Community News
Use Natural, Organic Products for Healthy Skin

With the sunny weather, more of our skin is on display and exposed to the elements. We want our skin to look smooth and healthy; healthy skin is vital to our survival. Our skin is an organ that we wear on the outside to protect what is inside. The products that we put on our skin and on our faces are just as important as what we put into our body. To avoid harmful chemicals and allergens, use skin products made with pure organic essential oils and natural ingredients to hydrate, nourish, pamper and repair your skin – naturally. Make sure to read the label. Look for skincare products with no nasty chemicals, preservatives or artificial fragrances.

Family Caregiver Symposium

Being responsible for your parent’s wellbeing is hard. Many family caregivers struggle to cope with chores, challenges, life, health and work. The Family Caregiver Symposium is for YOU if *You are overwhelmed with caregiving * Want help but don’t know where to turn, *Face tough decisions *Mourn the relationship you once had. You will learn * How to cope during your caregiving years *Ways to ease your emotional rollercoaster * Ideas to make life better. The Family Caregiver Symposium offers support, educates & empowers caregivers who are responsible for their parents’ wellbeing. Learn from Expert Speakers and Resources, meet our Caregiver Panel and enjoy the Caregiver Appreciation Hour.

Funerals are for the Living

What do you think of when you hear the word funeral? The word is defined and interpreted differently based on what you have been told or have experienced. Funerals are for the living. The process of planning a funeral is the beginning of the grieving process. It’s an opportunity to celebrate our loved one and how they lived their life. When we include our family and closest friends in this process, we can have a fitting tribute that will not be forgotten. Funerals or memorial services don’t have to be elaborate or expensive to be meaningful to those in attendance.

Strive for Real Healing

The human body has many parts; the physical, energetic and the spiritual body, the peripheral and the central nervous system, the right and the left side of the brain and Chakras. All of the parts are guided and operated approximately 5% within YOUR Conscious and 95% within Your Subconscious MIND. All these parts of YOU are essential to YOUR health! Thoughts, emotions and energies vibrate inside of you constantly. Using a 3-D Healing Approach, we are able to open the gates and unblock stored negative emotions so their ripple effect can be removed and REAL healing can take place.

Pregnancy and Low Back Pain

Low back pain is a common issue that many pregnant women have. As the baby grows, the women’s center of mass shifts more forward, putting more stress on the low back and lower back muscles. In addition, in preparation for the birth, hormones cause loosening of the ligaments. A pelvis that is not moving properly can also contribute to low back pain. A chiropractor trained in the Webster Technique knows how to specifically, and gently, correct pelvis misalignments in pregnant women, helping reduce low back pain and making pregnancy a little easier. Call for a free consultation on how we can help you.

I Can Hear, but Cannot Understand

High frequency consonants are responsible for the clarity of speech. When people hear the low and medium pitches well, they hear that someone is speaking, but if they have high frequency hearing loss, they miss the high pitches. Deprivation can happen when people wait a long time before addressing their hearing loss auditory. When the auditory centers of the brain and the auditory nerves are not stimulate properly they can weaken over time. This results in a decline in a person’s speech processing ability. Contact a Hearing Care Professional for a FREE hearing test and take your first steps towards better hearing.

Responsible Gambling

Gambling “responsibly” means different things to different people. Everyone has their own idea of what “responsible”, “safe” or “fun” looks like. Regardless of what responsible gambling means to you or to someone else, some common themes of Responsible Gambling include: 1) always make informed decisions about gambling 2) only gamble with money that isn’t needed for something else; 3) have an awareness of how gambling works and the common false beliefs that can get people into trouble & 4) be aware of your own feelings to avoid being frustrated, anxious or depressed when gambling.

Shop Local – It Is Good for You!

Do you remember the feeling of elation when you found the perfect handmade sweater for your niece? Or earrings to match your pink outfit? The heightened emotions of happiness release endorphins, known as the “feel good” chemicals in your brain. When you shop, you socially interact with people around you. You make a connection between you and the maker who picked the berries and made the jam. It is wonderful to tell the story of how you met the artist who created the art hanging in you hallway. When you shop at a local market, you make a small business owner who has spent hours honing his craft happy.

Better Balance and Stability

Would you like to feel more balanced and stable when walking? Better balance and stability reduces the risk of falls and increases your mobility. VOXXLife socks and insoles have a distinct pattern that triggers a very precise neuro response in the brain. Documented results from independent research studies have proven the benefits of the VOXX HPT technology. Benefits include; enhanced pain relief and management, especially PDN pain, enhanced stability and balance and improved mobility. Experience the technology of Voxx socks and insoles for yourself at the Wellington Hall Market on June 8th in Nanaimo.

Game Theory & Common Sense

Game theory is the mathematical study of games that goes beyond the theory of probability to include the behaviour of other players. But most of the time, gamblers do not pay strict attention to probability let alone other more complex mathematical considerations. Despite knowing that the odds are stacked against us, and our money likely lost, we continue to gamble for our own individual reasons. Michael Jordan once said, ”I want people to understand, gambling is not a bad thing if you do it within the framework of what it’s meant to be, which is fun and entertaining.”

Variety is the Spice of Life

It has been said that variety is the spice of life. With that in mind, Nanaimo’s Parks and Recreation Active Pass may just be the variety you need to keep and get you active. Monthly to yearly passes are available that offer users unlimited access to all public drop-in sessions. This includes public/length swimming, aquafit, public skating, weight rooms, hot tubs, saunas, steam rooms and sports at Oliver Woods Community Centre. Active Passes are available for individuals or families, and year-long passes can be paid for with monthly installments. Contact our recreation experts for more information.