Community News
Common Kids’ Dental Problems

Your dentist can help diagnose and treat common dental problems in kids, including: Tooth Decay – can lead to sensitivity, pain, and gum issues. Keep track of when and how well your child brushes. Gingivitis – is a precursor to gum disease. Speak to your dentist if your child’s gums bleed when brushing and flossing. Thumb Sucking – if long-term, can cause an open bite and problems with eating and talking. Broken/Chipped Teeth – ensure your child wears a mouth guard when playing sports and seek treatment for broken/chipped teeth. Orthodontic Issues – your dentist may refer you to an orthodontist for these issues.

Ask The Expert

Q: I just discovered that I’m diabetic and to my pleasant surprise it seems like my eyesight has improved a lot, even though my blood sugar is still out of control with my treatment. But isn’t this great? A: An unpredictable change in focus sometimes happens with your condition and it’s not necessarily good – sorry to rain on the parade! This is just one of many ways that diabetes can affect your eyes and you’ll definitely need to have periodic professional assessments.

Benefits of Therapeutic Recreation

At the core of therapeutic recreation is the idea that recreation and leisure are integral to quality of life. This is especially important for seniors, who may be at increased risk of isolation and loneliness, which can have a detrimental effect on their physical and mental health. The recreation programming at Seniors Communities offers a number of benefits for the emotional and spiritual realms of life, including: 1. Decreasing symptoms of anxiety, stress, and depression. 2. Fostering positive experiences. 3. Improving self-confidence. 4. Increasing sense of belonging. 5. Decreasing loneliness, boredom, and expressive behaviours.

Restorative Yoga – “Restore Your Energy”

Relax, Restore and Re-energize your mind, body and soul with Restorative Yoga and Reiki. This 90-minute-long practice emphasizes mindful rest and stillness, utilizing props and blankets to ensure the body is fully supported, completely relaxed, and wholly prepared to receive the deep peace, balance, and healing that comes through a gentler practice, and a non-invasive form of hands-on healing. Reiki (Universal Life Force Energy) will be incorporated throughout the practice to balance and harmonize your energy, complimenting the healing and relaxation of your mind, body and soul, through these gentle postures. Check out our class schedule at

Bringing Mobility to You

Here are some things to consider when looking to purchase a scooter to increase your mobility and gain more independence. 1) Take a test drive – to find the right dimensions and ensure a comfortable ride, it’s important to try some scooters out. 2) Ask for an in-home demo – in-home instruction can help ensure your safety and the correct operation of your scooter. 3) Stay safe – download a free Canada Scooters safety guide and ask your local Canada Scooters shop how the rules of being a pedestrian apply to scooter operators 4) Keep up with maintenance – perform daily maintenance and take your scooter in for regular professional maintenance.

Feel the Love, Not Your Dentures

Valentine’s “month” is in full swing, and nothing gets in the way of feeling romantic quite like ill-fitting dentures. Properly made dentures will be aesthetically pleasing, look true to life, and operate in such a way that your Valentine shouldn’t notice. If you’ve been cleaning your dentures regularly and having annual checkups with your denturist you should have no reason to worry or to lack confidence. If you feel uncomfortable or think your dentures are the wrong size, go see your denturist. Getting your dentures fitted and lined correctly will help them feel more comfortable on the gum line.

Your Annual Denturist Checkup

It’s time to plan out your 2023, and you should start with visiting your denturist! Full dentures, partial dentures, and dental implants all need the same level of care as natural teeth. If you wear dentures or have implants, it doesn’t mean you’re off the hook for maintaining great oral health. Routine checkups help prevent any major oral problems from developing and allow for planning any changes your dentures require to ensure you’re never without your teeth. With yearly checkups, your dentures and implants will continue to perform properly and your maintained oral health will mean shorter and smoother visits!

Meet Dr. Robert Hogarth

Dr. Hogarth has been helping patients feel better since 2014. He is a graduate of the Semmelweis University in Budapest, Hungary and the Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine at Boston University. Dr. Hogarth is a member of various professional organizations such as the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, the American Academy of Craniofacial Pain, the Academy of General Dentistry, the Holistic Dental Association, and the International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine. His interests include metal-free dentistry, zirconia implants, TMJ dysfunction/myofascial pain treatment and sleep therapy. Fontana and Red Light Laser therapy, Oxone and PRF (platelet-rich fibrin) are some common tools he uses in his treatments.

Better Mobility, Increased Independence

Using a walker can extend a senior’s ability to maintain their independence and can help them continue to live a healthy and active lifestyle. However, sometimes this can be a hard decision to face. If you or a senior loved one are experiencing shortness of breath when walking short distances, having difficulty bearing weight on the legs, needing to rest frequently when walking, noticing trouble with balance, or having difficulty walking up a short flight of stairs, it might be time to consider a walker. Don’t wait until something drastic has happened to experience the benefits of using a walker!

Aligned Living Workshop

In this series, we find and follow the thread that binds biology, psychology, and theology (aka the body, mind, and soul). Many are suffering from the symptoms of being identified as the body and the mind. But we are not these things; we are the knower, the experiencer, the witness. The first step to releasing suffering is to remember who and what we are, and understand the beautiful tools, or instruments, that the mind and body were created to be. Join us as we explore the physical body and the subtle body – made up of mind, intellect, and energy – and the experiencer of it all.

There Is No Quick Fix

Post-holiday debt can pile up quickly. Rising interest rates and the cost of living, food and fuel can become very overwhelming. Sometimes gambling can be seen as a quick fix to achieve financial relief. When we’re vulnerable, gambling can cost us more than money; it can also cost our relationships, our mental and physical health. If finances are tight, seek credit counselling; talk to your bank or financial advisor. Gambling is meant to be entertainment and not a solution to financial problems. Reach out to us here at VI Gaming Support. We’re here to help!