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Benefits of a Hydrafacial Treatment

Hydrafacial is an intensive multi-step treatment that deeply cleanses, exfoliates, extracts and resurfaces the skin; while simultaneously infusing potent nutrients, antioxidants, hyaluronic acid and peptides to the deep layers of the dermis. The treatment is further enhanced by the addition of Lymphatic Drainage and LightStim LED light therapy. Hydrafacial normalizes healthy skin structure and function and is fully customizable to treat a number of skin health concerns including fine lines and wrinkles; oily and congested skin; dull, dry skin; pigment; acne and laxity. The results are immediate with no downtime and leave the skin deeply hydrated, firm, glowing and more youthful.

Ask The Expert

Q: I’m 68 years old and I used to wear sunglasses often, but now I found them all to be too dark and hazy, even my prescription sunglasses. Why is that?
A: This is a common problem. Perhaps the surfaces of your sunglass lenses are damaged. But it’s possible your eyes are needing more light than before; some parts of the eye lose transparency over time, or you may have some other kind of problem. In either case, we can set you up with some comfortable vision! If you’re experiencing this common issue, or are overdue for your yearly eye exam, Mosaic Optometry is here to help.

Treating Heat-Related Health Problems

Summer is here and so is the heat! While many people enjoy the hot weather, it’s important to be proactive and safe when the temperature starts to rise. Some common heat-related issues include: 1) Dehydration – weakness, headache, fainting. Drink more water and electrolytes. 2) Heat stroke – body temp. of 40°C or higher, fast pulse, hot and dry skin. Cool down with shade/AC and water, get medical attention. 3) Heat exhaustion – heavy sweating, weakness, nausea. Cool down with shade/AC and drink plenty of fluids. 4) Heat syncope – fainting caused by high temperatures. Lie down with feet up, drink plenty of water.

Book Club: The Five Second Rule

In The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage, Mel Robbins talks about an important tool that can help readers learn to push themselves, instead of relying on teachers, friends, parents, coaches, and mentors for motivation. Find out what makes a “push moment” and how it will enrich your life and move you forward on the path to success. This powerful tool takes just five seconds and once it becomes a habit, is a simple but effective solution when it comes to our tendency to hold ourselves back and keep ourselves from happiness.

Vegan Blueberry Banana Ice Cream

2 ripe frozen bananas
2 cups frozen blueberries
¼ cup coconut milk, plus extra as needed
Maple syrup
Lemon juice
Add frozen bananas, frozen berries, and coconut milk into a food processor and pulse until starting to break up. Scrape down the sides of the bowl and then blend on high until a smooth, creamy ice cream forms. You can add more coconut milk to help it process better. Add a teaspoon of maple syrup and a squeeze of lemon for flavor brightener. Scoop into bowls and serve immediately. Enjoy!

Hailey’s Horoscope

Full moon in May brings POLARITY, and could be an emotional time. You might be questioning yourself- do I transform or do I stay where I am and form a concrete path? You might also notice that you are struggling between sharing yourself, your posessions, your ideas. This is all due to the polarity of where the moon is positioned this month. If you notice this struggle between emotional opposites, try to go inward and make a pact with your emotions…let it all out, express yourself, notice the polarity battles inside of you and release it all with this full moon.

Safe at Home by MOTION™

MOTION™ Courtenay offers a variety of products that help you stay mobile and safe in your home. Some of the products offered include: STAIRLIFTS – choose from a variety of stairlifts to suit any type of stairway – straight, curved, split-level, or intermediate landing, and enjoy our fast in-home or virtual consultations. POWER LIFT RECLINERS – available in a wide range of styles, colours and materials, they help the user lower into and raise up from a seated position with ease. GO-GO SCOOTER® & GO CHAIR® – exceptional portability and provide a whole new level of comfort and performance with feather-touch disassembly.

Meet Your Practitioner

Owner and Technician of Comox Valley Skin Solutions Christina Hambleton, BScN, is an experienced medical professional with a commitment to combine advances in aesthetic medicine technology and expertise to help you reach your skin-health goals. Christina graduated with her Bachelor of Science in Nursing in 2005 and later went into Aesthetic Medical Device Education. She has extensive experience in advanced laser and injectable services and has an insider’s view of the industry’s most advanced and leading-edge technologies. Christina is uncompromising in her selection and delivery of service offerings to achieve the results of invasive procedures with little to no downtime.

Spring Nutrition for Seniors

Spring brings with it a crop of nutrient-rich super foods that are especially beneficial for older adults. As you age, its vital to eat healthy foods to maintain weight, manage and prevent diabetes, and boost brain health. Spring is a great time to swap out processed foods that lack nutritional value – for fresh fruits and vegetables. Some spring super-foods that are perfect for seniors to enjoy include artichokes, leaks, asparagus, green peas, watercress, strawberries and spinach. These springtime favorites are packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants needed to live a healthy lifestyle.

May is Mental Health Month!

A good night’s sleep can do wonders in reducing stress and anxiety. Lack of quality sleep will cause your body to react like it is in distress, releasing higher levels of the stress hormone, Cortisol. Too much cortisol in the body can cause increased risk of depression, an overactive “fight or flight” response, increased stress and anxiety, even cardiovascular illness and weight gain. If you are struggling to get a good night’s sleep, a new mattress can help! Improve your overall quality of sleep with a new mattress, and significantly decrease your stress levels and restore balance to your body’s systems.

Golden Gamers

“Golden Gamers” is a term used to describe seniors who play video games. Some play to pass the time, some play to connect with their grandkids and some play competitively. There’s nothing wrong with playing video games, online or on a console. Just like gambling, some seniors may be vulnerable to the addictive qualities that the gamblification of gaming offers. This includes paying to open loot boxes for premium items, skins, coins, extended time, etc. No different than slot machines, some games can entice vulnerable seniors to spend beyond their means. For more information, contact