Community News
March is Social Work Month!

Social workers play a critical role in the health of our community by supporting individuals, groups, and families. Their goal is to ensure their clients have housing, know about benefits and resource programs they can access, and help facilitate housing and employment opportunities. For seniors, social workers work to reduce social isolation, counsel family members and friends about how to support aging loved ones, and ensure their clients receive the medical services they need. Social workers deserve a big pat on the back for all they do to support the most vulnerable members of our community.

Gaming vs Gambling

Once upon a time, gaming and gambling were separate forms of entertainment, vying for their respective market share. In today’s world, now that people of all ages have wide-ranging access to the internet and smartphones, these industries have become powerhouses within their respective worlds. How people gamble has changed. How our youth play video games has changed as well: Never-ending self-contained online worlds, rife with micro-transactions fuel increased spending to simply keep up in the game. If this all sounds foreign to you, please connect with an under-40 gaming enthusiast near you. Gaming and gambling have changed. Now, there is even more reason to make sure we are doing both responsibly.

Spring Clean the Medicine Cabinet

Here are a few tips to clean up your medicine cabinet and other places where medication and vitamins are stored: Gather all medications in one place. Check the expiration date of each item. Set aside any medications that you no longer take or that have expired. Set aside any medication that is not in its original container or whose appearance, consistency, or odour has changed. Take all discarded medications and vitamins to your pharmacist for safe and ecological disposal. Do not throw them into the waste basket, sink, or toilet. The Medicine Shoppe can help with the cleanup process and disposal.

Celebrate Spring with New Activities

Spring is a new beginning and a great time to start new and healthy habits. Moving out of our comfort zone can result in new and exciting experiences. Spring is a perfect time to go outside and spend time in green spaces. The possibilities are endless. Things to try include birdwatching, rock hounding, searching for sea glass on the beach, or an outdoor fitness class. The beginning of a new exercise routine is great for your overall well-being. If you prefer to stay inside, an online course, a painting class, or dance lessons may be the perfect new experience to celebrate spring.

Pre-Plan for Peace of Mind

Pre-planning for your final wishes is a compassionate choice that relieves your family of the burdensome task during a time of grief. It provides financial security, shielding against rising costs and disputes. Furthermore, it offers emotional support, allowing loved ones to come together, grieve, and bond. Planning your farewell in advance ensures that your specific wishes and budget are met. It becomes a cherished gift for your loved ones, enabling you to share your life’s story one last time. Remember, if you want to live well and die well, you need to plan your funeral well!

Tips for Spring Cleaning

The green season is upon us and with it comes Spring Cleaning! Many people dread this yearly task; the best way to tackle it is to go low and slow. Go through one drawer or cupboard a day to get the ball rolling in the right direction without taxing yourself. In the bathroom, look for expired medications. Collect these and take them to the pharmacy for proper disposal. Ask for help. Decluttering with the help of a friend can make the task much easier. Or call us to help you! We are here to support you holistically, body, mind, and home.

Your Body Need Rest

Rest is more than just the quality and quantity of sleep that we get each night; it also includes the time we spend recharging our social, emotional, and mental batteries. Sleep is incredibly important for our long- and short-term health and helps our body recover from the physical stresses of our day-to-day lives. However, sleep may not help you recover from the social, emotional, and mental stresses. I encourage you to identify ways to step away from your phones and reconnect with your inner world. Journaling, meditation, yoga, hobbies, or time in nature can refresh your social, emotional, and mental batteries.

Online Health and Wellness Resource

Wellnessnews Choices for Healthy Living® invites you to check out the WellnessHub, your online Health and Wellness resource for Vancouver Island. The WellnessHub features hundreds of local business and practitioners offering services and products. In addition, there are hundreds of health tips, articles and podcasts on a variety of topics. It is easy to search, access and share information. While you are checking out the WellnessHub, don’t forget to subscribe to receive a monthly email letting you know about events and the monthly contest. You can also read the digital version of our five island editions of the newsletter.

Comprehensive Support

Having support after the loss of a loved one is incredibly valuable. Grieving is a deeply personal experience, and having help can make a significant difference in navigating the complex emotions and challenges that come with loss. Support can come in many forms. Practical support can help provide traction to get the necessary details started. Our funeral support can provide help with all the documents that need to be filled out and services cancelled. We are unique in the provision of our estate settlement services. This service helps the family with all their documents. Ask our staff how we might be able to help you manage all the basic details during this difficult time.

Small Heart- Healthy Changes

It’s heart month! Heart disease is the second-leading cause of death in Canada. A heart-healthy lifestyle means eating right, sleeping enough, and exercising every day. But what does that mean? Eating healthfully: you don’t have to give up cookies; add in fruits and vegetables every day. Exercise: walk for 5–10 minutes a day, or do windmills with your arms if mobility is an issue. Sleep—try for at least 7 hours per night. Heart health doesn’t have to mean huge lifestyle changes that can feel overwhelming. A little bit at a time is all you need!