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MOTION – Making life accessible for our community through mobility & home accessibility solutions. MOTION offers a wide range of life-changing equipment to make life accessible such as power lift recliners (lift-out chairs), walkers, mobility scooters, wheelchairs, adjustable beds, bathroom safety items, stairlifts, ceiling lifts, and more for clients of all ages. Whether a client is being fitted for equipment for the first time, needs an equipment repair or rental, or is looking to upgrade their solution, Motion’s knowledgeable team of experts is ready to deliver real solutions with real impacts. Because MOTION isn’t a place, it’s a partnership.

Meet Your Practitioner

Raymond Gilby is a Registered Hearing Instrument Practitioner / Cerumen Management (RHIP/C) and is the owner of Clear Ear. He is the Vice-President of the Hearing Instrument Practitioners Society of BC, as well as the BC representative for the Canadian Hearing Instrument Practitioners Society. For the past decade, Raymond has been working across Vancouver Island, performing services safely in clients’ homes. Recognizing that many clinics no longer offer cerumen (ear wax) removal, Raymond earned his full certification in cerumen management and offers his clients micro-suction (the gold standard for wax removal), irrigation, and sometimes a combination of the two.

Ask The Expert

Q: My husband insists he has good vision because of all the carrots he is fond of eating. Is there any truth to this? A: Nutrition is important for eye health, but there is much more to vision than that. If you’re worried about your husband’s vision, urge him to get tested. A standard test will measure his visual acuity, focusing, and general eye health, amongst other things. Carrot consumption does not guarantee good vision in anyone! If your husband does need vision correction, Mosaic Vision Care offers hundreds of innovative and eye-catching styles of frames to choose from.

Oral Health Month

April is Oral Health Month! Here are five tips for maintaining good oral health: 1) Make healthy food choices and limit sugary and highly acidic foods to avoid tooth decay and acid erosion. 2) Don’t smoke or use tobacco products, which can stain teeth, cause gum damage, give you bad breath, cause tooth loss, and even lead to oral cancer. 3) Brush twice and floss once daily. 4) Make note of any oral issues you have, including sensitivity, bleeding, pain, or strange lumps. 5) Visit your dentist regularly. We now offer VELScope Oral Cancer Screening in our practice. The exam takes about 2 minutes and is completely safe and painless.

Shockwave Therapy for Chronic Conditions

Do you suffer from a nagging injury like tennis elbow, achilles tendonitis, frozen shoulder, rotator cuff injuries or plantar fasciitis? Shockwave therapy is one of the best research-backed treatments for chronic musculoskeletal conditions that have not healed properly. It involves the application of acoustic sound waves to kick-start healing, control pain, and restore mobility. Often patients will feel relief after their first treatment and can expect more significant and lasting changes within 3-5 applications. Shockwave Therapy coupled with Class IV Laser Therapy is evidence based and the gold standard in tendon healing.

Remember 1-4-2

Have you heard of Canada’s Low-Risk Gambling Guidelines (#LRGG)? Guideline 1: Gamble no more than 1% of household income, e.g.: $60,000 annual gross income = $50/month. Guideline 2: Gamble no more than 4 days per month = roughly once a week. Guideline 3: Avoid regularly gambling at more than 2 types of games, including lotteries, sports betting, table games, slot machines, scratch tickets, horse racing, bingo, video lottery terminals (VLTs), and online gambling. Mental health & addictions, gambling type and reasons for gambling can make these guidelines difficult to follow. Reach out to VI Gaming Support! We’re here for you.

Kiss Your Bad Breath Goodbye

Everyone gets bad breath from time to time – but bad breath that doesn’t go away could mean you have an oral health issue. The most common cause of bad breath is poor oral hygiene, other causes can include dry mouth, and certain medications. When you don’t brush your natural teeth and/or dentures regularly, this can cause plaque and tartar to form on your teeth(both natural and false). If you’re struggling with bad breath that doesn’t go away, it’s important to see your denturist. They will be able to evaluate your oral health and determine what steps to take next.

Anger’s Purpose

Anger’s main purpose tells you your boundaries have been crossed! Something was said or happened that needs to shift, change or stop. Discovering the un-met need under the anger, helps you to feel more understood and allows the layers of grief, hurt, and loss to emerge. Once you discover your unmet need(s), you then have the power to do something about it. Sometimes that means withdrawing and pulling back, creating new boundaries, speaking your truth or expressing your desires and needs clearly. Finding a productive way to express and diffuse your anger by journaling, boxing, or dancing is essential. Holding onto anger is toxic on our bodies and creates havoc, ill-ness and a bitterness that pushes people away…so release and let go as a gift of kindness to yourself.

The Journey to Better Hearing

Recognizing the signs of hearing loss in yourself can be difficult, and taking steps to address hearing loss can be even harder.  Many individuals with hearing loss delay treatment 7-10 years and are often not sure how to seek assistance.  With the right steps, creating a treatment plan can be simple.

Don’t Wait – Have Your Hearing Assessed

Once you start to notice signs of hearing loss, the first step is to obtain a hearing assessment.  You can do this by contacting a local hearing health professional or obtaining a referral from your primary care physician.

During the hearing assessment, the clinician will determine your lifestyle and communication needs as well as the type and degree of hearing loss present.  If a medical condition is identified a referral will be made to the appropriate health professional.

Hearing Aid Selection & Fitting

If hearing aids are recommended, the clinician will work with you to find the right product that will meet your hearing and lifestyle needs.  A trial period with the chosen hearing aid is an important part of the process, as it provides you time to adjust to the hearing aids so you are able to assess the benefit accurately.  It can sometimes take multiple visits to the clinic to have the hearing aids adjusted.  It is important to establish a trusted relationship with your hearing health professional as hearing aids require ongoing maintenance and at a minimum should be checked annually.

NexGen Hearing offers free hearing tests and hearing aid consultations, hearing aid fittings, leasing options and sales. Book an appointment at one of our 45+ clinics in the BC Interior, Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island by clicking here or calling 1-877-606-6671

Keep Betting in Perspective

March Madness (NCAA Basketball) is one of the biggest sports betting events across North America. According to a study at reported on, in 2019, 47M Americans gambled on March Madness, with an estimated $8.5B wagered. More than 40M participants filled in over 149M brackets, with 18M Americans wagering about $3.9B on sportsbooks alone. And these are strictly American statistics. In Canada, online sports betting was recently legalized (August 2021), however, 3rd party apps abound, offering sports betting enthusiasts many opportunities and types of gambling. Keep sports betting fun and in perspective. Don’t let a game you can’t control, control you.

Wealth & Well-Being

Questions for Your Financial Advisor. It’s important to meet with your financial advisor annually to ensure everything is on track. Here are some key questions to ask. 1) How have my portfolio and net worth performed? Ask about performance and influencing factors. 2) Are all of my goals still on track? If not, get an explanation and plan to address this. 3) Do I need to make any changes to my plan? Share any life or goal changes. 4) Is my plan making the most of tax strategies? 5) What should I concentrate on in the coming year? Get a clear plan of action.