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8 Ways to Radiant Skin

1) From the holistic perspective, feeding yourself quality ingredients is the way to look and feel your best.
2) Talk nice to yourself. You are already a beautiful creature! When you know this from the heart, it shows on your skin. That kind of confidence cannot be bought.
3) Get to know yourself spiritually, you are part of limitless potential and you can do whatever your heart desires.
4) Believe in who you are.
5) Feed yourself with good books, music and loved ones.
6) Go into nature and take deep breaths. Sit and breathe, walk your dog and breath, ski and breath, do something to calm the mind and get oxygen into the body.
7) Take time for you.
8) Eat healthy, get exercise, and do not over do anything.

Lori Cohen, Optima Organics,

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