Community News
Are You Rescuing, Helping or Enabling?

Sometimes our motivation to help others looks altruistic and helpful, but it actually comes from a deeper desire to heal a wounded part of ourselves. The part that needs affection, attention, praise, validation and love disguised in the role of helping. The rescuer gets stuck in their identity of being needed. The role of helper starts in childhood respondig to the needs of others with the selflessness nature, appearing to have very few needs of their own. Focusing their lives on helping, rescuing and healing others, they don’t have to feel their own pain and helplessness. Inner burn out, over giving, resentment, selflessness, an inability to acknowledge their own needs and difficulty being vulnerable are some of the symptoms that begin to appear over time in a never fulfilling cup. When the rescuer finds the strength to turn inwards and face their needs…healing begins!

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