Community News
5 Tips for Being Socially Active

1. Make the most of your daily opportunities to socialize. 2. Practice a random act of kindness. It could be as small as smiling at someone else passing by – paying your happiness forward will not only brighten someone else’s day, but yours as well! 3. Find time to volunteer. Whether it’s participating in service clubs or joining a hobby group, you’ll find that there are many healthy benefits to volunteering. It can build self-esteem and confidence, and expand your network of social support.
4. Combine social interaction with an activity. It could be a physical activity like walking together or a fitness class, or it could be something like a book club or a play. Ask someone to try a brain-challenging game together. Enjoy yourself while you positively impact your brain health. 5. Maintain old friendships and make new ones. Stay social through work, volunteer activities, travel, hobbies, family and friends. Be open to new experiences – accept invitations and extend a few of your own. Keep up your old and new friendships through talking on the phone, chatting online via email or Facebook or even writing a letter.

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