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Alternative Healing – Holistic Aromatherapy

Modern Aromatherapy has evolved into four basic categories: medical (practiced in France by doctors), popular and esoteric (products from metaphysical and gift shops), holistic (addressing the Body+Mind+Spirit), and aromachology (the scientific study of fragrance/perfumery). Holistic Aromatherapy is a multidimensional healing art, involving the beneficial physiological, pharmacological, psychological, and metaphysical properties of pure therapeutic grade essential oils. In addition, there is a clear understanding of the importance of the client-therapist relationship. Having responsive caring support from a knowledgeable practitioner augments the healing effects of various essential oil therapies. The aim of the practitioner is to gain insight into the complex causes of a client’s health concerns, mitigate symptoms, and lead the client forward on the path of self-responsibility and inspired abundant living. Re-connecting with Nature and integrating Mind+Body+Spirit, is the true foundation for optimum wellness!
Nelson Meggitt,

DIY–Knot Massage

A trigger point (TrP), AKA a “knot” is a hyper-irritable spot in a taut band of skeletal muscle. TrP’s can produce local and referred pain, and sometimes reduce the range of motion of the affected muscle. Your RMT uses a variety of techniques during a massage therapy treatment to reduce TrP’s. How can you treat TrP’s at home? Before treating yourself, it’s a good idea to warm up the tissue before following these steps. 1.Find the tender point in the muscle   2. Using a ball (tennis balls work great) compress the tender point until its between a 5-7 on the pain scale (1= no pain, 10= intolerable).   3.Hold the pressure here until the pain begins to decrease.   4.Repeat steps 2 & 3.   This “pain” should feel good- not intolerable. Begin on the lighter side and follow this treatment with a gentle stretch or flushing of the tissue with self -massage.

Sydney Reaburn RMT,

The Greatest Gain From Grain

Despite different views on the subject, bread has remained one of the most consumed carbohydrates by Canadians. How do you make the healthiest choice? You do have a few options: bake your own, buy fresh from a reputable bakery, or read nutrition labels and ingredient lists. One hundred percent whole and/or sprouted organic grains are absolutely key because both provide nutrients needed for the body in the most wholesome form. Preservative free is important and can be tough to locate since preservatives are common in pre-bagged grocery store loaves. Low sodium is important. Sodium is used to stabilize yeast and pump up the flavour, it can be especially high in ‘diet’ breads. Additionally, the absorption for re-introduced vitamins and minerals is not nearly as high as in their naturally occurring state, so stay away from ‘enriched’ breads. Regardless of how you choose to source your bread, always remember the most natural state provides the greatest gain from the grain.
Cakebread Artisan Bakery,

Best Cold Sore Remedies

Cold sores are downright embarrassing. The more we try to hide them, the more obvious they become. Here are some good home remedies in case you find yourself with an unsightly cold sore. 1. Licorice – Try choosing a licorice whip. Studies show that glycyrrhizic acid, an ingredient in licorice, stops the cold sore virus cells dead in their tracks. Be sure it’s made from real licorice. 2 – Pure Vanilla Extract. Yes, the kind you use for baking. Many people swear by this! Soak a cotton pad and apply directly to a cold sore for a few minutes (3 times daily). 3. Hydrogen Peroxide – It disinfects and speeds up healing time. Soak a cotton ball and apply to the sore. Let it sit for about 5 minutes before rinsing off. 4. Peppermint oil – When applied directly to a cold sore, people have found that the sore healed faster than usual.

Clean Eating: Easy Healthy Borscht

Use fresh and organic ingredients. 4 cups of beef broth. 2 cups water. 2T Apple Cider Vinegar. Juice of 1 lemon. 2 cloves garlic. 3 carrots. 2T Coconut Oil. ½ head red cabbage. 1 cup green beans. 3 potatoes. 3 beets with stems and leaves. 1 onion. 4 fresh sprigs of dill. 2 bay leaves. 2 T Italian seasoning. Salt and pepper to taste. Chop ingredients in tiny pieces. 1 can kidney beans. Combine in a crockpot and cook on high for 4 hours. Alternately, cook on top of the stove until the vegetables are soft enough to eat. Enjoy!

