Community News
Smoking/Chewing … Is it Time to Stop?

Do you know that in Canada, 100 people die every day from smoking related illness? Smoking is responsible for more deaths than obesity, physical inactivity or high blood pressure. Our unique 3 step Stop Smoking laser treatment package can help you quit smoking FOR GOOD! The cold laser balances the energy flow between acupuncture points to detox your body and helps alleviate all nicotine addiction and cravings. This non-invasive treatment will have you completely detoxed in 72 hours! Within one week with 2-3 Sessions you can be SMOKE FREE! If you have finally had enough, give us a call!

Warm Feet = Time to Sleep?

If you have trouble falling asleep, here is something that you may not know. The National Sleep Foundation suggests warm feet when going to bed sends a signal to your brain that it is bedtime. Sleep research indicates a correlation between falling asleep quickly and increased blood dilation in our extremities. Something else that may keep you from sleep is Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS), a condition that causes an uncontrollable urge to move your legs. Today’s socks with built in HPT technology will not only keep your feet nice and toasty but may also provide relief from restless leg syndrome.

Gambling Outreach Support

If you are looking for support but not seeking counselling, our Gambling Outreach Support team provides confidential and personalised one-to-one support to anyone concerned about their own or a loved-one’s gambling. Gambling Outreach Support is offered in every community across BC, providing information, support, referrals, and accompaniment to resources, including peer support organizations such as 12 Step groups or Smart Recovery and online self-help resources. Other support includes community support organizations such as bankruptcy trustees, legal services, housing services, community mental health services and debt management services. Our services are FREE and available by phone, text, web chat, or in person.

Local Wellness Resources

Looking for LOCAL Health and Wellness information? The Wellness HUB is the One-Stop, Online Resource for products and services available in our local communities. Shopping local strengthens our communities by keeping money close to home and providing employment. The Wellness HUB enables people in Central Vancouver Island to easily find and support local businesses, read health tips and be informed of what is happening in the community. Check us out online at

Retirement Haven

Today’s active seniors are looking to get the most out of their retirement. When weighing the options for senior living, consider how much the senior living industry has grown in the last five years. Independent living has become a retirement haven for seniors who want flexibility and peace of mind. It is designed for the independent senior with an active lifestyle who wants to simplify their worries of home maintenance, commuting, safety, social isolation, and health. Senior living in an independent living community is designed to streamline your life to give you the time to do the things you want to do.

Relieve Pain with Heat and Ice

Heat and cold therapy can be an effective and inexpensive way to relieve pain from a variety of conditions such as arthritis, pulled muscles, inflammation and swelling. Cold therapy is best for bruised or swollen joints and tendons; it improves nerve activity and blood flow. Use ice packs and a bag of ice cubes with a little cool water for acute injuries/pain, inflammation and swelling. Heat therapy improves blood flow, circulation and soothes muscles and joints and increases their flexibility. Use heat packs and pads for muscle pain, tension and stiffness. Take care, your body will thank you!

City of Nanaimo Fall Programs

This fall, the City of Nanaimo, Parks, Recreation and Culture will be offering programs for all ages! Due to COVID-19, they will not be producing their usual Fall and Winter Activity Guide. Find the latest programs by following the City of Nanaimo Facebook page and the City of Nanaimo website. These will be updated on a regular basis as new programs come available. There will be arts, crafts, fitness, wellness, swimming, skating and so much more to participate in. Stay active this Fall with Parks, Recreation and Culture. For more information, visit or call 250.756.5200.

Protect Your Family with Estate Planning

It’s hard enough to think about death without having to consider the financial realities that go along with it. Making the right decisions about funeral and cemetery expenses can be especially tough when you’re grieving the loss of a loved one. There’s a way around that. The cost of funerals and cemetery services are unavoidable, however if you are smart, you can cut those costs and protect your family. With well-informed estate planning, you could save thousands of dollars, and spare your spouse and children from a heavy financial and emotional burden. Please contact us for more information with no obligation.

Practicing Positivity

It is easy to feel overwhelmed by stress and anxiety during challenging and uncertain times. Positive thinking can help you to handle problems more effectively and provide a boost to your immune system and self-esteem. Step 1: Write down the things you are worried and stressed about to get them out of your head. Step 2: Make a list of things you feel positive or grateful for. Step 3: When you find yourself in a negative thought, remind yourself of the things you are grateful for. This will help to train your brain to focus on the positive.

Study Participants Needed

In Canada, hospital readmissions of patients with chronic disease may be preventable with improvements in home self-care, in-home monitoring, self-tracking, and better training in health self-management practices. Given this prevention perspective, the University of Victoria – Institute on Aging & Lifelong Health has implemented a two-year randomized controlled research study; the Victoria Assistive Devices and Coaching (VADAC) Study. VADAC is looking for volunteers to become study participants. If you are *a senior (65 years+), *live in the Victoria to Nanaimo region, *have one or more chronic health conditions, and *have internet / WiFi access, contact the Project Co-ordinator, Suzanne toll free 1-866-902-3767, (

Time for a Denture Reline?

Has it been some time since your last visit to the denture clinic? Most individuals will experience measurable change every two years with how dentures fit due to bone loss. Bone loss allows dentures to shift more when chewing which dramatically increases pressure and accelerates bone deterioration. Left unchecked, this loss can lead to fit issues and bone mass damage. Some indications that more significant bone loss has occurred are: *food entrapment under plates, *looser feel, *frequent sore spots or *less ability to chew. A reline procedure can be used to restore your denture back to proper function. Call us for more information.