Community News
Social Connection

Staying socially connected is more important than ever and especially during this pandemic. Social Isolation particularily among seniors, is a growing problem and is associated with a number of health risks. There is technology to help you keep in-touch but not everyone has the access nor the ability to use it. Nanaimo Lifeline has a Check-In Service with a daily phone call to those who might not be connected. Their friendly chat provides peace of mind and ensures that somebody knows that you are doing Ok today. Contact us if you or someone you know would benefit from this service.

Is the Food Good?

When considering a move to independent senior living, there are two burning questions that come to mind; “What am I going to do with my time?” and “Is the food good?” Today’s senior residences offer a calendar with a variety of recreation programs and unlimited access to programs in recreation, leisure, social arts, entertainment and fitness. You are welcome to participate in as much as you want, or to take quiet time for yourself. Executive Chefs offer in-house prepared meals with a focus on fresh, local ingredients. Residents can enjoy everything from comfort food to elegant special event dinners.

The Story You Tell Yourself

Our experiences are determined by our conscious and subconscious thoughts. They become the story we tell ourselves or “self-talk.” Self-talk impacts how we live our lives, including how we react to unpleasant or stressful situations. Negative self-talk can be challenged by changing how we respond to situations. Recognize negative thinking styles such as *Perfectionism,*Thinking you are the only one experiencing stress and strain, *Ignoring the positive, *Thinking only of the worst outcome. Ways to manage negative self-talk includes identifying the negative thoughts and changing them to healthier thoughts. Acknowledging the negative thoughts and feelings while moving towards what matters most to you.

Common Questions about Hearing Aids

Here are answers to some common hearing aid questions: *Are they expensive? Your hearing practitioner, through careful investigation and consultation, can recommend a product to fit every budget and need. *How long do they last? With normal wear and tear of daily use, you can expect approximately five years of life from a set of hearing aids. *Can people tell that I am wearing hearing aids? Many of the options available today are the most discreet and invisible hearing aids ever. Our hearing practitioner will help you make an educated decision. Contact us today – we come to you.

Urban Poling Your Way to Better Health

If you have been told you should use a cane but using a cane just does not fit your image, why not try Urban poles. They are sporty, fun, easy to use and facilitate a more fluid gait. Evidence based research relating to older adults identify Urban poling (Nordic walking), with the proper training, as a healthy activity suited for improving quality of life. Proven benefits include increased balance & stability, increase in mobility and improved strength. A 2011 study on Nordic walking with Parkinson’s clients found pain, balance and health related quality of life were improved.

Diabetes Foot Care

Foot care is an important part of managing your diabetes. High blood sugar levels associated with Diabetes causes potential damage to the nervous and circulatory systems. Wearing well-fitting shoes and quality socks are a key part of foot care. Use socks that will keep your feet warm and dry, as well as provide protection from foot injuries. Keeping your feet warm can help improve blood circulation and is beneficial to the health of the nerves in the feet. Look for socks that provide extra cushioning in the heel and bottom of the foot and are non-binding at the top.

Shovelling Snow? Injury Prevention

In our area, winters usually mean rain, but there are days when we need to do some snow shovelling. With that comes an increased risk of sprains and strains. Prevent injuries by employing a few tips: *Do a 5 minute full body warm up before shovelling. *Scoop and push small amounts of snow. *Lift and move weight with your legs. *Engage core muscles to assist in stability, balance and limb movement. *Check your posture. As we tire our posture tends to fail. Take a break, sip hot cocoa and reset yourself. For instruction on effective posture and core awareness, ask your Physiotherapist!

Pharmacy at Home Program

Today we are all staying at home as much as possible so it is comforting to know that a pharmacist can come to you. The Pharmacy at Home Program brings a pharmacist to your home at no additional cost. The pharmacist will identify all the prescription and non-prescription medication you take, discuss how they are best taken and will create a medication management plan. This may mean being able to stay in your own home longer, reduced number of hospital visits and improved quality of life for you and your caregiver. Contact us to book a medication review with your pharmacist.

How to Write a Condolence Note

Finding the words to write a note of comfort to friends and family who have lost a loved one can be difficult. It does not need to be a lengthy message. Generally, a few heartfelt sentences are enough. Simply express your sympathy and let the recipients know that your thoughts are with them during this difficult time. Acknowledge the loss and refer to the deceased by name. Sharing a fond memory of the deceased is a wonderful addition to the message. End the note with a kind word, a hope, a wish or expression of sympathy

Ozone Therapy Increases Oxygen Utilization

What makes us healthy and invulnerable to disease? Discover this for yourself right now. Hold your breath for 60 seconds. What happened? Clearly there is absolutely nothing as critical to our health as oxygen metabolism. Oxygen utilization is the single most important predictor of your risk for degenerative disease and premature aging. As we get older our cells become less able to efficiently use the oxygen we breathe, some as much as 50%! Ozone therapy activates the immune system, prevents free radical damage and helps the body detoxify, the ultimate preventative tool to stay healthy and happy into old age.

Connect with Loved Ones

Relationships are a key source of strength and help build resilience in these strenuous times. This Valentine’s Day, let’s not forget to remember our significant others… lovers… or those who have stood by us in the darkest times of this past year. Take time to reflect on how important your loved ones are to you, remembering to connect in meaningful ways. Reminding those who are special to you this Valentine’s day how much they mean to you with a call, a thank you, or a hug that lasts just a little longer than usual brings more love into the world