Community News
Online Health and Wellness Resource

Wellnessnews Choices for Healthy Living® invites you to check out the Wellness Hub, your online Health and Wellness resource for Vancouver Island. The Wellness Hub features hundreds of local business and practitioners offering services and products. In addition, there are hundreds of health tips and articles on a variety of topics. It is easy to search, access and share information. There are currently a few events listed and we are hoping that soon it will be filled with local community events. While you are checking out the Wellness Hub, don’t forget to enter the October Contest. The draw date is October 31, 2021.

Helping Seniors Eat Healthy

Seniors need to get adequate nutrients from their meals to help them reduce the risk of serious health conditions, stabilize their mood, and maintain their mental health. Retirement communities help meet seniors’ nutrition needs by providing meals that are low in saturated fats and have moderate amounts of unsaturated fat, which promotes a stable body mass index (BMI) and metabolism. Healthy portion sizes support a healthy weight for older adults by preventing excessive calorie intake. If you or a loved one have questions about proper nutrition and eating habits for seniors, reach out to your care provider or retirement community.

Product Profile: VoxxLife Wearable Technology

Over the past four years, Great Socks for All has introduced pain relief and enhanced balance to the people on Vancouver Island. A Canadian, searching for drug free pain relief for his mother’s MS symptoms, spent several years and millions of dollars analysing brainstem functionality and the peripheral nervous system. The result of the research is a very specific sequence and pattern of neuroreceptor activation on the bottom of the feet. This pattern is incorporated into VOXXLife socks and insoles. Benefits include enhanced pain relief and management, especially PDN pain, enhanced postural stability and balance, improved mobility and higher energy levels.

Be Kind to Yourself

Silencing your inner critic takes time and practice, especially if yours has been taking centre stage. Maryse Cardin, author and motivational speaker from, talks about how it is important to stop and take notice of what we are telling our selves. Is what you’re saying encouraging, complimentary or something you would say to your loved ones? If not, it’s time to turn the station and “switch the song”. Remember a happy time in your life. A time that fills you with joy. Maryse indicates that when we stop catastrophizing, and instead tell ourselves what we are grateful for, we can sooth our systems.

Maximizing Your Retirement

Are you getting the most out of your retirement? Many retirees feel stuck, afraid to make decisions that will have an impact on their finances due to uncertainty around affordability during retirement.
In working with our clients, we develop a cohesive Total Wealth Plan, test boundaries and help clients build confidence around their retirement and finances.
Book a free consultation with our team to learn more about your financial capabilities and make decisions with confidence!

Are you suffering from Gum Disease?

Are your gums sensitive? Bleed when you floss or brush? You could be suffering from gum disease which is more serious to your health than you think. Gum disease has been linked to strokes, diabetes, heart disease and even dementia. Bacteria around your gums causes plaque to build up leading to inflammation. That inflammation impacts the bloodstream which is believed to damage blood vessels overtime. Gum disease has also been linked to problems in pregnancy leading to premature births and low birth weights. 50% of that plaque causing bacteria is on your tongue! So, brush your teeth AND tongue.

Good Posture is Important

Growing up, most of us heard our mother tell us not to slouch and “Sit up straight”. This was very good advice. A proper posture position keeps your body in alignment. Proper posture decreases the wear and tear of joint surfaces, you have less stress on your ligaments and also makes it easier for your muscles to work efficiently. With good posture, you will have less muscle strain and less back pain. A spine has three natural curves that are retained by good posture. A chiropractor can help you retain or regain the natural curves of the spine which will result in good posture and better overall back health.

The Canadian Lower Risk Gambling Guidelines

The Canadian Lower Risk Gambling Guidelines were released in September. They include. Guideline 1: Gamble no more than 1% of household income, e.g.: $60,000 annual gross income = $50/month. Guideline 2: Gamble no more than 4 days per month = roughly once a week. Guideline 3: Avoid regularly gambling at more than two types of games, including lotteries, sports betting, table games, slot machines, scratch tickets, horse racing, bingo, video lottery terminals (VLTs), and online gambling. See more at . Mental health & addictions, gambling type and reasons for gambling can make these guidelines difficult to follow. Reach out at VI Gaming Support! We’re here for you!

Pleasure is your Birthright

We are designed to experience pleasure. We have an entire nervous system offering unlimited pathways to pleasure. Pleasure is healing, creating feel good emotions and hormones, and encourages human connection. Pleasure directly impacts our nervous system, shaping us, guiding us into calming and grounding, awakening and enlivening. Sometimes life experiences have us living in fight/flight/freeze/appease. Some of us have a hard time getting aroused at all, waking up and enlivening our body. Pleasure has inherent value, and is revolutionary in a world where doing and achievement are the focus. Life begins here, with touch, with Pleasure. I invite you to learn with me.

Seasonal Affective Disorder

With the days becoming shorter and the weather shifting, it’s common for a lot of people to feel the effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Have you noticed a difference in your loved one’s mood, sleep patterns, appetite or energy levels? SAD can be isolating and can result in withdrawal from regularly loved activities. Fortunately, exercise, diet and just being there for someone can help offset the symptoms of SAD. Care & Company has many wonderful companions who can help with your loved ones as they face the challenges of SAD and are able to take them out, cook them a meal or just sit with them to brighten their day.

Dreaming of a Post-COVID Vacation? Tips and Trends for Travelling with Hearing Loss.

Everyone is eagerly awaiting the chance to start travelling again as the possibility is looking brighter each week. A post-COVID vacation could come with stress for the average person, let alone someone who is deaf or hard of hearing.

People who deal with hearing loss have very different travel experiences than those with normal hearing whether its pre or post-COVID. It’s usually extremely stressful, agitating and difficult, but it doesn’t have to be.

So many destinations are becoming more inclusive to provide better accommodations for people with hearing loss so they can have a much more positive experience in their travels.

Australia provides an “Experience Australia in 8D Audio” video series that gives listeners the illusion of sound all around them in each particular scene. It provides people with hearing loss a vivid and immersive listening experience that is normally very uncommon for this community.

Other popular destinations with excellent opportunities for the hearing community are New York City, Disney World, cruises, Cairns and France. They all provide specialized tours, accommodations and services for the deaf and hard of hearing.

Here are a few tips in preparation for your trip:

Plan in advance
If you have a framework of what your travels will look like and set up accommodations, reservations, tours etc. to best suit your hearing loss, you can avoid dealing with communication issues during your trip.

Make the most of technology
Download relevant apps such as Maps, translation, transit and more. Any apps that can assist you during your travels can be extremely helpful.

Advocate for yourself
Don’t be afraid to tell people you have a hearing loss. Since hearing aids can be so discreet, most people wouldn’t know you are wearing one. Once people are aware, they can take steps to communicate with you effectively.

Pack extra supplies
Bring extra packs of batteries, cleaning supplies, cases and other important supplies to ensure that if a battery dies or a tube gets clogged, you can manage this on the go.

Before leaving contact your local NexGen Hearing clinic to order extra supplies.