Community News
Aromatherapy – Ways to use Myrrh

Last year around this time I touched on some benefits of Frankincense. The following points will give you ideas of how to use Myrrh essential oil (dilute!) 1. Used topically to help relieve colds and coughs. 2. Used topically to relieve minor skin irritation 3. Used topically to relieve cuts 4. Used topically to relieve bruises 5. Used topically to relieve burns 6. Used for symptomatic relief of eczema and dermatitis 7. Powerful cleansing properties, especially for the mouth and throat 8. Add one to two drops to toothpaste for added cleansing benefits 9. Put one drop in two ounces of water and gargle for an effective mouth rinse 10. Soothing to the skin; promotes a smooth, youthful-looking complexion 11. Add one drop to your lotion/moisturizer to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles 12. Diffuse to promote awareness.

Nelson Meggitt,

Health Benefits of Weight Loss

Research shows that losing 10% or more of your unhealthy body weight can improve your general health, and survival in those who have an obesity-related illness, especially Type 2 Diabetes. Losing 10% of your body weight can help to decrease your blood sugar levels and prevent your chances of becoming diabetic. Many healthcare practitioners offer the protocol to their patients to help them lose weight and as a result, reverse metabolic syndrome – the cluster of conditions including increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels that are often pre-cursors to heart disease, stroke and Type 2 Diabetes. The Ideal Protein Protocol is a four-phase, low carbohydrate, moderate protein, ketogenic weight management solution. A healthier lifestyle education is a key component of the method, which features personalized, one-on-one coaching and a protocol to promote losing fat while maintaining lean muscle mass.

Alma Naranjo, Success Weight Loss,

Super-Charged Oxygen Treats Chronic Pain

Oxygen is the lifeblood of the cellular system; without it there would be no you! Ozone is a supercharged form of oxygen that contains an extra atom; a typical oxygen molecule contains two (O2), while ozone contains three (O3). When treatment is applied, this extra atom breaks off after 20-30 minutes inside the body and does more than just oxygenate cells; these oxygen singlets are free to bind and destroy any viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, molds, yeasts and any abnormal tissue cells it finds in the body. These abnormal cells absolutely hate ozone, so disease simply doesn’t stand a chance! Once these abnormal cells are oxidized and eliminated from the body, they are replaced with healthy cells. Ozone therapy in conjunction with injection therapy is used to treat and eliminate chronic pain resulting from nerve injuries, degenerative joints, and ligaments.
Dr. Sterling Desmond, Dr. TCM, R.Ac.,

Resolve to Achieve

“I want to eat better/be healthier.” Sound familiar? One of the most common New Year’s Resolutions we as a culture make, and fail to achieve every year, is based on our diet. Unfortunately, the reason for failure is often simply that the change is too drastic and does not easily work into our current lifestyle. Try to make things simple for yourself: Locate local businesses on one of your regular routes that provide fresh, locally sourced options and connect with them online to regularly see deals and features. Join a group of like-minded individuals that can offer support, in person, online or even through an app. Add recipe sharing sites that fit with your resolution to your daily feed for meal inspiration. Subscribe to newsletters or magazines that will encourage you to stay on track. Start by setting small goals and work towards them – when you reach them, reward yourself!

Cakebread Artisan Bakery,

Treating Morton’s Neuroma

This foot condition is first noticed as a tingling or burning sensation in two of your outer toes. Sometimes there is a sharp, stabbing pain in the ball of the foot. Symptoms are usually only felt when weight is on the foot. When you sit down and put your feet up, the sensation disappears. What is happening is one of the arches in your foot (there are 3 arches) is dropping, and the bones have shifted and are pinching a nerve. Wearing shoes with good support around the heel and a wide toe area will sometimes relieve your symptoms. A metatarsal pad placed in the correct position may also relieve your symptoms for a while. The long-term solution is a custom foot orthotic to correct the bone alignment and remove the pressure. If left untreated for too long this condition may become chronic and require injection or surgical intervention.

