and those planning to become pregnant *Residents of long-time care facilities *People with chronic diseases such as diabetes. Please call the Medicine Shoppe to be put on the list to be contacted when the flu shot is available.

Boost your Immune System

We all know about the importance of flu shots, social distancing and hand washing, but what about boosting our own immune system? Here are some tips to keep your body healthy: *Make sure to get enough sleep – at least 7 hrs *Eat a diet rich in vitamins and minerals *Get regular exercise. *Add a boost of Vitamin C to your day with oranges, peppers and strawberries. Comfort Keepers can help keep you active and make healthy meals for you in your home. Call today to book a consultation.

Should I See My Dentist Now?

Dental offices are now open to provide most dental treatments but that can change at any time given the situation with Covid. Our offices have seen an increase in the number of people calling with infections and pain. Many of them had treatment planned that had been postponed because of Covid. Now most of these situations involve degrading dental conditions that will not improve without treatment. If you have outstanding dental conditions, it would be well advised to have them looked after as soon as possible by calling your dental office.

Community Profile – Amplifon

Amplifon is a global leader in hearing healthcare, helping over 5 million people worldwide. Yet, there’s still a taboo in society surrounding hearing loss. The longer a person delays getting help, the more challenging it is to assist with speech “discrimination” or understanding sounds. Several studies have shown that people with untreated hearing loss experience an overload of the brain’s cognitive functions — which may lead to an earlier onset of dementia. Be proactive and schedule a complimentary hearing test with your Amplifon team in Nanaimo and complete the journey to better hearing.