Community News
17 Benefits of Drinking Water

We all know that drinking water is vital for life. But what, exactly, is water’s function within our bodies?
Here are the top 17 Functions & Benefits of Drinking Water:

1) Water composes 75% of your brain.

2) Water regulates your body temperature.

3) Makes up 83% of your blood.

4) Makes up 75% of your muscles.

5) Composes 22% of your bones.

6) Helps convert food into energy.

7) Removes waste and toxins.

8) Enables your body to absorb nutrients.

9) Moistens oxygen for breathing.

10) Cushions your joints.

11) Helps carry nutrients and oxygen to your cells.

12) Improves your productivity at work.

13) Natural remedy for a headache.

14) Relieves fatigue and improves your mood.

15) Reduces your risk of getting cancer.

16) Improves your performance during exercise.

17) Makes you look younger and healthier.

The amount of water you consume every day plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy mind and body.

Jen McCarthy

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