Community News
The Art of Healing

A integrated patient-centered clinic is the way of the future. A patient-centered clinic is a way of thinking and doing things that see patients as an equals, collaborating in planning and developing treatment strategies and options. Active listening and respecting patient’s values, while carefully communicating gives patients hope. Being heard and listened too are essentials for patients to build their trust and belief in their healing. We are passionate and have work hard at being knowledgeable about our medicine, techniques and, methods that we offer. However, our patient may not share our enthusiasm. In reality, patients only wants to know if we can help them confidently and effectively. Taking the time to listen to our patients, enables us to diagnosis and provide the services needed. With patient-centered care we ask what their expectations are; what are they expecting to get out of the consultation and treatments. The key is to listen closely for their answer.

Dr. Ross Ralph, Dr.TCM,R. Ac.,DOMP,

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