Community News
Time for an Eye Exam

Many of us take our vision for granted. We assume that if we can see fine then we do not need an eye exam. Periodic eye and vision examinations performed by an optometrist are an important part of caring for your eyes, vision, and overall health. Many eye and vision problems have no obvious signs or symptoms. Obvious signs that it is time for an eye exam include; difficulties seeing in the distance or up close, unexplained headaches or trouble reading at any distance. Early diagnosis and treatment of eye and vision problems can help prevent vision loss. Book an appointment today.

Keep Living Your Best Life

A good retirement residence is not just a convenient place to live, it’s an environment in which you can pursue your passions, thrive and continue living with purpose. It may be daunting to think about moving into a retirement home, but have you considered how your life might improve by making this change? Meet a new network of friends, build new relationships, and take part in activities you once enjoyed, or commit to learning something new! Leave the worrying behind when it comes to home maintenance, meal preparation and your own safety – and have us do it for you!

Sports Betting Support

Sports bettors, who tend to be young men, are the most vulnerable to problematic behavior, according to the NCPG’s National Survey on Gambling Attitudes and Gambling Experiences. The survey reveals that sports bettors are three times more likely to exhibit problem gambling behavior than other types of gamblers.” (Quoted from Given the popularity of sports betting across North America, and Canada’s soon-to-be new law allowing single event sports betting ( DoJ), vulnerable sports bettors may find themselves in a position to engage in more impulsive betting behaviour. Contact us for more info on how we can help!

Father’s Day Gift – Wellness

Does your dad have a closet full of Father’s Day ties? This year, show him that you care about his wellness and give him socks – VoxxLife socks. They have wearable technology that works with the brain to reduce pain, increase strength and endurance and enhance stability and balance. Knee-high socks with mild compression are great when standing for a long time or excess sitting. For the active walkers or runners, chose moisture-wicking socks to keep the feet cool in summer. Socks are available for pick-up or delivery in Central Vancouver Island or order directly from the website.

Pool Therapy for Joint Pain

Everyone needs to exercise to improve and maintain their general health. As we age, hip and knee joints can become painful from normal wear and tear! Mild Exercise therapy can help! Pool therapy is an excellent way to both manage pain and maintain strength, flexibility and mobility in joints and muscles. Warm water provides an environment that relaxes muscles allowing individuals to move with greater mobility and with less pain. Exercise and pool therapy pre-and post-surgery create greater surgery success and a more rapid recovery. There are many benefits to developing an at-home, gym or pool-based exercise routine. We are happy to help!

Information & Energy are Key to Health

“Have you ever considered that in a state of total wellness, the body’s cells and organs always know what to do, and do it perfectly? The latest science is revealing the mechanisms that allow the body’s optimal functioning, and also what can cause it to lose resilience and efficacy, and to even malfunction. All of the science, along with NES’s extensive research and testing, has demonstrated that the root cause of malfunction – as well as the source of optimal functioning – exists beneath the physiology of the body. We must look to the physics underlying our biochemistry.”

Help for Ankle Pain

Ankle pain can be frustrating. What helps? Exercises for your knees, quads, and glutes help. Just like the song “The Skelton Dance” states: “Your heel bone connected to your ankle bone, Your ankle bone connected to your leg bone and so on…”. Everything is connected. Once you have resolved the ankle pain, keep doing the stretches and exercises to prevent the pain from returning. Work with a physiotherapist and a Pilates teacher to help with pain and discomfort through the whole chain. They can help keep you pain-free.

An Antioxidant Powerhouse

In the spectrum of nutrition, berries rank near the top, and among berries, none are more nutritious than the Aronia berry. That’s because powerful antioxidants in Aronia berries remove harmful free oxygen radicals from cells. Research shows that in diabetics, Aronia berry juice reduced blood glucose, and its extracts reduced inflammation and improved immunity. An extract of Aronia berries injected into highly malignant brain tumor cells killed malignant cells within 24 hours without harming healthy cells. And in hard-to-treat cancers, combining Aronia with chemotherapy improved the effectiveness of conventional drugs.

Self-care Is Important

Seniors can benefit from incorporating self-care into their daily routines. Self-care activities include; *Choosing healthy foods, * Daily exercise, *Interesting hobbies, *Spending time with others, *Taking time to relax and *Getting enough sleep. For seniors, having a routine and ongoing self-care support from others is vital. Habits are easier to maintain with consistent actions. Others can support your self-care goals by encouraging you to keep them up if you feel discouraged. They can also help you find ways to overcome any limitations that may arise as you age or walk alongside you as you build these routines into your life.

Community Partnerships & Resources

At Wellnessnews Choices for Healthy Living®, we are proud to be active in our communities. We promote events and activities that help bring health and well-being into people’s lives. This month, we have partnered with the Victoria HarbourCats and the Nanaimo NightOwls Baseball Clubs, The Victoria Goddess Run and the Aging Well Seniors Expo in Cowichan. Our health and wellness resources include our printed newsletters, our online, the “Wellness Wednesday” radio show on CHLY 101.7 FM or and our Expos. Check out the Hub for more information and to enter our June contest.

Train for Everyday Activities

Functional Training is a classification of exercise which involves training for activities performed in daily life and is designed to help individuals move and perform better in their everyday activities. These types of exercises typically involve the use of your full body and multiple muscle groups, and consistent adherence can lead to a range of benefits including improved energy, body composition, metabolic function and sleep, and decreases in fat mass, stress, depression and risk of lifestyle diseases. At F45, we do Functional Training. Trial memberships are available.