Community News
Medical Benefits of Wool

Do you know about the natural healing benefits of wool? There are many reasons why it is called “the miracle fiber”. Wool is a comforting and warm material used for many products such as footwear, blankets and clothing. Its natural healing properties are of great medical benefit to patients in home care and hospitals. Wool promotes healing by reducing pain and swelling. It provides cushioning and reduces pressure while regulating body temperature and drawing moisture away from the body. Laying on wool increases comfort, releases stress and promotes relaxation and restorative sleep. See Videos and more information on the website.

Urinary Tract Infection Prevention!

Urinary tract infections are the second most common infection, instigating millions of doctor visits per year. Most affected are women but about 12% of men will get a UTI, and it usually reoccurs. In looking at urinary tract health, clinical studies have shown that hibiscus flower and whole cranberry reduce the ability of E.coli to adhere to the urinary tract and enter cells, therefore preventing recurrence and lessening antibiotic use. Adding probiotics like the shelf stable Friendly Trio to rebalance bacteria, and antioxidant minerals zinc & selenium synergistically help to eliminate yeast infections that can accompany UTIs, especially following antibiotics.

Wealth of “Real Wellth”

As many may agree, wealth is about having money and possessions (our net worth). However, you may have also heard that ‘money cannot buy happiness’. By shifting the concept of wealth to “Wellth”, we shift the priority from finding the tangible/objective (wealth) to the internally realized/subjective (wellth), which leads to greater wellness and health for individual and for our community. By emphasizing “Real” we highlight that it is in the here-and-now, not focused on the future or past. Building wellness and health today is what really makes us wealthy, which supports our idea of “Real Wellth” and why it needs to be a priority.

Counselling Can Support You

We all want to live our best life. But sometimes life presses down on us and we can’t seem to find our way out. This can sneak up on us – maybe a bad boss reminds us of something in our childhood. Or maybe a breakup leaves us feeling vulnerable, coping in unhelpful ways. It can even be unclear where this feeling comes from. How do you act confidently towards your goals? How do you be kind to yourself when you’re stuck? What do you do with old feelings that come up? Counselling is a safe, neutral place to feel better about yourself, and explore what’s next for you.

Staying Social as a Senior

As we get older, health conditions, mobility limitations or a lack of energy can keep us from being as socially active as we once were. A diminishing social life might happen gradually as close friends experience the same conditions and family members grow busy. We may not even notice how long it has been since we last spent time with a friend! Isolation has many physical and emotional health risks. Especially if you live by yourself, staying socially active is critical to enjoying a healthy lifestyle. Volunteer at a local organization, join a senior living community or find a group that focuses on similar interests (e.g., knitting, water aerobics, cooking). Get back to living your best life!

Eye Care for Teens

Teens are still developing so it’s very important that they receive proper eye care to ensure the best possible vision heading into adulthood. Unfortunately, many don’t. The behavioural problems experienced by “troubled” teens may sometimes be due to undiagnosed vision issues that aren’t identified during the school years. Teens should have proper vision testing to catch potential issues such as astigmatism, convergence insufficiency, and poor tracking that may cause more problems as they get older. As well as making sure that they have a balanced diet and are getting exercise, encourage your teens to wear sunglasses with UV protection and to protect their eyes when playing sports or using tools and equipment.

10-Point Risk Assessment

Is it time to get a medical alert system in your home? If you answer “yes” to most of these, maybe it’s time to consider one. Are you over the age of 55? Do you live alone? Do you use a cane or walker to assist you? Have you fallen in the past year? Do you take daily medication? Have you been hospitalized in the past 3 years? Do you sometimes feel weak or dizzy? Is it important for you to continue living independently? With a medical alert unit, you can have peace of mind knowing that help is available at the push of a button, anywhere you go!

Get Your Mouth Checked!

An oral health exam is critical to the maintenance of your overall wellbeing. You should have your mouth checked at least once a year for prevention and treatment of any ailments. Even if you don’t have any live teeth, it’s important to make sure there are no signs of infections or early signs of cancer, growths, or cysts, and that your dentures are fitting you well. Leaving problems untreated usually leads to pain, periodontal disease, or tooth loss, and could make treatment more difficult, so it’s best to deal with problems early, or, if possible, prevent them.

The Shock-Cancer link

German New Medicine explains the cause, development and eventual healing of disease through the understanding of five biological laws. These laws are a specific natural program that help our bodies to deal with stress and trauma. Ryke Geerd Hamer, MD, discovered a correlation between cancer and specific traumas that can be visualized in brain scans. The NES Health bioenergetic scan is also able to show shock and trauma recorded in the brain based on the energy field of the human body. Studies have shown that by correcting the energetic blockages, the body can finish the natural program and get back to a healthy and balanced state.

Words to Live By

“Life begets life. Energy creates energy. It is by spending oneself that one becomes rich.” – Sarah Bernhardt

Redox Signalling Molecules

“All disease begins with damaged cells.” Dr Gary Samuelson. PhD. Redox Signalling Molecules are native to our bodies. As we age production of these molecules slows down, resulting in aging skin, fatigue, disease, weight gain to name a few consequences. Increasing proper Redox Signalling Molecules in your body is the most important thing you can do for your health. Your body is the most complex communication network on earth. These molecules communicate with each other to repair or eradicate damaged cells for optimal healthy living. Isn’t it time for you to live your best life?