Community News
How Loud is Too Loud?

We use decibels (dB) when we describe sound levels. Noise is considered too loud and potentially damaging when it exceeds 85 dB. Normal speech is 55 dB, a chainsaw is 95 dB, and a handgun blast can be as much as 160 dB. As a general rule, if you have to raise your voice over the noise, you should be wearing hearing protection. Levels over 120 dB can cause permanent damage even after one brief exposure. Avoid loud noise and when that is not possible, wear ear protection. If you suspect hearing loss, consult your hearing professional.

Pharmacy at Home Program

Taking multiple medications has become a way of life for many older adults and it can become a struggle to keep everything straight. Taking medications correctly is essential for treating health conditions and managing symptoms. The Pharmacy at Home program offers a complimentary, 100% patient-focused pharmacy service conducted in the comfort of your own home. The pharmacist comes to you and provides medication management, free prescription pickup and delivery and support for health and wellness. Other benefits include: personalized customer service, convenience and 25% off over-the-counter/non-prescription medications, supplements and home health products.

Concerts in the Park

What could be better this summer than listening to great music in one of Nanaimo’s most beautiful parks? The City of Nanaimo is pleased to offer free “Concerts in the Park” at both Maffeo Sutton Park and Bowen Park in July and August. Bring a picnic, your lawn chair, and take in some of Nanaimo’s amazing local talent featuring a variety of music that is great for the whole family.
For all the details, please visit our website at
The City of Nanaimo wishes you a happy and active summer!

Planning a Service

Losing a loved one is difficult. For those tasked with planning an end of life service, the experience can be overwhelming. There are decision to be made regarding music, flowers, catering, who might wish to provide a eulogy and more. The options are abundant. As society evolves, so too do the ways in which we choose to express our grief and plan events to honour deceased loved ones or yourself if you are pre-planning. Not everyone approves of current trends and there is a delicate balance between honouring the deceased by infusing trends and being respectful to your loved one. Planning help is available.

Beauty is More than Skin Deep

At first glance skin defines how we see ourselves. It defines race, represents beauty, identifies us and gives clues about health. Skin is an amazing multi-function organ, the largest organ of the body. Skin easily absorbs lotions, potions, cosmetics & personal care products. Its past time to rethink what we put on our skin. Imagine that everything that you put on your skin is being absorbed into your body. Many are toxic hormone disruptors, neurotoxins and/or carcinogenic. This is where essential oils are your friend. Our bodies love REAL essential oils. DIY is both quick and simple.

Here is a simple safe sunscreen recipe to add to your safe & simple DIY products.

Safe Sunscreen Recipe

  • ½ cup Olive Oil
  • ¼ cup Fractionated coconut oil
  • ¼ cup beeswax
  • 2 tablespoons zinc oxide
  • 1 teaspoon vitamin E
  • 2 tablespoons Shea Butter
  • 12 drops doTERRA Helicrysum Essential Oil

Dissolve first 3 ingredients over a double boiler, stir in next 3 ingredients. Once blended remove from heat and add essential oil. Once solid, use an electric mixer to whip in air and create a light cream.


Lee Hindrichs, RN (retired),

Product Profile: eMuza Mobility

Are you limiting activities and travel because they involve too much walking? eMuza Mobility scooters are a combination of modern design and ultimate versatility, giving you the mobility you need without compromising style. After three years of research and design, this elegant and sleek mobility scooter has maximized functionality. eMuza Mobility scooters are empowering our friends and loved ones to live active lives! Plane, train, cruise, RV, or in the back of your vehicle, the eMuza scooters can go almost anywhere! They are eligible for Extended Health Care. Test Drives available at the Wellington Market, 3922 Corunna in Nanaimo on August 17th.

Summer Fun

For many, summer means camping. Whether in a tent or a comfy RV, our spines can take a beating by not being able to rest in an ideal position. Improper posture while sleeping can result in a poor night’s sleep, tight muscles, pressure on nerves, and spinal misalignment. These can all contribute to a summer of aches and pains. Regular chiropractic care through the summer can help you stay balanced and help prevent aches and pains associated with misaligned spines. Proper spinal alignment can help ensure you enjoy as much of your summer as possible.

Community Update: New, Enhanced Curriculum

The Canadian School of Natural Nutrition (CSNN) has been Teaching the Medicine of the Future™ since 1994. Their commitment to quality education has made CSNN the largest, leading school in holistic nutrition education. The comprehensive practical foundation program in Natural Nutrition is comprised of 18 holistic nutrition courses, including four science courses. With cutting edge science and new practical tools added, CSNN will offer a new and enhanced curriculum for September 2019 in Nanaimo and Victoria. New courses will include Genetics and Epigenetics, Home Use of Herbs and Hormone Health. Students will earn a culinary certificate from 30 hours of practical, hands-on workshops.

Muscle Strain Relief

Pulled muscles and strains are very common and can happen easily. A pulled or strained muscle occurs when your muscle is overstretched or torn. They are usually the result of fatigue, overuse or improper use of the muscle. Pulled muscles or strains can happen anywhere in the body and can be treated for 15-20 minute with ice/heat packs and anti-inflammatory medications. Resting the muscle for a couple days and continuing to use ice/heat packs is the best way to quick healing. Stretching properly before walking or running allows the muscles to become less tight which may lead to less injuries.

Summer Events in Nanaimo

If you hear people say there’s nothing to do here in Nanaimo, they may not be aware of the many events that take place in our beautiful city in the summer. Between the playground program for kids at various parks, to family fun nights to concerts in the park at Bowen and Maffeo Sutton Park, there is so much to do for every member of the family. For all the details on the many events and program happening in your city this summer, go to our website. Have a happy and active summer!

Gardening with Essential Oils

Companion planting harnesses the properties of one plant to enhance the growth and health of another. Essential Oils are the communication and immune system of a plant. Being able to use the essential oil of a companion plant can have benefits in some cases. Mix 6 drops of essential oil to 2 gallons of warm water, stir and let it cool. When watering use one half essential oil water and half cold water. Use Basil essential oil for tomatoes, peas, broccoli, asparagus and roses. Use Peppermint & Lemon Essential Oil-for plants suffering from aphids, spiders or mold. Check out our essential oil gardening classes.