Community News
Keep Hydrated During the Summer

Remembering to drink your water is important but electrolytes need to be replenished too. In the summer you can get your extra water through food such as melons, especially watermelons. They are high in Vitamins A, B6, C, key electrolytes and minerals such as potassium, magnesium and calcium. To make Watermelon Salad, combine 1 lb watermelon and one long English cucumber, both cubed into bite size pieces with 10-20 mint and basil leaves and cubed mozzarella cheese. Dressing: combine 2 Tbsp raw honey with juice of ½ lemon, splash of olive oil and a pinch of salt. Enjoy!

Benefits of Chemical Peels

Are you looking for smoother, fresher looking skin? A safe and non-toxic chemical peel removes dead skin cells and stimulate your skin’s natural production of collagen and elastin. It can be used to treat a broad range of common skin concerns. A chemical peel provides immediate results and, over time, continues to improve skin texture, reduce pore size, improve acne prone skin and even out your skin tone. A highly trained medical skin care specialist customizes the treatment to meet your unique needs. Call for a complimentary consultation to explore this exciting process.

Boost Your Love Life with Acupuncture

If your love life needs a boost, have you considered Acupuncture to help a sagging libido? Acupuncture may just be the ticket to improve your love life and reignite your fire. Waning sexual interest can be due to both emotional and physical issues including hormonal imbalances and relationship conflicts. Chinese medicine sees low libido as an imbalance of Qi (energy) within the organ systems. Once the cause of the problems has been discovered, specific points on the body are addressed to strengthen both the mind and body. This can help bring you back to prime sexual health.

Tours for Fun & Social Interaction

Socially isolated seniors can be prone to loneliness. Shrinking social circles and loss of a spouse or friends through death are some of the reasons seniors become socially isolated. There are many opportunities available for socializing for those who want to make new connections. Nanaimo offers many programs such as lunch socials, exercise classes and day trips. Single seniors can find new friends by joining one of the many one day bus tours travelling around our beautiful island. There are tours for every interest; shopping, sightseeing, sports, gaming and much more.

Support for Caregiver Burn Out

When you are the caregiver of a loved one, you need to also take care of yourself. Signs of burn out are: withdrawal from family and friends; feeling blue, irritable and helpless; changes in sleep patterns; getting sick more often; and feelings of resentment. What can you do to support yourself? Talk to a trusted friend or co-worker; set reasonable goals; be realistic about your loved one’s disease, especially if it is a progressive disease such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s. Use respite care services when you need a break or while you are assessing care plan changes.

Laser Acupuncture for Stress Reduction

Stress is an inevitable part of day-to-day life, but when it becomes too frequent or intense, it can have negative effects on our minds and bodies. We feel it in our muscles as tension, and in our minds as frustration, anger, or anxiety. Laser acupuncture can be a useful tool in helping to manage stress levels. Non-invasive cold lasers are used to stimulate various acupressure points on the body, promoting increased relaxation that helps with decreased heart rate, lower blood pressure, stress reduction, and increased energy and tissue regeneration. While the treatment cannot alter a client’s life situation, it can improve their wellbeing, making it easier for them to take on life’s challenges.

Prolozone Helps Heal Colitis

Ozone therapy can be used very successfully on a regular basis for even the worst colitis cases, because it enhances circulation and provides an oxygen-rich environment for cellular rejuvenation. It can remove toxic deposits from the intestines and colon, restore acid/alkaline balance, and improve nutrient assimilation. For Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, it is an important adjunctive therapy to a good nutritional program, combined with detoxification procedures. Since ozone therapy is a biological response therapy, similar to homeopathic therapy, the success of the treatment is dependent on the practitioner’s skill and judgment.

Maintaining Balance

How does maintaining a balanced life work in today’s fast-paced and increasingly stress-riddled world? From a gambling literacy perspective, it starts by being aware of risk factors and knowing when we are vulnerable. This includes when we are suffering from emotional and/or financial stress, having suffered the loss of a loved one, the end of a job or relationship, or even experiencing a big win at a younger age. Living a balanced life has its challenges with or without gambling, but is not impossible. Reach out to friends, family, our helpline and counselling team! That’s what we’re here for!

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Summer is baseball season; in Canada, that means cheering for the Blue Jays. Scientists have found that being a sports fan is good for your emotional, psychological and social health. Benefits range from social connection to measurable increases in muscle nerve activity. In August, the Toronto Blue Jays are playing the Seattle Mariners in Seattle, WA. Why not join a group of Vancouver Island fans to support our Canadian baseball team? Skip the hassle of ferry line-ups and border crossing by taking a tour to the August games in Seattle.

You Need an Eye Care Professional

Many eye diseases such as glaucoma, diabetic eye disease and age-related macular degeneration have no early warning signs. A dilated eye exam is the only way to detect these diseases in their early stages. During the exam, eye drops are used to dilate the pupil to allow more light to enter the eye. This enables an eye care professional to view the back of the eyes and examine them for any signs of damage or disease. Your eye care professional is the only one who can determine if your eyes are healthy and if you are seeing your best.

Benefits of Shiatsu Massage

Shiatsu is a Japanese hands-on therapeutic massage working the meridians and pressure points throughout the body. This non-invasive therapy addresses a wide range of body ailments such as muscle tension, stress, chronic pain and digestive issues. Shiatsu uses a firm steady pressure to release tension allowing the practitioner to probe deeper, stimulating circulation of vital nutrients. The practitioner is trained to recognize patterns of disharmony providing valuable insight and body awareness for the client.