Community News
Product Profile: VoxxLife Wearable Technology

Great Socks for All has introduced pain relief and enhanced balance to the people in Central Vancouver Island for over two years. You may have seen the VOXXLife booth at expos and markets around the community. A Canadian, searching for drug free pain relief for his mother’s MS symptoms, spent several years and millions of dollars analysing brainstem functionality and the peripheral nervous system. The result of the research is a very specific sequence and pattern of neuroreceptor activation on the bottom of the feet. This pattern is incorporated into VOXXLife socks and insoles. Benefits include enhanced pain relief and management, especially PDN pain, enhanced postural stability and balance, improved mobility and higher energy levels

Games of Chance

Many people find gambling fun and exciting… you never know if you are going to win big! It is important to understand the reason why you never know if you are going to win big. It is because all gambling games are influenced by chance; the outcome of the games cannot be controlled or predicted with certainty. If a game’s outcome was certain, it wouldn’t be gambling. Gambling games are designed to favour “the house” meaning the game operator or vendor. This is true for casino games, online games, horse racing, bingo, sports and lottery games.

Benefits of Holistic Nutrition

A Holistic Nutritionist can help you with a natural approach to a healthy diet. This natural approach incorporates emotional, spiritual and physical health to restore balance within your body and improve your quality of life. A Holistic Nutritionist can identify and assist with overcoming nutritional deficiencies, menu planning, making lifestyle choices and stress management. Clinical research shows holistic nutrition improves neurological, inflammatory & digestive issues. Benefits of working with a holistic nutritionist can include: Increased energy, Improved sleep, Happier mood with less depression, Increased weight loss, Lowered cholesterol, Improved digestion, Reduced stress levels, Disease prevention and Pain management.

My Ears are Ringing!

Can something be done about the ringing in my ears? Tinnitus, the ringing in a person’s ear should be evaluated by a qualified Hearing Care Professional and initial treatment should be directed toward ruling out a medical cause. Tinnitus is not curable but there are many ways to manage it. Utilizing counseling, stress management techniques, having a low sodium diet, using hearing aids, and using sound masking devices can help people that experience tinnitus. If you are suffering from ringing in the ears, book an evaluation with qualified Hearing Care Professional today.

Plan for the Future

There are many conversations that families should have. One of those concerns your final wishes. Planning your funeral and cemetery arrangements in advance means you can discuss the options with family in a relaxed, stress-free environment. The other conversation is planning for your future health care. If you were sick and couldn’t speak for yourself, would your family know your wishes? You might be surprised by the space between what you want for future care and what your loved ones think you want. It’s important that they know your values, what is meaningful in your life, and how you would like decisions to be made.

Suffering from Vertigo?

Vertigo is an unsettling feeling of everything around you spinning that can be difficult to control. Vertigo is caused by a problem in the inner ear that causes brief vertigo spells that come and go. The spells can last a few hours or up to a few weeks. It best to seek medical help for vertigo. Most doctors and physiotherapists can do vertigo treatments to help relieve the dizziness and the sudden urge to feel ill. Treatment is available that helps release the crystals in the inner ear to relieve the dizziness. Contact your doctor or a physiotherapist to find out more about treatments for vertigo.

Easier to Get Around

If you find it hard to walk as much as you would like, a mobility scooter could be a fit for you. These sit-on, motorized vehicles are designed to make it easy to get around and are simple to operate. A mobility scooter can give you your independence back. They make it easier to get out and about in the local community, to attend social events and to travel. A light weight scooter can be folded down and transported in a car or airplane. With so many mobility scooters available, choosing portability and compactness is a definite plus.

Health Expo – Community Event

Wellnessnews Choices for Healthy Living™ is thrilled to present the 2nd Annual Wellnessnews Health Expo on September 28th, 2019 at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre in Nanaimo. It will be a day to explore various approaches to health, nutrition, fitness and overall wellbeing. The Expo is FREE. VIP tickets are available where you get your Wellnessnews or from any of the exhibitors. While not required to attend, tickets redeemed raise funds for Nanaimo Community Gardens Society. Check the Health Expo website for a list of over 100 exhibitors and 15+ health talks.

Talking about Gambling

Talking about any difficult issue such as a problem with gambling, can be challenging. Here are a few strategies that can be helpful: • Try not to judge them or use judgmental language; this will only make the person defensive. Problem gamblers already feel vulnerable. • Offer support, caring and information on help that is available. • Tell the person specifically how their actions are affecting you and your family. • Let them know you will support them in their efforts to regain control. • If your finances are linked, you may need to take immediate action to protect yourself and your family.

Lip Protection with Organic Beeswax

The skin on your lips is thin, delicate and vulnerable to dryness. Lips and the area around the mouth are among the first areas to develop fine lines and wrinkles. Beeswax can help protect and repair dry or chapped skin due to its ability to lock in moisture without clogging the pores. High in Vitamin A, beeswax has been found to support cell reconstruction and health and also fight the signs of aging. A chemical-free organic lip balm with beeswax will provide intense, long-lasting nutrition and protection for your delicate lips. Look for products with non-nano zinc oxide for natural sun protection.

Ozone Treatment for Holistic Health

Ozone is made of three oxygen molecules, providing a natural boost of healing oxygen. Ozone improves cellular metabolism, as well as aids in the regeneration of damaged cells. The extra oxygen introduced to the cells helps repair cellular mitochondria, reducing pain and improving recovery in many different tissues. Ozone therapy can be safe and effective for treating various nerve disorders, tissue inflammation, joint flexibility and regeneration, tissue rejuvenation. Ozone enhances the immune system function by eliminating bacteria, virus, fungus and parasites. Ozone therapy is a minimally invasive procedure that delivers ozone to an injured site via injection or intravenously, stimulating healing from within the body on the cellular level.