Community News
Medical Benefits of Wool

Do you know about the natural healing benefits of wool? There are many reasons why it is called “the miracle fiber”. Wool is a comforting and warm material used for many products such as footwear, blankets and clothing. Its natural healing properties are of great medical benefit to patients in home care and hospitals. Wool promotes healing by reducing pain and swelling. It provides cushioning and reduces pressure while regulating body temperature and drawing moisture away from the body. Laying on wool increases comfort, releases stress and promotes relaxation and restorative sleep. See Videos and more information on the website.

Counselling Can Support You

We all want to live our best life. But sometimes life presses down on us and we can’t seem to find our way out. This can sneak up on us – maybe a bad boss reminds us of something in our childhood. Or maybe a breakup leaves us feeling vulnerable, coping in unhelpful ways. It can even be unclear where this feeling comes from. How do you act confidently towards your goals? How do you be kind to yourself when you’re stuck? What do you do with old feelings that come up? Counselling is a safe, neutral place to feel better about yourself, and explore what’s next for you.

Aromatherapy for Anxiety

Chronic anxiety is unpredictable and overpowering. Did you know that caffeine has been associated with anxiety? Caffeine increases alertness by blocking a brain chemical (adenosine) that makes you feel tired, and overuse can cause anxiety. The essential oils suggested to help with anxiety are Basil, Bergamot, Frankincense, Geranium, Lavender, Melissa, Marjoram, and Patchouli. Inhaling a couple of deep breaths of your chosen essential oil will help calm down that feeling of being overwhelmed. Better still is having a diffuser in your home, car or workplace. This will diffuse the essential oils into the air. Now all you have to do is breathe and relax.

Get Your Mouth Checked!

An oral health exam is critical to the maintenance of your overall wellbeing. You should have your mouth checked at least once a year for prevention and treatment of any ailments. Even if you don’t have any live teeth, it’s important to make sure there are no signs of infections or early signs of cancer, growths, or cysts, and that your dentures are fitting you well. Leaving problems untreated usually leads to pain, periodontal disease, or tooth loss, and could make treatment more difficult, so it’s best to deal with problems early, or, if possible, prevent them.

The Shock-Cancer link

German New Medicine explains the cause, development and eventual healing of disease through the understanding of five biological laws. These laws are a specific natural program that help our bodies to deal with stress and trauma. Ryke Geerd Hamer, MD, discovered a correlation between cancer and specific traumas that can be visualized in brain scans. The NES Health bioenergetic scan is also able to show shock and trauma recorded in the brain based on the energy field of the human body. Studies have shown that by correcting the energetic blockages, the body can finish the natural program and get back to a healthy and balanced state.

10-Point Risk Assessment

Is it time to get a medical alert system in your home? If you answer “yes” to most of these, maybe it’s time to consider one. Are you over the age of 55? Do you live alone? Do you use a cane or walker to assist you? Have you fallen in the past year? Do you take daily medication? Have you been hospitalized in the past 3 years? Do you sometimes feel weak or dizzy? Is it important for you to continue living independently? With a medical alert unit, you can have peace of mind knowing that help is available at the push of a button, anywhere you go!

Hemp Oil for Health

Hemp seed carrier oil contains high volumes of linoleic acids, also known as omega-6. These acids offer a variety of health benefits, and hemp seed carrier oil can be used in a few different ways. When applied topically, hemp seed carrier oil can refresh and strengthen the skin, even out the complexion, as well as promote wound healing. It can also calm scalp inflammation and condition hair to improve its texture. Hemp seed carrier oil can act medicinally, facilitating the healing of infections, improving circulation, promoting the body’s detoxification, easing muscle and joint pain, and balancing hormones.

Redox Signalling Molecules

“All disease begins with damaged cells.” Dr Gary Samuelson. PhD. Redox Signalling Molecules are native to our bodies. As we age production of these molecules slows down, resulting in aging skin, fatigue, disease, weight gain to name a few consequences. Increasing proper Redox Signalling Molecules in your body is the most important thing you can do for your health. Your body is the most complex communication network on earth. These molecules communicate with each other to repair or eradicate damaged cells for optimal healthy living. Isn’t it time for you to live your best life?

Information and Energy are Key to Health

Have you ever considered that in a state of total wellness, the body’s cells and organs always know what to do, and do it perfectly? The latest science is revealing the mechanisms that allow the body’s optimal functioning, and also what can cause it to lose resilience and efficacy, and to even malfunction. All of the science, along with NES’s extensive research and testing, has demonstrated that the root cause of malfunction – as well as the source of optimal functioning – exists beneath the physiology of the body. We must look to the physics underlying our biochemistry.

Don’t Let Missing Teeth Affect Your Life

Do you hide your mouth because you feel embarrassed about missing teeth? Missing teeth not only affects your general health and appearance, it may also contribute to depression and low self-esteem. Social embarrassment as a result of missing teeth and poorly fitting dentures may result in people avoiding social interactions. Don’t let tooth loss or improperly fitting dentures affect the quality of your life. Your denturist can explain the best ways to restore the function and appearance of your smile. Properly fitting dentures can help restore your self-esteem and bring back your smile.

Optimize Your Life!

We all want to live our best life, but it’s pretty easy to feel off-track. This can sneak up on us – an unsatisfying job, an upsetting event, or feelings about an ex, can lead you to cope in unhelpful ways. Or maybe it’s unclear where this feeling comes from. It can be hard to know how to act confidently towards your goals! How do you think well of yourself when you’re stuck? Counselling is a safe, neutral place to explore what’s next for you, and to feel better about yourself.