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Clean Eating: Lemon Tahini Dressing

This delicious dressing can be used for salad greens or as a sauce over rice, steamed vegetables, and baked potatoes.

2/3 cup plain almond or rice milk

5 tbsp lemon juice

1 clove garlic

½ tsp salt

½ cup tahini

1/8 tsp toasted sesame oil

Place all the ingredients in a blender and puree for 1 minute at high speed. Herbal D-TOX Cookbook for Cleansing by Dr. Terry Willard, CI.H.,Ph.D.

Book Club: Herbal D-Tox Cook Book for Cleansing by Dr. Terry Willard, PH.D.

Out with the old and in with the new. Detoxification is one of the central concepts of natural healing because it is impossible to build healthy new tissue without eliminating old cells and their by-products. This D-Tox program is designed for both meat eaters and vegetarians. The recipes in this book are designed to stimulate your own creativity and to show you that a delicious Meal Plan can accompany a detoxification diet.

Nathan Zassman, Aviva Natural Health Solutions,

The Queen of Essential Oils

You may not have heard of Frankincense being referred to as “The King of Essential Oils,” but perhaps you can guess which one is called “The Queen.” If you said Lavender, you are correct! Lavender Angustifolia is commonly called English Lavender or True Lavender and has also been dubbed as The Universal Oil. Well known and loved for its calming effects, it may also provide symptomatic relief of burns, acne, boils, minor skin irritations, and cuts. It may also reduce the appearance of skin imperfections. Use in cooking to soften citrus flavors and add a flavorful twist to marinades, baked goods, and desserts. Add a few drops to a spray bottle with water to mist pillows, bedding, your linen closet or mattress. Rub a few drops on bottoms of feet, temples or add to bath water as part of your nightly routine.

Nelson Meggitt,

Health Benefits of Weight Loss

Research shows that if you lose at least 10% of your unhealthy body weight, the chances of your general health improving are enormous. Weight loss may improve survival in those who have an obesity related illness, especially Type 2 Diabetes. Even losing just 10% of your body weigh can decrease your blood sugar levels and can also prevent your chances of becoming diabetic, if weight loss is sustained. Weight loss helps all of your vital organs function properly, making what you once thought as a simple body process, such as breathing, a lot easier to do. People who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea can experience improved sleeping patterns and less daytime sleepiness. You can reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke, dementia, and more, just by losing 10%.

Ask The Expert

Q: Why are most spectacle lenses plastic now? Isn’t glass better?

A: Actually, plastic has some real advantages over glass. First off, plastic lenses are lighter. Plastic lenses are also less likely to shatter than glass and this makes them perfect for children and to use during sports and other physical activity. They are much safer; in fact the CSA removed certification for glass safety lenses in 1987. Optically, plastic lenses can be more easily coated and shaped to enhance the vision in many lens designs, especially progressives. Also, photochromic plastic lenses (transitions) function and look better than their photogrey glass counterparts. Plastic lenses are also better at shielding your eyes against harmful UV rays.

Dr. Alex Kennedy, Mosaic Vision Care,

Psoriatic Arthritis: Supplemental Treatment

Approximately 14% of psoriasis sufferers (a chronic skin condition that causes red patches on the body) will develop psoriatic arthritis, a form of inflammatory arthritis. The symptoms of psoriatic arthritis range from mild involvement of the fingers and toes to burning, stiffness and pain in the lower spine and sacrum. When the joints of the toes and ankles are involved deformity may occur which results in pain when weight bearing and discomfort wearing footwear. Custom insoles (orthotics) and extra-depth footwear may offer improved foot comfort by relieving high-pressure areas on the soles of the feet and toes. In some cases, orthotics can be designed to correct joint alignment to reduce ligament strain. As well, there are shoe modifications that are available to improve shoe comfort or ease walking stress. Ask your doctor for a referral and make an appointment with a Pedorthist to see how orthotics and footwear can relieve your foot pain.