Diane Calder, BSc KIN, CPed(C), Pedorthist. B.D Mitchell Prosthetics and Orthotics,

It’s Time For a MASSIVE Change!

Is breakfast really the most important meal of the day? What if you could increase your brain power with the right foods to stay sharp all the way to Lunch. What if you could improve your performance on those school exams or projects at work by simply adding 3 key foods to your breakfast? 3 key Foods that actually taste good! The truth is YOU CAN build a bigger, better, faster brain by making smart choices! Join 11-year-old International Speaker/Author Daniel Bissonnette to learn about the delicious foods and simple strategies that will help you fuel a sharper, smarter brain and happier YOU!
Virginia Ritchie,

Resolutions for Your Pet…and YOU!

January is the month to make good on all those New Year’s resolutions. Is one of those resolutions to exercise your dog – rain, snow or shine each and every day, and to possibly make your walk longer, or more interesting? The benefits of having pets are endless, and the opportunity to enjoy a walk together is truly a time to look forward to for both pet and owner alike! This is a great time to bond and enjoy each other’s company, to teach a new command, to explore a new route, to meet up with and enjoy the company of fellow dog walkers and dogs, to enjoy the night sky, and of course, to get that all-important exercise! For both dog and owner, always remember to dress for the weather, to use a flashlight or reflector for night walks, to take waste bags, and to pack some treats and perhaps water if a longer walk! Make 2017 a year of memorable walks!

Happy Paws Pet Food,

Boost Your Mental Health This Winter

Winter months can be difficult for those experiencing a mental health challenge or illness, especially during and following the holiday season. There are, however, a myriad of evidence-based ways to boost your physical and mental well-being. One important tool is vitamin D. Research clearly shows the benefits of this powerful vitamin for improving body and thereby brain health. Our bodies synthesize this nutrient through exposure to the sun. However, during reduced daylight months we are unable to get what we need from our solar source. Because low levels of vitamin D are associated with depression, it may be beneficial to add vitamin D through your diet, light therapy, or a supplement. If taking a supplement, choose the “D3”version and consume with a fatty meal. Be sure to speak with your doctor before starting a nutritional supplement program. If low mood persists, contact your healthcare provider or local CMHA for additional information and resources.

Sean Miller, Canadian Mental Health Association,

6 Toxic Chemicals in Your Laundry Detergent

The laundry detergent you’re using may contain a cocktail of potent chemicals. Not only can these chemicals wreak havoc on your health, but they also are contaminating our waterways and harming the environment. Because laundry-care product manufacturers are not required to list all laundry detergent ingredients on packaging, it can be difficult for consumers to make informed choices. There are 7 toxic chemicals likely found in your store-bought detergents, according to the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep. Cosmetic Safety Reviews, research studies show that the chemicals in detergents link to allergies, irritation of the skin and eyes, organ toxicity, developmental/reproductive toxicity, neurotoxicity, endocrine disruption, ecotoxicology, and biochemical or cellular changes. Do your research as you may find out that it’s your laundry detergent that is causing your skin irritations or allergies.

Kevin Shale, Low Environmental Impact Technologies,

Ringing In The Ears: How to get Tinnitus Relief

Do you hear noise in your ears that other people can’t hear? Annoying sounds, like ringing, buzzing, whistling, whooshing or hissing? If so, you are not alone. Over 3 million Canadians suffer from tinnitus – a condition characterized by sounds that originate from within, rather than from without, your ears.

Tinnitus takes on many forms:

The most common “garden-variety” type produces soft-to-loud ringing, humming or rushing-water sounds
Tonal Tinnitus causes a constant chiming sound like a musical note played over and over again
Pulsatile Tinnitus produces sound that pulsates in time with one’s heartbeat
Mixed Tinnitus causes multiple noises to be heard simultaneously
Objective Tinnitus is extremely rare, and produces noise heard not only by the affected individual but by others as well!

