Community News
A Double Whammy to Your Heart 

Noise Pollution is a contamination of the quality of the sound in the air. (Gasoline powered leaf blowers, construction sites) Air Pollution is a contamination of the physical and chemical properties of the air. (Exhaust from buses/planes, gasoline powered lawn mowers) Both types of pollution is a disruption of the normal, homeostatic quality of the environment and detrimental to the quality of life. Because of this connection, some have tried to dismiss studies linking air pollution to increased heart risks, blaming it on the noise in the area instead – and vice versa. Now new research has settled this point of contention, as it looked at air pollution and noise pollution simultaneously and found that each form of pollution was independently associated with heart risks, or hardening of the arteries. Both are believed to increase your cardiovascular disease risk including by causing an imbalance in your autonomic nervous system.

Richard Larkin,

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