Community News
Words to Live By

“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.” -John Wooden

Product Review: RELEAF Stick

ACTIVE RELEAF aims to encourage active wellness through the use of nature’s most powerful ingredients. With a synergistic blend of coconut oil, shea butter, essential oils, and broad spectrum cannabinoid-rich hemp plant extract, ACTIVE RELEAF’s topicals offer a natural alternative for pain relief. Try the Original Formula RELEAF Stick as a reliable remedy to soothe everyday aches and pains. For extra stubborn discomfort associated with joint stiffness, and inflammation, the Extra Strength RELEAF+ Stick is specially formulated to soothe quickly and be long lasting. Apply liberally to affected areas 3 – 4 times a day or as needed.

Dementia-Friendly Technology

Dementia affects parts of the brain responsible for language, learning, and memory. Those living with dementia can find it scary and overwhelming, but there are some devices that can help make them feel safe and secure. An easy-to-read clock placed in clear view can help with daily routines and reduce anxiety. A wearable GPS tracker device can help locate someone with dementia in cases of emergency. Automated pill dispensers open automatically with an alert sound when it’s time to take medication. Finally, a wearable monitoring device can detect falls and alert medical responders to ensure those with dementia are safe.

Are You Having Fun?

As an older adult, you know that you need to stay active for optimal mental and physical health. But are you having FUN? Fun and joy are what make us feel truly alive, engaged, and connected to others. The world becomes more vibrant and inviting when we give ourselves permission to laugh and play. Every senior deserves to pursue enjoyable pastimes that make him or her lose track of time or feel like a goofy kid at heart. Plus, many of the best activities for senior citizens cost little or no money. Explore activities that spark the kid in you!

Welcoming Patients Back Safely

We have great news! Our clinic is now open for regular service. We’re taking extra measures to protect you and our staff during these times, including: asking screening questions about travel and health; having patients wait outside until they are called in for their appointment; asking patients to sanitize their hands and use mouthwash; wearing masks, face shields/safety glasses and gowns; sanitizing all equipment and surfaces; sterilizing all instruments and tools; and equipping front desks with Plexiglas, hand sanitizer, gloves, and masks. We’re ready to serve you in a safe environment and look forward to seeing you soon!

What’s the Human Body-Field?

While traditional healthcare has primarily focused on physiology, we are now seeing that energy and information control biology. In fact, frontier science proves that there is a regulating field of energy and information that operates in the physical body at the subcellular level. At NES Health, they call this the Human Body-Field (HBF), and they have researched its functions and structures for more than 30 years. In that time, they have discovered that the root causes of physical problems are distortions and blockages in the body-field, which serves as a master control system for all physiological function.

New Superberry: an Antioxidant Powerhouse

In the spectrum of nutrition, berries rank near the top, and among berries, none are more nutritious than the Aronia berry. That’s because powerful antioxidants (proanthocyanidins) in Aronia berries remove harmful free oxygen radicals from cells. Research shows that in diabetics, Aronia berry juice reduced blood glucose, and its extracts reduced inflammation and improved immunity. An extract of Aronia berries injected into highly malignant brain tumor cells killed malignant cells within 24 hours without harming healthy cells. And in hard-to-treat cancers, combining Aronia with chemotherapy improved the effectiveness of conventional drugs.

Acceptance & Adaptability

The Yoga tradition supports us in life by teaching us how to stop fighting with circumstance and to become adaptable. The many and varied practices of Yoga not only support us through difficult times but also offer a practical way to infuse our lives with greater ease, clarity and presence. Numerous practices of Yoga teach us to hone our inner life as well as our relationships with others and with the world at large. Such practices teach us how to cling less, resist less, observe our fears in order to be less reactive and to not buy into our ego-driven thoughts. They also encourage us to live with greater acceptance, compassion and gratitude, no matter the external circumstance. For some FREE Practices for Difficult Times and upcoming Deep Self Care online program go to

Music of the Plants: Interspecies Communication

Since the 1970s, Damanhur—a Federation of Communities with its own constitution, culture, music, currency, school and uses of science and technology has researched communication with the plant world. They created an instrument that perceives the electromagnetic variations from the surface of plant leaves to the root system and translates them into sound. Each variation is given a different musical note value. When connected, the musical instrument digital interface turns the value into an audible note of music. Plants can create 4 to 5 octaves of music and upward of 120 different sounds. Music of the Plants allows people around the world to connect with plants’ innate intelligence to expand their awareness.

Dealing with Grief & Trauma

Trauma and grief often go hand-in-hand, and learning how to mourn can be a crucial part of healing from grief and trauma. Grief is the reactions that we must mourn through a shift to an active, shared response instead of a passive, isolated one. Six ways to help active mourning include: 1) Acknowledging the loss is real. 2) Interacting with the pain instead of avoiding it. 3) Honouring what you loved about who/what you are mourning. 4) Discovering the new you in the context of loss. 5) Finding meaning and purpose beyond what happened. 6) Getting ongoing support and talking with loved ones and/or a professional.

Dysregulation, Disorders, and Music Therapy

Music has nonverbal, creative, structural, and emotional qualities. These are used in the therapeutic relationship between client and music therapist to facilitate contact, self-expression, communication, and other clinical goals. Our bodies pulsing with internal rhythms of the heart, the digestive system, and the lungs synchronize to music with its intrinsically rhythmical structure. For people living with autism, ADHD, mood disorders, effects of TBI, stroke, or trauma, the skillful use of music and its elements such as melody, rhythm, and dynamics promotes positive change. Most significantly, it influences the important and necessary shift in physiological and emotional responses away from dysregulation towards regulation and balance.