Community News
Are you Gambling Literate?

Being Gambling Literate goes beyond setting an entertainment budget to play games of chance such as lotteries, bingo, slots, cards or online poker. Gambling literacy, in the big picture, includes the ability to see its impact on the health and wellbeing of individuals, families, communities and societies. On a personal level, gambling literacy invites us to develop personal and social skills to manage our behaviour and choices related to gambling. Gambling literacy involves more than winning or losing on a game of chance: It speaks to our complex relationships with money, skill and chance. Gambling is not a problem; it is our relationship to it that might be.

Are you wearing the wrong size bra?

Most women spend 16 hours per day in their bra. It is important to your long term health that it fits you properly, both in the band and the cup size. A bra that is too tight may cause tension on your shoulders, neck and back which can lead to headaches. A cup too small may dig into the tissue causing damage. Wearing a bra that is too loose does little good if it floats on your breasts allowing too much motion which can lead to pain and potential long terms damage to the breast tissue. A lingerie specialist can get you sized properly. It’s free and worth the trouble. You need to feel comfortable and look good in your bra.

Dangers of Social Isolation

Did you know that social isolation is the “new smoking” with respect to negative impact on health? Recent research confirms that individuals with adequate social relationships have a 50% greater likelihood of survival compared to those with poor or insufficient social relationships. Clearly, this is worth paying attention to! If you are a senior looking to try out some new activities, be sure to check out the many FREE special events happening from October 1 – November 1 during “Seniors Celebrate” month. Call 250-591-2924 or visit our website for details.

The Power of Touch

Touch may well be one of the most unappreciated of the five senses.

Seniors in particular often miss the simple acts of touch and the many benefits that go along with them. There is the physical benefit but just as important, are the mental and emotional ones. Touch enhances the quality of your life. Research shows that touch triggers the hypothalamus which produces oxytocin. This has a number of different physiological effects including, reducing stress, lowering blood pressure, pain management, improving sleep and promoting relaxation. The human touch can especially benefit those with Alzheimer’s. It can benefit the caregiver as well.

Dealing with Stress

Imagine a bucket slowly filling with water, one drop at a time. Eventually the bucket overflows. That is what stress is like. Chronic stress attacks our weaknesses, whether it’s physical; high blood pressure, heart disease; or emotional; depression, anxiety. Speaking with a trained professional can help deal with the debilitating effects of too much stress. Through a meaningful conversation with a counsellor, your stressors can be identified and a way to manage them determined. A caring, non-judgemental approach with a compassionate ear and a kind heart will help you develop confidence with your inherent goodness so you can move forward feeling happier.

Live Theatre: KEY FOR TWO

Nanaimo Theatre Group opens their season October 12 with a British farce! In this wickedly amusing play, by two master craftsmen of comedy, Harriet, a divorcee living in an elegant flat in Brighton, solves her financial problems by entertaining Gordon and Alec, two married gentlemen callers, on different days of the week. The show runs Wednesdays to Sundays October 12-28 at the Bailey Studio, 2373 Rosstown Road in Nanaimo. Evening shows are 8 PM, matinees are 2 PM. All tickets are $20 and can be booked online or by calling 250-758-7224.

Classes for Improved Health

The City of Nanaimo and Island Health have partnered to offer classes to improve your health. Programs are taught by Dr. Derek Poteryko who is a family physician and the Medical Director of Community Health in Nanaimo. Dr. Poteryko is passionate and committed to helping people live healthier and more fulfilling lives. Class topics include “The Skinny on Weight Loss”, “Don’t Worry Be Happy”, “Men’s Health”, “How to Make Nanaimo Health Care Better”, “Quit Smoking for Good” or Advanced Care Planning”. The cost to attend these programs is only $2. Please see page 60 of the Fall and Winter Activity Guide for details, call us at 250.756.5200 or visit our website.

Does Your Jaw Crack?

Ever opened your jaw wide and heard it crack? Do you sometimes feel like when you bite your teeth together that one side touches before the other? These can indicate a misalignment of the jaw. Over time, a jaw misalignment can lead to degeneration of the jaw joint. A jaw misalignment can be due to injury, uneven fillings or crowns, or it can be due to bone misalignment in the neck. The top bone in the neck, called the Atlas or C1, sits right beside the jaw joint, or TMJ. Studies have shown that when the Atlas misaligns, it can affect how the TMJ moves. Studies have also shown that an Atlas adjustment can correct some TMJ issues. Visit a chiropractor to learn more.

Meet Your Practitioner – Ahmed Omar, R.D.

Ahmed is one of a few denturist in the central Vancouver Island region who brings a full denture service to the comfort of his clients’ homes. Ahmed studied Oral and Dental Medicine at George Brown College and after graduating in 2013, he opened his clinic on Legion street in Chemainus. Tooth loss can cause a host of physical and emotional issues. If you are suffering with missing teeth, Ahmed will take the time to evaluate your condition and recommend the ideal solution for you. Whether you need partial dentures or full dentures, Ahmed Omar will present you with options and help you make the best decision for your mouth.

Is Your Sleep Affecting Your Weight?

Are you one of the 30% of people with sleep issues? Inadequate sleep has many implications on your health, one of which is difficulty losing weight. Inadequate sleep slows down the metabolism; increases the huger hormone and the stress hormone which may lead to late night snacking. It also causes decreases in frontal lobe activity resulting in lack of self-control and poor decision making. Insulin levels become out of balance and the body stores more calories as fat. This then leads to increased levels of fatigue and less motivation for exercise and life. Luckily there are natural and healthy ways to improve sleep and lose weight.

Tammy Phye, RA, EOT,

Every Breath You Take

Each of the 20 breaths you take per minute supplies essential oxygen to your body’s cells while dispelling carbon dioxide. This helps revitalize your entire body from the respiratory system to your digestive system. How you feel, your energy level, clarity of mind and mood is dependent on how well your bodily systems are functioning. Breathing clean air that is free of unhealthy chemicals and gases helps maintain a healthy body and a happier mindset. Using products with activated charcoals in your home helps absorb odours and chemicals that prevent you from making every breath you take clean and revitalizing.

Christopher Tio, Owner,