Community News
Great Socks for Travel

Many of us have compression socks for travelling. On the day of travel, put them on when you get up; that is when your legs are less swollen. This allows your body to adapt to the socks. Make sure to leave them on for a few hours after you land to again allow your body to adapt. Wearing the socks for the extra time can reduce any swelling of the legs much more effectively than if they are taken straight off. Travel socks do not work unless you wear them. Voxxlife socks provide comfort compression that clients love to wear.

Ask Your Pharmacist

Do you have questions about vaccinations, how to quit smoking or other health issues? Your Pharmacist can help provide information and answer many of the questions that you may have. Vaccines can help prevent disease and save lives. Ask what vaccines might be right for you. Is 2023 your year to QUIT SMOKING? The B.C. Pharmacare’s Smoking Cessation Program helps eligible B.C. residents of any age stop using tobacco products by covering the full cost of nicotine gum, lozenges and patches. Ask your Pharmacist for more information about this program and vaccinations today.

Remember 1-4-2

Have you heard of Canada’s Low-Risk Gambling Guidelines (#LRGG)? Guideline 1: Gamble no more than 1% of household income, e.g.: $60,000 annual gross income = $50/month. Guideline 2: Gamble no more than 4 days per month = roughly once a week. Guideline 3: Avoid regularly gambling at more than 2 types of games, including lotteries, sports betting, table games, slot machines, scratch tickets, horse racing, bingo, video lottery terminals (VLTs), and online gambling. Mental health & addictions, gambling type and reasons for gambling can make these guidelines difficult to follow. Reach out to VI Gaming Support! We’re here for you.

Nutritional Insecurity

“I always find that as the weather changes, I move from eating lots of soups and winter roots to lighter fruit and vegetables. However, sometimes it is hard to get my hands on my favourite healthy foods and I wind up eating the stuff that is easier at hand and faster to prepare.” Does this sound familiar? For approximately one-third of seniors in Canada, factors including ease of access, cooking time, mobility, loneliness and more, contribute to nutritional insecurity. Comfort Keepers caregivers can help you shop, prepare and enjoy healthy home-cooked meals! Contact us.

National Volunteers Week: April 16 – 23

Are you looking for a fulfilling volunteer opportunity? At Nanaimo Lifeline, we have two wonderful opportunities for you to give back. Our Check-In Service offers a daily friendly phone call to our clients, providing reassurance to those who might be isolated. Best of all, you can make these calls from home! Are you techy? Another volunteer opportunity is to also install our plug-and-play equipment in new clients’ homes in your area. We will provide the training and accompany you until you’re ready. For more information about our volunteer opportunities, please go to the About Us section of our website.

Profile: On Track Wellness

Jennifer Baker’s wellness journey started when she went chemical free. She realized that what we put on and in our bodies is the key to a healthier life. Her journey began with Epicure, a Vancouver Island company that helps get healthy, clean food on the table affordably and quickly. She became certified to provide Raindrop Massages, Reiki treatments, card readings and more to help herself and her clients achieve and maintain both physical and spiritual wellness. As her wellness journey evolved, On Track Wellness was born. Jennifer is living her best life helping people stay on track with their wellness.

Retirement Lifestyle

When is the best time to start thinking about downsizing and moving to a smaller house or a retirement community? The answer is … well before you need to do so. Downsizing is often a stressful process. Start slowly and give yourself plenty of time to make it seem less overwhelming. Take photos of cherished items to remember them by. Research and look at the various options for retirement living before you need to make a move. It will take the fear and stress away knowing that you have done your homework and have started the downsizing process.

Are You Doing A Spring Detox?

Spring is the season of cleansing and renewal. Before starting a detox, consider the following? 1) Are you under stress? If yes, your body may not be able to get rid of toxins. Your Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) regulates voluntary and involuntary physiological processes in the body – including detoxification. An ANS that is out of balance is inefficient. 2) Are you drinking enough good quality water and replenishing electrolytes to stay hydrated? 3) Are your emunctories (pathways of elimination such as liver, intestines, and kidneys) ready and well to eliminate the toxins from your body? Detox safely!

Nar-Anon Family Groups

It is no secret that addiction issues have become a glaring part of our community; what is less obvious is the loved ones affected by this disease. Addiction is a family disease as it not only harms the person who is abusing substances, but it deeply affects the loved ones of the user. “The sickness spreads to those of us who care the most.” “In Nar-Anon we learn a better way to live.” If someone else’s addiction is causing you to feel out of control, isolated and or alienated, Nar-Anon is here for you. For more information visit our website.

Clarity is Key

When making any changes to your lifestyle, having a clear understanding of why and what you are changing is key to long-term success. If you’re unclear about the direction you wish to move towards you may find yourself being pulled in another direction. Clarity is the first of many baby steps to take when reaching a goal; it’s a common place to get stuck especially if you’re a perfectionist. Clarity can be refined as you progress. Reflecting on how you’re proceeding is the best tool to get more clear about how, why and what you do to reach your goals.

Medication and Supplement Review

Do you take a number of prescription medications along with over-the counter health supplements? Combining certain medications and supplements can cause medications to become ineffective and the combinations may even be harmful to your health. Many people do not have a good understanding of the medications that they have been prescribed, the supplements that they take or their possible harmful interactions. Your Personal Pharmacist can sit down with you to review your medications and supplements, answer any questions you may have and make sure you are getting the most out of your medication.