B.D. Mitchell Prosthetics and Orthotics,

Massage Therapy for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

CTS is described as compression to the median nerve within the carpal tunnel. The carpal tunnel being the space between the carpal (wrist) bones and the transverse carpal ligament which lies beneath the skin on the inside of your wrist. The medial nerve shares this space with the tendons of the muscles that flex your wrist and fingers. Symptoms include numbness and tingling and/or a burning sensation in the thumb, index finger, middle finger, and half of the palm on the thumb side, and a loss of dexterity in that hand. Causes of CTS include injury with swelling of the wrist, overuse of the forearm muscles, and position of the wrist while sleeping. Massage therapy can be a great non-invasive way to treat CTS. Your massage therapist will help you to discover the reason for your CTS, provide appropriate hands-on treatment, provide you with instructions for self-care, and refer you to another practitioner if necessary.

Randi Noyes RMT,

Back Pain Recommendations

American College of Physicians List Acupuncture as Top Treatment for Back Pain

The American College of Physicians (ACP) released a new set of recommendations for people with acute and subacute back pain. If you have back pain you may want to avoid medication and move more, get acupuncture, massage, or manual therapy. We also recommend Egoscue, Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) and QiGong. The ACP review lots of research looking at different over-the-counter medication all the way up to opioids. What they found was that medication didn’t really help. What we are seeing is that as research develops our job is to figure out which works best for the person sitting in front of us. For patients with chronic back pain – The ACP recommends initially no drug therapy but exercise, multidisciplinary rehabilitation with acupuncture, yoga, tai chi, and motor control exercise, contrast relaxation exercise, progress relaxation, biofeedback, low-level laser, cognitive behavior and manual therapy. Now, this is exactly what we have recommended for the past 25 years… Exercise, Acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, mindful stress reduction, Qigong, Osteopathic manual therapy plus Regenerative Injection Therapy.

Dr.Ross Ralph Dr.TCM, RAc. DOMP, Advance Neurofunctional Sports Performance Specialist
Courtenay Healing Centre

Water Yourself to Grow Your Health

When it comes to healthy beverages, water has no equal. This tasteless, odorless thirst quencher is essential to your every physiological process and makes up approximately 45-80% of our body mass. Because we lose water as we age, it becomes increasingly important to stay hydrated, a task accomplished by both drinking and eating. Two-thirds of our body’s water volume is found within our cells, making them like mini water balloons. When adequately filled, they are effective in alleviating headaches, improving memory, flushing out toxins, regulating body temperature, hydrating skin, lubricating joints, and – importantly – reducing inflammation which is believed to be the root of nearly all illness and disease including mental illness. If you are looking for an evidence-based and cost-effective way to improve your physical and mental health, look no further: water is truly a life source.

Canadian Mental Health Association,

Clean Eating: Chocolate Avocado Pudding

Soft, creamy, sweet and chocolatey – this plant-based, gluten and dairy-free pudding will surely satisfy.

All you need is:

1 and a half ripe Avocados, peeled and pitted

1/3 cup of 100% pure cacao powder

1/3 cup pure maple syrup or honey

1/4 cup coconut milk

2 tsp vanilla essence

Place all ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. Serve immediately, and enjoy!

Hip or Knee Pain?

Look to your feet for relief. When not experiencing foot pain, few people think about them when their hips or knees hurt. They may be told it is arthritis or cartilage damage and do not consider how the alignment of their feet and ankles may be contributing to their discomfort. As we age, many people become more sedentary and see an increase in body weight. The arches of the feet can become flatter over time due to excess pressure from above and weakness developing underneath. As arches flatten, they fall inwards too. This causes the leg to rotate inwards. This rotation puts the knees and hips out of alignment. Depending on the amount of arch collapse, the foot may require a significant amount of correction to ease the hip or knee pain. Deep-cupped corrective foot orthotics have been found to work wonders at alleviating pain in joints further up the body. Diane Calder, BSc KIN, CPed(C), Pedorthist.

B.D Mitchell Prosthetics and Orthotics,