Community News
2nd Annual Wellnessnews Women’s Expo

We are proud to present the 2nd Annual Women’s Expo on February 9th, 2019. Bring your Mom, Daughter, and Friends and join us at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre in Nanaimo for a day of wellbeing. With over 100 exhibitors, the Diva Oasis and wellness seminars, it will be a day to explore, indulge, shop, learn and have fun. The Expo is FREE. Get your VIP tickets where you get your Wellnessnews or from one of the exhibitors. While not required to attend, tickets redeemed raise funds for Samaritan House. Check the Women’s Expo website for an updated exhibitor list and scheduled health talks. See you on February 9th.

Continue to Enjoy your Garden

Do you enjoy working in your garden but find some of the work required to be too much? As we age, operating some yard equipment and climbing ladders can become dangerous. But we still want the yard and trees to look good and be cared for. Enjoy your garden again by hiring help to do the heavy work such as digging, pruning the trees and hauling away the debris. Your fruit trees will look their best and produce bountiful fruit when they have been pruned by a professional. January is a good time to have your fruit trees pruned.

Easing the Move to Long Term Care

When you have made the decision to move a loved one into a long term care community, here are some tips to help with the transition: – Be open with family members – talk about the decision; – Arrange for your loved one to visit the community where they will be going; – Determine what can be done before moving day such as preparing their room with personal items and labeling clothing; – Take moving day off and spend it with them; and – Introduce your loved one to the staff members. Keeping these tips in mind will help make the move easier for everyone.

Ideal Skin Care Regime

With our busy lives we want a skin care regime that is simple and effective. Choose a product line that provides ideal skin care with four easy steps: 1) Cleanse, 2) Eye treatment, 3) Antioxidant Serum for the day or Retinol Serum for night and 4) Moisturizer. Look for a skin care line with the highest standard of ingredients that has been developed for all skin types. Riversol, Alumier, Cellex- C and Vivier offer medical grade quality. Skin care should protect your skin, while fighting multiple signs of aging that includes fine lines, wrinkles and sun damage.

Immune System Therapy with Ozone

Prolozone or Ozone Therapy has remarkable functions for immune management because of the increased oxygen utilization at a cellular level. Patients report increased energy, increased stamina, increased resistance to cold and flu’s, the disappearance of unresolved symptoms and an overall increased sense of well-being. The success of the ozone treatment is dependent on the practitioner’s skill, judgment & the proper integration of other skills including, nutrition, natural medicines, acupuncture, detoxification. Many patients follow these recommendations to resolve a specific acute or chronic ailment and then continue periodically with ozone treatments as an immune system seasonal tune-up.

No Quick Fix

So the Holidays are now over, the bills are piling up and panic has set in. It’s tempting to wish for a quick fix, like a lottery or casino win, to make our financial worries disappear. But what are the odds of winning? Not in our favour. That’s why it’s called gambling. If you have the money and are in a light-hearted space, enjoy your gambling activities. But if you’re thinking of gambling to cover your rent or pay your bills, don’t! Let us help you find a better way. Please call the gambling info line at BC211 or chat/text on

Selective Hearing or Something More?

Think you’d notice if you have impaired hearing? Think again.

Those with hearing loss are often the last ones to recognize it. Unless the impairment occurs through sudden physical or medical-related trauma, hearing loss generally occurs slowly over time. This gradual change presents itself as people mumbling, unclear voices, or difficulty hearing through background noise. Friends and family are usually the first to notice when they aren’t being heard, or when they are consistently asked to repeat themselves. You may be tempted to brush it off as selective hearing. But if those close to you have said they suspect you have a hearing loss, it’s time to get your hearing checked.

Thrive Into Your Elder Years

Do you lack energy? Do you become anxious or tense easily? Suffer from depression? Never before have our bodies been exposed to so many chemicals. Our psychological environment is changing. There is more traffic and less nature to balance our needs. Many people are struggling just to survive; with very few thriving well into their elder years. Nutritional and lifestyle changes can help decrease the effects on our brain and other areas of our body that accumulate oxidative stress and age us prematurely. We need to ensure our blood sugars are balanced, eat complex carbohydrates like legumes, lentils and healthy grains and smart fats like olive oils, free range eggs, salmon and coconut oil.

Safety at Home and Away

The feeling of safety and security in your home is now available wherever you might be! Whether in your home, walking to your mailbox or going on vacation, there are devices available that give you 24/7 access to help. These on-the-go devices, can send an alert when you press a button, sense when you fall and send an automatic alert, and provide direct, two-way communication with a 24/7 Response Center. They are designed to help locate the user in a variety of situations – home or away, indoors and out. It really is possible to get out there and enjoy life with peace of mind.

Health, Family & Happiness

With the New Year upon us, this is the time we reflect on the past year and look forward to what we hope for the new year. Amidst the cliché resolutions to ‘stop procrastinating’, ‘eat healthy’ and ‘wake up early’ many of our hopes boil down to three simple things; health, family and happiness. This may mean looking for help to keep your elderly family members healthy and happy. Keeping loved ones comfortably in their own homes as long as possible alleviates some of the stress off the family’s primary caregivers allowing for more quality family time.

Meet the Practitioner – Cari Cooper, BC RMT

As a graduated BC Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) at Naturally Healthy Clinic, Cari is excited to offer therapeutic treatments to her patients. A thorough assessment and specific individual treatment plan will create the road to recovery. Modalities include myofascial release, trigger point pressure release, active stretching techniques, as well as Swedish massage. Cari aims to create a calm and relaxing environment to allow patients to rebalance and restore both body and mind. Direct billing to insurance companies will be available soon! Call Naturally Healthy Clinic (250) 755-4051 to book your appointment with Cari today.