Community News
Ayurveda & Spring Time

Spring for Ayurveda encourages getting direct sun early in the morning, before 10 am (even with clouds). Consider a walking partner if this helps with accountability and enjoyment. Lean towards a warm, cooked, plant-based diet abundant in greens, clear fluids and a bit of heating spice. Letting go of heavy foods may present a challenge, but the payoff is well-being. Align with the seasonal shift by shedding excess weight like melting snow by engaging in more invigorating yoga postures. Opt for inspiring activities that feel fun and get you moving. In tune with the flowing spring rain, you’ll be in rhythm with the season.

Shockwave Therapy for Chronic Conditions

Do you suffer from a nagging injury like tennis elbow, achilles tendonitis, frozen shoulder, rotator cuff injuries or plantar fasciitis? Shockwave therapy is one of the best research-backed treatments for chronic musculoskeletal conditions that have not healed properly. It involves the application of acoustic sound waves to kick-start healing, control pain, and restore mobility. Often patients will feel relief after their first treatment and can expect more significant and lasting changes within 3-5 applications. Shockwave Therapy coupled with Class IV Laser Therapy is evidence based and the gold standard in tendon healing.

Easter Treats

As Easter approaches, children anticipate a chocolate influx, posing potential risks to their dental health. Balancing indulgence with moderation is key to safeguarding oral well-being. The frequency of sugary consumption, not the quantity, triggers dental issues, affecting three in 10 school-starters with tooth decay. Opting for sugar-free Easter eggs and encouraging healthier snacks like breadsticks, vegetables, and cheese mitigates risks. Limiting sweet treats to mealtimes and concluding chocolate intake at least one hour before bedtime are preventive measures. Monitoring portion sizes and offering water after chocolate consumption contribute to better dental health. In the current sugar-conscious climate, these simple practices can significantly reduce children’s tooth decay and lay the groundwork for a healthier future.

Ask The Expert

Q: My dad eventually went blind because of macular degeneration and I’m worried I’ll develop that problem too, since I’ve inherited many of his traits. What can I do?

A: Although there may be some hereditary components in age-related macular degeneration, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll develop that eye disease. Consider the other risk factors that your dad may have had – perhaps a history of poor nutrition, smoking, or unprotected sun exposure, just to name a few. For a personalized assessment of your own eye health, come see us at Mosaic Optometry!

Signature Tea of the Month

Relax & Unwind Citrus Chamomile. Winter can often bring feelings of sadness, but you can combat those winter blues with a comforting blend of chamomile and fresh citrus tea. Chamomile’s gentle and soothing properties mix well with the invigorating citrus notes, creating a beverage that calms the mind and uplifts the spirit. This delightful infusion can become a beacon of tranquillity by reducing stress and promoting relaxation. Make a nightly ritual to sip on a cup of this tea before bedtime to enhance your well-being, and foster a peaceful night’s rest.

Book Club: Back To Basics

Your Nutrients Guide to Vitamins and Minerals simplifies the complexity of nutrition science. Unravel mixed messages about vitamins and minerals and enhance mental and physical health with practical insights. Decode nutritional information, treat deficiencies, and adopt holistic approaches for optimal well-being. Say goodbye to confusion and hello to a diet that nourishes your body and mind effectively. Pick up at your local book store.

Timeless Beauty

The surge in permanent makeup, endorsed by makeup artists and adopted by women of all ages, reveals a transformative trend. Set-it-and-forget-it solutions include Lip Blush, Eyeline Tattoos, Lash Enhancement, Powder & Combo Brows, and Nano Brows/Microblading. These procedures promise captivating eyes, fuller brows, and plumper lips, seamlessly addressing age-related concerns. Whether countering overplucked brows or diminishing lash volume, permanent makeup offers a reliable remedy. Nano Brows create fullness, Lip Blush enhances the pout, and permanent eyeliner combats menopausal eyelash loss. Acknowledged as micro-pigmentation or cosmetic tattooing, permanent makeup gains popularity for its enduring solutions to timeless beauty. Embody the confidence and simplicity of permanent makeup, ushering in a new era of age-defying beauty.

Making Life Accessible

Motion™ partnered with Humm financing to offer a special deferral on purchases up to $15,000: no payments or interest for 12 months! Post-deferral, payments transition to equal monthly installments with a low fixed interest rate. Humm extends third-party financing to Motion™ clients, accommodating flexible payment plans up to $30,000. With a swift application process, clients receive credit decisions in under 7 minutes. Payments can spread over 5 years in equal monthly installments. Humm facilitates access to mobility and accessibility equipment, easing financial burdens with fixed interest rates and predictable monthly payments. Don’t miss this offer ending March 29.

Heart-Centered Wellness Journey

Ayurveda and Yoga advocate surrender over exertion, emphasizing gentle, supported steps when making healthier choices like overcoming overindulgence. Small, well-supported changes prove more effective, reducing the likelihood of rebound. The goal is to replace habits initially perceived as beneficial but causing issues, with truly supportive routines that foster trust. These changes, purifying and nourishing on all levels, eschew intense sensations in favor of developing profound feelings of enjoyment and contentment. Take advantage of an introductory rate saving $26 when booking three sessions for a total of $199, ensuring a subtle, holistic approach to well-being.

Clean Eating Recipe

Easy Red Lentil Soup. Ingredients: 2 tbsp olive oil. 2 carrots. 1 onion. 3 cloves garlic. 2 tsp each ground cumin & turmeric. 1/2 tsp each salt & pepper. 1/4 tsp cayenne. 1 pkg. 900 ml. vegetable broth. 1 cup dried red lentils. 1/4 cup chopped parsley. 3 tbsp. lemon juice. Directions: Heat oil in large saucepan. Cook carrots, onion, and garlic until starting to soften, 3 to 5 min. Stir in cumin, turmeric, salt, pepper, and cayenne. Cook 1 min. until fragrant. Stir in broth and lentils; bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low. Cover and cook 25 min. Stir in chopped parsley and lemon juice.