Although frustrating, Tinnitus is rarely serious and often resolves on its own. But, if you are experiencing constant, unexplained noise, it’s important to see a hearing care practitioner for a comprehensive hearing test screening, including an audiogram, medical history, physical ear examination, and tests designed to pinpoint the origin of your tinnitus.

Tinnitus has no cure, but can be relieved through a few simple steps. Try to avoid loud noise. Control your blood pressure, and decrease salt and nerve stimulants, including coffee, cola, tobacco, and aspirin. Monitor your stress level, and make sure to get ample rest and exercise.

Try experimenting with masking noise. Use a competing sound, such as a radio, white noise maker, or fan, to “cancel out” the noise you hear in your ears. Ask your hearing aid practitioner about small hearing aid devices that generate sounds to “offset” the sound your tinnitus makes. Some tinnitus patients swear by biofeedback! And, many “habituate” to their condition, meaning they get used to it and notice it less over time.

Try keeping track of what triggers your tinnitus, and give remedies a chance to work. It can take longer than you expect to experience tinnitus relief.

Finally, seek out a tinnitus support group for coping methods, compassion and the latest information on tinnitus relief. Educate your family members and friends if necessary, and ask for their support. And, stay abreast of ongoing research – successful treatments for tinnitus are right around the corner.

Jeff Germain,

Protecting Our Immune System

Our immune system is an especially important part of overall health.

It is especially important to be mindful of our immune system during transitional times of the year, for instance, the beginning of a new school year when exposure to environmental threats increases. Many lifestyle factors can also weaken our immune system, including stress, lack of sleep, and exposure to toxicity, and poor nutrition. Managing each of these areas and adopting a model of consistency that actively supports the immune system is an excellent way to maintain health throughout the year.

Although the physiologic functioning of the immune system is complex, it can be broken down into two main parts—fixed and mobile immunity. Fixed immunity serves as the body’s first line of defense against potential threats by preventing harmful elements from ever entering circulation. This type of immunity is composed of the various protective barriers that exist between the delicate internal environment of the body and the outside environment, (for example, the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, and skin). We also have mobile immunity that is activated if the body does become infected.

Specialized immune cells quickly congregate at the site of infection to initiate the healing process. The combined work of both aspects of immunity is critical for staying healthy.

Take proactive measures to enhance the body’s ability to protect itself.

Supporting our immune system can be easily achieved. We should focus on simple approaches that are easy to implement and easy to share with others. Among the greatest benefits of essential oils is that they are simple to apply and offer consistent benefits. Here are steps that can be used to support both fixed and mobile immunity and, in turn, maximize the health of your family during colder months:

Build Healthy Intestinal Flora:

The gastrointestinal (Gl) system plays a key role in fixed immunity. If health of the Gl tract is compromised, so is the immune system. A probiotic supplement is an excellent way to populate the Gl tract with beneficial microflora, thus enhancing immunity. * It’s important to use a probiotic supplement that bypasses the strong acidic environment of the stomach and releases the bacteria into the intestines where it will have the most substantial effect.

Diffuse Essential Oils Regularly:

Scientific studies demonstrate that diffusion of essential oils can purify and cleanse the air, providing added protection when the seasonal threats are high. I recommend diffusing essential oils which contain powerful cleansing properties every day. They purify the air we breathe and also deliver positive effects on the immune system.

Use Essential Oils to Clean Surfaces:

Frequently touched surfaces such as doorknobs, keyboards, cell phones, and grocery carts can be more harmful during certain times of the year. Cleaning these surfaces often is an important part of minimizing exposure to harmful particles. Using some essential oils is a highly effective way to clean surfaces while preventing exposure to toxins. Our immunity is limited to its own ability to function properly. It is important to both minimize exposure to elements that may harm our immune system and to take proactive, consistent measures to enhance the body’s ability to protect itself. By developing a daily routine and integrating these tips into a model of consistency, we can easily, naturally and effectively keep our families healthy throughout all seasons of the year.