4 Toxic Foods to Eliminate

Processed Meats: Can have up to 400 percent more sodium and 50 percent more preservatives than unprocessed meats. The worst part: Some contain nitrites and nitrates, chemical additives that have been linked to various cancers, but are still used to enhance color and promote taste. 2. Margarine: Is marketed as a cholesterol-free, healthy alternative to butter, but it’s the ultimate source of trans fats, which actually elevate cholesterol and damage blood vessel walls. Stick to real foods and eat real butter instead. 3. Artificial Sweeteners: Anything with the word “artificial” in it is chalked FULL of chemicals. These fake sweeteners cause symptoms that range from migraines to weight gain and even more serious conditions like cardiovascular disease. Unless you are diabetic, please stop using these sugar substitites immediately! 4. Microwave Popcorn: Bags, in particular, are often lined with a chemical called perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), which has been shown to affect fertility, cancer risk, and kidney functioning.

Clean Eating – Banana Lemon Pie

This is one of my favourite desserts. It’s also very quick (10 minutes!) and easy to prepare.


9” x 9” plate = 9 slices (3″ x 3″).


3 cups pecans or walnuts (not soaked);
1 1/2 cups raisins;
zest from 1 lemon + 2 tablespoons lemon juice;
4 medium bananas;
poppy seeds, blueberries, raspberries, slices of colourful fruit, or sprigs of mint (optional).


Process nuts in food processor until small bits. Add raisins to nuts in food processor and process until the mixture starts to clump together. Gently distribute mixture on a 9”x9” plate, then press firmly to form crust. Grate lemon zest on top of crust. Juice lemon into a bowl. Slice bananas 1/4″ – 1/2″ thick and put into lemon juice; stir gently to coat bananas with juice. Spread banana slices/lemon juice on crust. Optional: Decorate with poppy seeds, blueberries, raspberries, slices of colourful fruit, or sprigs of mint.

Uncooking with RawRose – Your guide to Raw Foods, book available at Rawthentic Eatery.

Sign of Intelligence?

Take a moment and look down at your bare feet. Which is your longest toe? If you discover it is the 2nd toe, intelligence is not necessarily indicated, but a predisposition to certain foot ailments is. Up to 30% of the population has inherited this structure, labelled “Morton’s Foot”, and is actually the result of a shortened 1st metatarsal (the bone behind the big toe) and not a long 2nd toe. This foot structure makes one more prone to stress fractures, metatarsalgia (pain or discomfort of the ball of the foot), thick callusing on the front of your foot, over-pronation and bunions. All of these symptoms can be reduced or prevented with proper support from a custom foot orthotic, designed specifically for this foot structure. Discuss the treatment options with an orthotics specialist today and reduce your chances of future foot discomfort.

That’s Life!

Virginia Satir, one of the great pioneers of family therapy, has been quoted as saying, “Life is not what it’s supposed to be. It’s what it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.” Acceptance of a situation does not mean that we have to agree with it; nor does it mean that we must sit idle and do nothing. What acceptance does accomplish is to give us the gift of noticing all of the components of this exact moment. By doing so, we can decipher between the things that we cannot change and thus be free to make adjustments to the current situation. In this way, we embody a more preferred posture for the next ensuing moment in time. Life is what it is!

4 Causes of Headaches

Almost everybody experiences headache pain at some point. For some people, headaches are a regular occurrence and for others headaches are rare. 1. Stress can cause tight muscles which lead to tension headaches. Learn to manage your stress with exercise, meditation and massage. 2. Trigger Points are hard knots found in the muscles that can refer pain into the head and mimic headaches. Massage therapy can help dramatically reduce trigger points. 3. Dehydration- At the first sign of a headache drink a glass of water and continue taking small sips throughout the day 4. Improper pillows- try changing your pillow and see if this helps reduce your headaches.